
To help tighten the ties between the Danube Port Community members, a series of events have been planned by the DAPhNE partners. Interested parties are invited to attend and get in contact with the Lead Partner-PDI  to learn more about the conditions for participation (Raluca Danila – Project Manager/PDI: danila@prodanube.eu )

Danube Ports Info Day

Munich/DE, 11th May 2017, 12:00 - 14:00, Transport Logistic Fair Munich/DE, Hall B3/ 306

The Danube Ports Info Day is meant to promote Danube Ports as logistics & service hubs as well as ideal locations to setting up businesses needing waterborne & intermodal logistics infrastructure. The Danube Ports Info Day shall facilitate a structured discussion on port development opportunities touching on topics such as port infrastructure, PPPs for port investments and innovation& new markets in the Danube Region. This shall enable Danube Ports to transform more effectively into centres for regional development. The dialogue between industry representatives and port authorities will identify requirements for cost-effective logistics solutions and shortcomings as well as special investment / co-operation opportunities.

Read more: http://www.transportlogistic.de/index-2.html

Danube Ports Policy Day – Budapest/ HU, 18/19 October 2017, 6th Annual EUSDR Forum

The event will be connected to the programme of the 6th Annual EUSDR Forum. It will address port policy & port governance issues for all Danube Ports. The participation of DG Move & DG Regio representatives is foreseen in order to learn first-hand about the ongoing and forthcoming EU port legislation, EU funding and finance opportunities for port development and modernization.

Read more: https://www.danube-region.eu/communication/events/600198-6th-annual-forum-of-the-eusdr/event_details

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)