Learning by Doing - Newsletter 3 - June 2019




The final Conference of our project Learning by Doing hosted by the lead partner Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in 12 June 2019. 

The event was attended by representatives of the 24 partners involved in the project, representatives of the Technical Secretariat of the DTP Program, guests of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the project leader.

The results of the project were presented: VET Observatory, project video, Best Practice Guide and collaboration protocols for the project's sustainability period.

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More pictures from event


The Learning by Doing project - at the 8th Annual Forum of EUSDR, 27-28 June 2019


As a key event of the 2019 EUSDR Presidency, under the Romanian EU Council Presidency, the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Romania, the European Commission and the Danube Transnational Program held the 8th Annual Forum on 27th and the 28th of June 2019 in Bucharest (Palace of Parliament).

The 8th Annual Forum, was organized under the motto: “Building cohesion for a shared prosperity in the Danube Region”, coverring topics of particular importance for the Danube region: connectivity and regional mobility, economy, ICT, environment, tourism, links between Macro-regional strategies, ESIF programs and the new Cohesion Policy. The second day of the Forum was dedicated to post-2020 EU policy design, with a focus on the role of DTP and EU mainstream operational programs for the region.

Learning by doing- partners promoting the Danube Work based Learning Observatory at the 8th EUSDR Annual Forum, as the main tool for sustainability of the developed tools and mechanisms. All these results we reached based on sound cooperation of the 24 partners.

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According to the Application Form, during this period, partners organize relevant stakeholder meetings and draft the strategies and policy recommendations. These national strategies and policy recommendations are discussed at high –level policy roundtables ensuring later endorsement. These roundtables are organized preferably by national public institutions.The success of these roundtables depend largely on their professional preparation. Policy recommendation papers, draft proposals, and other key documents should be available for the participants in due time for enabling them to conduct in-house or expert discussions and to ensure necessary mandate for an effective preparation. Policy roundtables end-up in ceremonial launching of pledges by related national policy makers (at least one per country), paving the way towards an effective and systematic modernization of national VET systems ( i.e. launching smaller or bigger modifications in legislation, incorporation of new elements of WBL VET in local vocational education.) These pledges could be the first actions listed in strategy documents or revising, adding new pledges to existing ones. (WP6 leader).



BUDAPESTA - 25 April 2019

As a result of the workshop, the proposed weighted development areas of Hungarian company training were outlined, on the basis of which the Hungarian project partners - the BKIK and the National Office of Vocational Education and Training (NSZFH) - formulated development recommendations for the Roundtable of the project. As a result of the workshop, the proposal for the National Round Table and the role of the National Observatory and the scope of its domestic service were adopted.
The National Roundtable was attended by vocational training experts delegated by NOVETAL, MCCI BCCI and other regional and local stakeholders.

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BULGARIA - 23 April 2019

The final discussion of the Strategic model developed within Learning by Doing project by Bulgarian partners was held on 23.04.2019 in the meeting room 2 of MES in Sofia. Participants were high level stakeholders, decision makers and experts who work at national level for improvement of the VET system- 22 representative of MES, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Minustry of Economy, DOMINO project; Association Parents; VET schools, Independant union of teachers; NAVET, BCCI, BIA,Austrian embassy, Bulgarian-Swiiss Chamber of Coomerce took part in the Round table. Four instituions and organizations submitted their position papers -NAVET, MLSP, BCCI and Association"Parents".

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SARAJEVO - 16 April 2019

The discussion on the draft document, which presents measures and recommendations for the development and improvement of dual education, prepared by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton and the Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canton as partners in the project "Learning by Doing", was held on April 16, 2019 on the premises of the Chamber.
Representatives of the Chamber, the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton, the Ministry of Economy of Sarajevo Canton, as well as the representatives of secondary vocational schools and business subjects took part in the discussion.

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SLOVAKIA - 15 April 2019

On April 15, 2019, slovakian partner with an experts on dual learning, we talked about the National Strategy and Recommendations for Improving the Existing Dual Learning System in Slovakia. 


ROMANIA - 8 May 2019

The High Level Round Table organized in Bucharest in 8 May 2019 intend to reach the national level of the policy makers, with the recommendations based on the pilot experiences implemented by the stakeholders at local level. Two national partners, Hunedoara Chamber of Commerce and National Centre for TVET Development further developed the already existing partnership structures, endorsing the leading role of the chambers as interface between the educational system and the employers. 
The Round Table Events are proposed as proper context for supporting the bottom-up approach of the policy development, and the locally implemented case studies provided an excellent context for the three main topics for policy update: the Access, Quality and From Dual to Trial policy priorities have been presented together with the already piloted mechanisms and tools associated with them. 

