ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - The first national workshops already took place



Within the framework of the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project, Lechner Nonprofit Ltd. with the First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association held their first national workshop in Szeged, Hungary on May 17, 2017. The theme of the workshop was the measurement of the territorial attractiveness, the utilization of suitable indicators on a domestic scale, and the presentation of the use of the National Spatial Planning and Territorial Information System (TeIR).

One more link for interest to the first Hungarian national workshop (in Hungarian):

The first National Workshop of the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project held in Hungary


The first National Workshop of our Serbian partner of the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project was organised by the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS), took place in Belgrade, Hotel “88 rooms“, Rooftop Conference Room, 25/5/2017, from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. The workshop was attended by 35 stakeholders from 19 organisations – national, regional, local public authorities, sectoral agencies and interest groups. Greeting speeches were given by Mr. Đorđe Milić, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, and by Mr. Saša Milijić, Director of IAUS. Alongside the presenters/moderators from IAUS, Blaž Barborič, Project Leader also gave a presentation.

The first National Workshop of the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project held in Serbia


The project ATTRACTIVE DANUBE, which was approved by the Danube Transnational Programme, organized on 23 May first out of three planned National workshop about territorial attractiveness in Slovenia. The purpose of the workshop was to enhance cooperation between organizations responsible for planning and implementation of territorial development policies and to improve  knowledge of attractiveness indicators that support development strategies in order to create a more attractive Danube Region.

In the first part of the workshop were presented the best practices of territorial attractiveness in the field of attractive areas for investment promotion, development of ecotourism and management of public green areas. Then the concept of territorial attractiveness, preparation of the Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia and measuring the effects of green tourism were presented.

The second part of the workshop focused on practical work on defining national attractiveness indicators to support and implement strategies of regional / local territorial attractiveness.

The workshop was attended by representatives of ministries, faculties and other educational institutions, regional development agencies, tourist organizations, research institutions, non-governmental organizations and private companies.

The first National Workshop of the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project held in Slovenia

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)