Made in Danube: Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the first edition of the newsletter of the Made in Danube project. Made in Danube is a strategic project implemented by the INTERREG Danube Transnational programme co-financed by European Union funds. Its objective is to promote Bioeconomy in the Danube Region by supporting 3 viable innovation hubs in the field of forestry, agriculture and biofuel. Made in Danube has started in January 2017 and this 1st newsletter presents the project’s progress so far, highlighting meetings, events, new calls and synergies with other projects. But we also look on the future of the project by delivering updates and information on recent events, offers and requests in the field of Technology Transfer and Bioeconomy. Our newsletters will inform you quarterly about the progress of the project. We welcome your contributions and inputs. Stay tuned and enjoy reading!
Yours sincerely,
Made in Danube consortium
Made in Danube Project
The rising population and associated demand for renewable biological resources make Bioeconomy (agriculture, forestry, bio-energy) a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region. Successful development of innovative services and new products in this field highly depend on an efficient collaboration between research and innovation organizations and regional companies. Made in Danube will try to improve the conditions for the cooperation by:
Developing a “Common Strategy to transform ideas into marketable products and services for the regional Initiatives”;
Integrating three existing regional initiatives:
1. Smart and innovative precision farming (Nitra, Slovakia);
2. Competence Center in Wood Sector (Vukovar, Croatia);
3. Biofuel (Novi Sad, Serbia)
Support good practices exchange in technology transfer/innovation partnerships by establishing a transnational network
Developing tools and services (Innovation Audits, Technology Offers / Technology Request, Brokerage Events and Training Tool KITs) to implement concrete transnational collaboration projects.
Made in Danube will further implement the developed tools and aims to facilitate knowledge sharing between research institutions and companies, towards building a total of 15 sustainable bioeconomy-based innovation partnerships involving 40 regional companies. Made in Danube will not only contribute to the competitiveness of SMEs in the South-Eastern Danube Region but also generate significant change for the entire area by supporting regional Smart Specialization Strategies.
Involving 15 project partners and 3 associated strategic partners from 10 Danube Region countries, Made in Danube will generate significant changes throughout the entire Danube Region in order to improve framework conditions for innovation and support the implementation of regional Smart Specialization Strategies.
More... http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/made-in-danube
Made in danube - , 21st - 22nd, 2017, International Kick-Off Meeting and Kick-Off Event, Stuttgart, Germany
Lead partner Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum and the consortium of the Interreg project Made in Danube organized the international Kick-off Meeting and Kick-Off Event.
Both events marked the official launch of the project and brought together around 80 participants from all Danube Region.
During the Kick-Off Event, project stakeholders, representatives from regional SMEs, higher education and research institutions, innovating centers, regional public authorities as well as the general public had the opportunity to meet and share their perspective on Bioeconomy, focusing on sustainable agriculture, forestry and bioenergy. Participants had the opportunity to take part in one of the three following parallel sessions:
1. Smart and innovative precision farming – held by Transfer Center at Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia
2. Competence Center in Wood Sector – held by Vukovar-Srijem County Development Agency HRAST, Vukovar, Croatia
3. Biofuel – held by University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia
The presentations and a selection of pictures are available here ; Pictures from the Kick-Off Meeting are available here
More… http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/263
Synergies with others projects: DanuBioValNet
Cross-clustering partnership for boosting eco-innovation by developing a joint bio-based value-added network for the Danube Region
The transition of a fossil-based to a bio-based industry addresses some of the main challenges identified in the Danube region. The dependency on fossil resources will be reduced and climate change targets be supported by reducing the GHG emissions. Furthermore the eco-innovations will support the regional development by diversifying the local economy and creating new employment opportunities.
The development of new bio-based value chains from primary production to consumer markets needs to be done by connecting enterprises from different regions and industries. But due to a missing holistic transnational approach Danube actors in bio-based industry still operate disconnected and cannot properly benefit from the potential.
Therefore the aim of this project is to develop new methods and tools to connect enterprises transnationally. Clusters as the representatives of many enterprises are chosen to organise the industry cooperations and creation of new value chains, because they are sustainable partners and guarantee the upgradeability in the dimension industry, sciences and politics.