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Hunedoara Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Centre for the Development of Vocational and Technical Education, in partnership with the Hunedoara County School Inspectorate, organized in May 16-17 2019, at Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hunedoara headquarters, the Fair of Educational Offer for Vocational Education, dual and technical - FII MESERIAŞ, under the LEARNING BY DOING project.
The action was part of the sensitization campaign dedicated to both young people and VET schools together and in cooperation with partner companies, supported by local stakeholders - local councils, county councils, school inspectorates and LCDSP members (Local Committee for Development of the Social Partnership).
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The Apprenticeship Festival which took place in April in Ljubljana at GZS gathered more than 200 participants, in which the company Kovis participated with its trainees.
The economy has welcomed the reintroduction of apprenticeships in Slovenia, as confirmed by the extraordinary attendance at the festival by trainees, their mentors, representatives and secondary schools participating in the apprenticeship program.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has prepared a rich program. Examples of good practice were presented – companies, trainees, schools and representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry exchanged their experiences. During the lecture of Mr. Marko Juhant the trainees could spend time with the Slovenian rapper Trkaj and the stand-up comedians Perica Jerković and Tin Vodopive.
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Opening of "Profession days" in Vratsa -19-20 April 2019 
The third edition of "Profession Days" under Learning by Doing project includes exhibition of VET schools with WBL and local companies, involved in the practical training. Two days event will present to the pupils and their parents information about the specialties, professions and training conditions in the VET schools and companies and respective carrier opportunities.

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Romania - Title of Excellence 2018-2019
Title of Excellence – is one of the most effective campaign implemented within the Learning by Doing project, in four regions, Alba, Dambovita, Dolj and Hunedoara counties.
40 VET schools applied for more than 120 Titles of excellent I one or more of the following Areas: ATTRACTIVENESS, FLEXIBILITY, RELEVANCE, INNOVATION and BUSINESS.
The most relevant beneficiaries of these schools, the employers, local authorities, the whole community was invited to recognize the best practices and excellences of these schools, and the validated titles have been awarded by the trophy and the certificates endorsed by the partners.
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The WBL OBservatory is the main result of Learning by doing project 


The WBL Observatory is a transnational network of VET promotion organisations founded by the Danubian WBL partners in order to promote WBL in VET and to serve the transition process of VET with professional services.

The national branches of the WBL Observatory are to deliver information on WBL, organise marketing activities of good practices and services in WBL and provide study visit opportunities to partner countries.

The Network focuses on the enhancement of the prestige of VET among parents via spreading forms of professional orientation and carrier building.





One of the core offline communication tools, the project video, visualising project activities, its results, outputs and outcomes, aims to increase the general visibility of the project, using a combination of standard video production tools with modern, “trendy” animation video, proved as best communication strategy for social media channels.

Watch movie



NCVETD designed and prepared the closing brochure in English, translated and printed in the 9 participant countries' languages. The final brochure presents the VET systems in participant countries, the main objectives of Learning by Doing project and the main outputs.

You can read the content here.


A Guidebook for More Efficient WorkBased Learning in the Danube Region


This guidebook is to be viewed as a strategic document that summarises partners’ experiences, with a special attention on applicable and replicable solutions for other regions and countries, including after the project lifetime. However, partners will ideally create their own versions based on this transnational guidebook. It could also be used outside of the programming area, since other territorial strategies have similar priorities as well. Thus, partners could become flagships when it comes to transforming VET systems, as well as disseminating a methodology for neighbouring non-EU countries.

You can read the guidebook here




During 5th period of implementation project, the conduction of staff exchanges continued and were attended by members of the implementation partner teams, as well as by stakeholders involved in the project activities.

  • in Hungary - 11-12 April 2019
  • in Austria - 12 - 14 May 2019
  • in Germany - 30 May 2019
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Stakeholders who would like to know more about the VET education systems in the Danube Region, to learn about best practices or to give input or ask questions, are encouraged to contact us.

We are also looking forward to your comments, feedback and shared links and photos on our social media platforms.


Facebook. @LearningbyDoing


LinkedIn: LearningbyDoing




contacT us


Project Coordinator

Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry

1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99, Hungary

Ms. Vedrana Knezevic (Project Manager: knezevic.vedrana@bkik.hu


Communication Office

Hunedoara Chamber of Commerce and Industry

330025 - Deva, 1 December 1918 Street, no 23, Romania

Ms. Crinela Gafton (Communication Manager): crinela_gafton@yahoo.com


Follow Learning by Doing on social media

Website dtp.interreg-danube.eu/learning-by-doing

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)