
DANUBE PoRTS NETWORK - Balanced development of danube ports


On 1 January 2017, twenty-three partners from the Danube region officially started the project DAPhNE (Danube Ports Network). Co-funded by the Danube Transnational Programme as one of the 54 approved projects out of 547 initially submitted applications, the project focuses on improving the performance of Danube Ports with the aim to turn them into buzzing economic centres. In a nutshell, DAPhNE touches on topics such as port legislation & funding, port administration & management, port development and port strategy & port network formation.

By exploring these four topics, the consortium will significantly contribute to stepwise close the existing gaps between the 70 Danube ports located along the 2.414 km of the Danube River that deal with poor access infrastructure and superstructure, uncoordinated legal and regulatory frameworks, different ownership and administrative models, reduced private investments in the port area and decreasing human resources for this specific sector.  

Thirty months of pioneering work are lying ahead of the DAPhNE consortium (January 2017-June 2019) under the coordination of Pro Danube International as lead partner.

The total budget of the project is 2.985.406,15 Euro, out of which the ERDF contribution amounts to 2.415.219,77 Euro & the IPA contribution amounts to 122.375,77 Euro.

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successful kick-off meeting in budapest


On 20 February 2017, DAPhNE was officially started with a successful kick-off event in Budapest, hosted by the Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports. The event was designed to raise awareness of the objectives and activities of the project and provide information to the public and private stakeholders on the expected results and benefits. The event brought together high level representatives from the European Federation of Inland Ports (Mr Alexander van den Bosch) and from the Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports (Capt. Szalma Béla) as well as Project Officer Mrs. Ana Leganel from the DTP Joint Secretariat.


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who we are - introduction of the partnership


The DAPhNE consortium consists of 23 partners from 9 Danube riparian countries (AT, SK, HU, HR, RS, RO, BG, MD, UK), committed to support the future development of the Danube ports.

We all have ample expertise in IWT, port operations, legal & administrative frameworks, research & innovation, education & human resources.


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project progress in the first 3 month


In line with the approved application form, the DAPhNE partners started working on the planned tasks. The first consortium meeting and the first Work Package leader meeting took place in February where the partners discussed work plan in details and agreed in the next steps. In Partners have started the preparatory activites of each work packages.


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Upcoming events - save the date!


To help tighten the ties between the Danube Port Community members, a series of events have been planned by the DAPhNE partners. Interested parties are invited to attend and get in contact with the Lead Partner - PDI  to learn more about the conditions for participation (Raluca Danila – Project Manager / PDI:


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)