DanuBioValNet – Kick off Conference, and C2C brokerage event, 30/3/2017 in Prague
More... http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/danubiovalnet
Europe is setting course for a resource-efficient and sustainable economy
The goal is a more innovative, low-emissions economy, reconciling demands for sustainable agriculture, fisheries, food security, the sustainable use of renewable biological resources for industrial purposes. The EC has set a Bioeconomy Strategy and action plan which focuses on three key aspects: developing new technologies/processes for the bioeconomy; developing markets/competitiveness in bioeconomy sectors; pushing policymakers/stakeholders to work closely together.
More... https://ec.europa.eu/research/bioeconomy/index.cfm?pg=policy
Danube-INCO.NET position papers related to Bioeconomy
2 position papers have been elaborated by Danube-INCO.Net 2016: DanuBioNet position paper for the development of Bioeconomy in the Danube region and Bioeconomy for the Danube region.
More… https://danube-inco.net/object/document/18543 |
What's New in the Geothermal, Biomass and Hydropower Industries
Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs)
The joint programming concept was introduced by the European Commission in July 2008 to support the implementation of the European Research Area. The objective of joint programming is to ‘increase the value of relevant national and EU R&D funding by concerted and joint planning, implementation and evaluation of national research programmes’.
More… https://ec.europa.eu/research/bioeconomy/index.cfm?pg=policy&lib=jpi
HORIZON 2020 - Work Programme 2016-2017, Food security, sustainable agriculture, forestry, and the bioeconomy
H2020 backs 8 new energy efficiency with multimillion euro funding
EUREKA is an intergovernmental organization for market-driven industrial R&D. It is a decentralized network facilitating the coordination of national funding on innovation aiming to boost the productivity & competitiveness of EU industries. The network integrates over 40 pan-European economies, but also includes Israel, South Korea, and Canada. Following a bottom-up approach with projects being in any technological area, including agriculture, forestry, bio-energy, with a civilian purpose, EUREKA has been the driving force of innovation in Europe for over 30 years.
More… http://www.eurekanetwork.org/ ; http://eureka.cmail20.com
EUREKA - Danube region call for projects
Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Romania are announcing the 2nd Call EUREKA Danube for Proposals for joint R&D projects, focusing on developing innovative products and applications in all technological and application areas. Applicants are expected to develop ready to market solutions or projects which have strong market potential for all involved participants.
More... http://www.eurekanetwork.org/content/danube-region-call-projects
3rd call for Interreg Europe project proposals is now open
Interreg Europe is calling for project proposals dealing with one of four topics: research and innovation, SME competitiveness, low-carbon economy, or environment and resource efficiency. The call is open until 30 June 2017.
By supporting interregional cooperation projects, Interreg Europe helps local, regional and national governments and public authorities across Europe develop and deliver better policy by sharing solutions with each other.
More… http://www.interregeurope.eu/projects/apply-for-funding/ |
Erasmus+ Programme - Call for Proposals 2017. Deadline: October 4, 2017
Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy
FET Funding Opportunities - FET Open funding opportunities for Research projects
Under Horizon 2020, FET Open continues its mission to support early-stage joint science and technology research around new ideas for radically new future technologies, in all technological areas.
More... https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/fet-open |
Events in the field of bioeconomy, technology transfer, innovation and business finding partners |
Invitation: 2nd Priority Areas (PA) Cross-fertilization Workshop, 25 April 2017, Vukovar, Croatia
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 2nd PA Cross-fertilization Workshop on 25th April 2017 in Vukovar/Croatia.
Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, as Working Group “Innovation and Technology Transfer” Coordinator in Priority Area 8, and Work Package Leader in the DANUBE-INCO.NET project will organize the event together with EKO-SUSTAV Ltd and Competence Centre (Vukovar, Croatia).
The objective of the Workshop is to open PAs Cross-fertilization perspectives on Competitiveness and Internationalization of SMEs in Bioeconomy in Danube Region with the participation of relevant representatives of the area of R&I.
