Learning by Doing - Final event of project “Learning by Doing” – 12 June 2019, Danubius Hotel Gellért


Final event of project “Learning by Doing” – “Targeted capacity building of VET partnerships in the Danube Region for the effective modernisation of VET systems”

Organised by Lead partner - Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Date: 12 June 2019

Venue: Danubius Hotel Gellért (H-1114 Budapest, Szent Gellért tér 2.)



9.30 - 10.00         Registration

10.00-10.15         Welcome speech-BCCI

10.15 - 10.30       Opening address – Danube Transnational Programme

                            Mr. Johannes Gabriel, Danube Transnational Programme Joint Secretariat-Budapest, Hungary

10.30-10.45         Presentation of the Learning by Doing project

                            Ms. Vedrana Knezevic, international project manager BCCI

10.45 - 11.00       Presentation of WP2 Communication

                            Ms. Crinela Gafton director, CCI Hunedoara                          

11.00 – 11.15      Presentation of WP3, Creating transnational knowledge base and common understanding

                            Ms. Zeljka Kelkedi project manager, CCI Slovenia

11.15 – 11.30      Presentation of WP4,Capacity building of local VET actors

                            Ms. Leona Sedlackova project manager, CCI Brno

11.30 -11.45        Presentation of WP5, Transnational support for transitions of WBL VET systems towards company- and practice-oriented forms

                             Ms. Vedrana Knezevic international project manager BCCI

                             Ms. Mirjana Bojanic senior expert, ZUOV

11.45 – 12.00       Presentation of WP6, National strategies and policy engagement -

                             Ms. Natalia Sanmartín Jaramillosenior expert ,CPI

  12.00-12.45        Panel discussion- Future od VET system in the Danube region          

                             (moderated by Mr. Péter Drahos external VET expert, BCCI)

12.45-13.00          Launching the Regional Observatory web and signing the Memorandum of Understanding 

13.00 -14.00         Networking Lunch

The official language of the event is English. Interpreter service is available.


For registration please use the link bellow


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)