
Overview of the project's progress


The main objective of the GRENDEL project is to provide proactive support to public authorities and the Danube vessel operators in the challenging modernisation process of the existing fleet. During the last 6 months, the activities progressed and exchanges continued via the participation at various meetings or events.

  • The know-how transfer activities were pursued. Among others, a new technological factsheet on fuel cell propulsion was elaborated. A second know-how transfer event will be organized at the beginning of 2020.
  • Information about investment needs of the Danube IWT sector was gathered and shall be used for the elaboration of the model State Aid Scheme.
  • After various preparatory works, a first coordination meeting took place with the European Commission (DG COMP) to discuss about the elaboration of the GRENDEL model State Aid Scheme. Further consultation of Danube Ministries of transport via an upcoming Public Consultation on 22.01.2020 (Danube Commission, Budapest) and of the European Commission will happen.
  • A structure of an IWT fleet modernisation strategy & recommendations is now available and will be further developed until the end of the project.



GRENDEL presented at the first Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum in Graz


From 26 to 27 September 2019 the very first “Sustainable Shipping Technologies Forum” took place in Graz, Austria. The forum provided an overview of the current developments in the field of emission-free shipping and pointed out potentials for future innovations and cooperation.


Highly innovative international shipping research projects such as HyMethShip, FLAGShIPS, AIRCOAT and many others were presented and discussed. Among these projects as well GRENDEL delivered an overview of activities and in particular stressed the need for the funding, for example through State Aid schemes which are currently under development in the Danube region as one of the GRENDEL activities.



Publication of a 4th technological innovation factsheet on fuel cell propulsion


A technological innovation factsheet about fuel cell propulsion was newly elaborated in the framework of GRENDEL in cooperation with the INDanube Innovation Transfer Centre.


This factsheet offers insight into various applications of fuel cells for propulsion and auxiliary power in inland ships. Hydrogen storage options and alternative energy carriers are presented with their pros and cons in brief. Information ranges from relevant regulations, technical concepts including benefits and downsides to recommendations for further reading.




NAIADES III Brainstorming Meeting in Brussels


The European Parliament adopted earlier this year a Motion for a Resolution to urge the European Commission to update and renew the NAIADES action programme by 2020 in order to ensure that the potential of inland waterway transport (IWT) as a safe, sustainable and effective mode of transport can be fully exploited.


With IWT having sufficient capacity to absorb much higher volumes of freight and passengers, the resolution calls for proactive policies aimed at supporting the sector in view of the digital, technological and environmental challenges in logistics and mobility.



GRENDEL at a workshop on the realization of a modern fleet organised by UNECE Working Party


On 19th June 2019, a workshop about the realization of a modern fleet, enhancing navigation safety and fostering innovations was organised in the framework of the 55th session of the Working Party on the Standardization of Technical and Safety Requirements in Inland Navigation (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - UNECE) in Geneva, Switzerland. The major challenges of the modernisation of the Inland Waterway Transport in Europe were reminded.


The workshop was gathering delegations, among others delegations of Danube States (Germany, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine), and other stakeholders involved in the thematic of the modernisation of the fleet as EUROMOT or Tehag Engineering AG. Innovative projects and European regulations for engines were in particularly presented.




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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)