The event will be organized in the Conference Hall in Vukovar-Srijem Country (Županijska 9, 32000 Vukovar, Croatia).
More… please contact: Isabel Trömel, Email: troemel@steinbeis-europa.de, Tel: +49 721 93519 133
E² Tech4Cities Brokerage Event 2017, during the EU Sustainable Energy Week, June, 23, 2017, Brussels
Find your next research, technology or financial partner. One movement to Brussels, multiple business opportunities!
What’s in for you as a potential participant?
- Find & meet your next research & technology partner @ E² Tech4Cities Brokerage event
- Take the chance to meet potential investors to develop your project idea
- Pave the way to long-term technological, R&DI collaborations based on tech transfer, innovation and research activities, to develop, market sustainable, efficient solutions for cities, in line with your business development strategy
- Participate in the matchmaking event & follow the presentations, workshops, exhibitions held during the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) since the brokerage is near the heart of the European District.
More… https://www.b2match.eu/e2tech4cities2017
Close-to-market EUREKA event, Barcelona 15-19 May 2017
Join the biggest close-to-market event in Barcelona with a focus on smart technologies such as Clean Tech, Digital Society, Bioeconomy, Health&Biomedical, Industry 4.0, advanced materials and Smart transport and Infrastructure.
More… http://www.cdti.es/index.asp?idioma=2&MS=193&MN=3&IDR=2550&r=1920*1080;
London Space Week, 4th and 5th of October 2017, Glaziers Hall in London
The event is based on pre-planned Business2Business meetings, with conferences and a Startup Challenge dedicated to our pre-selected 18 start-ups who are going to pitch about their latest innovation.
This event allows you to get in touch with other companies actively working in the space industry.
More… Maxine BENACOM phone: +33 146 901 902 email: maxine@london-space-week-meetings.com
6th International Bioeconomy Conference, May 10-11, 2017 - Halle, Germany
The conference is regarded as one of the most important bioeconomy events in Germany. Every year it brings together internationally renowned representatives of science and industry to discuss the latest research findings, innovations and current developments on the market.
More… https://www.bioeconomy-conference.de/index.php?id=2&L=1
Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge Info week, Brokerage event, 14-17 November 2017, Brussels
The Research Executive Agency (REA), the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) of the European Commission are co-organizing an Info Week on Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 (SC2) ‘Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry and the bioeconomy’.
More… https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/news/horizon-2020-societal-challenge-2-infoweek
European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, June 12-15, 2017 - Stockholm, Sweden
As one of the world’s leading R&D conference combined with an international exhibition, the EUBCE represents the leading platform for the collection, exchange and dissemination of scientific expertise in the field of biomass.
More… http://www.eubce.com/home.html
Biotech/Bioeconomy IP Training for Exploitation of EU funded project results, 10-11 May 2017, Prague, Czech Rep.
You are hereby invited to a free, EU funded training seminar on IP in the fields with a focus on better exploitation and use of results of EU funded projects. This seminar is organized by the European IPR Helpdesk, Enterprise Network Europe, and Fit for Health 2.0. The deadline for registration is 2nd of May 2017.
More... https://www.iprhelpdesk.eu/event/3908-FFH2.0_EUIPRHD_Prague_2017
Virtual classroom sessions on technology commercialization; 8 – 24 May 2017, online
The European Patent Academy is organizing a series of virtual classroom sessions introducing technology commercialization. The lessons are based on ip4inno training modules, specifically designed for companies, business advisors, technology transfer offices and others aiming to utilize intellectual property in their businesses.
More… https://www.iprhelpdesk.eu/event/3967-technology-commercialisation
Interreg Central Europe Annual Conference 2017, September 21-22, 2017, Berlin, Germany
20 years ago the first transnational Interreg programme was launched for central European regions and cities. What started with Interreg IIC CADSES has evolved into today's Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE. Since 1997 transnational cooperation helped hundreds of great ideas come true. This anniversary will be celebrated with a major conference in Berlin.
More… http://www.interreg-central.eu/Annual-Conference-2017.html?utm_source=phplist23&utm_
Selection for your Agenda
Removing Cultural Barriers to Innovation, 9-10 May, in Berlin
Innovation Life Cycle Management Process, 29-30 May, Berlin
5th UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event, 31 May – 2 June, Leuven
Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court Conference, 5 July 2017, Munich
European Biotech Week, 25 September - 1 October 2017
European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy, 9-11 October, Brussels
Intellectual Property Summit 2017, 7-8 December 2017, Brussels
Managing Export Control in University Research and Technology Transfer, on-demand video, DVD, or PDF Transcript |
Technology Offers; Technology Requests |
The insider’s guide to Horizon 2020 with expert funding tips to help increase your odds of success
To succeed at Horizon 2020, you need a good road map not just for the fundamentals of applying for grants, but to the many policy, political nuances you need to know. This guide provides expert funding tips that will increase your odds of success.
More… http://sciencebusiness.net/horizon2020/theinsidersguide/#sthash.rYofw0sX.dpuf
The LaunchPad: bridge the gap between innovation and explosive growth
The LauchPad offers solutions to validate hypotheses, testing for value and accelerating time to market through a set of tools such as a Technology Platform, a hub for collaborating on Lean initiatives and keep track of the progress toward product-market fit; Immersion Programs, customized workshops to rethink how to bring ideas to market and Advisory Services to adapt Lean innovation to one’s business priorities.
More… https://www.launchpadcentral.com/
Bioeconomy research community
Bioeconomy research community Oulu is a researcher-driven network of active research groups within the domain of biomass conversion and valorization. Together we possess a strong knowledge base in biology, chemistry, biomass conversion technologies, allowing research to proceed through the biomass value network.
More… http://www.oulu.fi/bioeconomy/
Turning organic waste into a source of value
COSME Programme
COSME is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs running 2014 - 2020 with a planned budget of €2.3bn.
COSME will support SMEs in the following area:
More… Cosme/calls-for-proposals
EUREKA Clusters
Initiated by European industry, EUREKA Clusters are long-term and strategically significant initiatives that develop technologies of key importance for European competitiveness.
Addressing the needs of both large companies and SMEs, they are the engine for industrial innovation and economic growth.
More… http://www.eurekanetwork.org/content/eureka-clusters
Cluster Excellence Programme
ECCP platform, the leading web platform for European clusters
This platform provides online information and networking support for clusters aiming to improve their performance and increase their competitiveness through the stimulation of trans-national and international cooperation, build communication bridges, facilitate cluster cooperation.
You can register your cluster organization on the platform.
More… http://www.clustercollaboration.eu ; support@clustercollaboration.eu
Cluster collaboration & business support tools to facilitate entrepreneurship, cross-sectorial collaboration
The European Cluster Observatory is a single access point for statistical information, analysis and mapping of clusters and cluster policy in Europe that is foremost aimed at European, national, regional and local policy-makers as well as cluster managers and representatives of SME intermediaries.
More… the Guide… http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/initiatives/cluster/observatory/2014-10-10-eco-report-d4.1.pdf
Enterprise Europe Network – Sector Groups
The Network helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make the most of business opportunities in the EU and beyond (all Made in Danube countries). They offer many services, free of charge by 600 member organizations.
More… http://een.ec.europa.eu/
TED - Tenders Electronic Daily dedicated to European public procurement
TED provides free access to business opportunities. TED Tenders Electronic Daily is the online version of the 'Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU, dedicated to European public procurement. How can I benefit from TED?
Information about every procurement document is published in the 24 official EU languages.
More… http://ted.europa.eu/TED/main/HomePage.do
Practical Guide to EU Funding 2014-2020
Having trouble finding the right EU fund for your project? The Research Centre of the European Parliament, also known as the EP Think Tank, has published the latest Guide to EU funding for the period 2017 -2020.
Readers can look for simple information about funding opportunities for the most relevant EU funds.
More… https://epthinktank.eu/2017/02/20/guide-to-eu-funding-2014-2020/
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