
DAnurb closing conference


The DANUrB project is coming to its end! Therefore we would like to cordially invite you to our Closing Conference of the DANUrB - Danube Urban Brand project co-funded by the European Union which will be held on 28 June 2019 in Komárno, Slovakia. We are looking forward to seeing you again.

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Danube day 2019 celebration


The International Day of the Danube is celebrated on 29th June, and several cities in different countries join this event with various cultural and sport programs. In Hungary and Slovakia we joined the international event last year. This year we will participate again with a series of programs called ‘Danube Days’ within the frames of the Interreg DANUrB – Danube Urban Brand – project. The cities of Esztergom on Friday 28th June and Štúrovo on Saturday 29th June are waiting for the participants with a variety of programs.

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The inclusive cross-border festival “DANUrB Kids Day” was held on the International Children’s Day on 1st June 2019 in Danube twin-cities Vidin and Calafat. The Kids Day was accompanied by a rich program in the center of Vidin where more than 500 children were involved in different activities like paintings, origami, boarding games, dances, etc. The pilot activities continued in the afternoon in Calafat. Special gastronomy exposition was introduced by presenting a variety of local food. Paintings drawn by children attracted the visitors putting emphasis on the Danube. Performance by local folklore ensemble showed typical dances from regions along the Danube. 

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The DANUrB partnership held its last Partner meeting between May 18th and 21st, 2019 in South-Eastern Romania. The four-day meeting and study tour took place in a setting exemplary of our DANUrB project – at the last section of the Danube River, in the city of Tulcea and its surrounding region, the Danube Delta. This trip provided all participants a great opportunity to get to know an unique combination of natural and man-made heritage with a deep and rich insight to the local specifities.

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Heritage tour workshop


On January 24th the Centre of Architectural Heritage and Infrastructure of Danube University Krems (Austria) together with the Center for Heritage Interpretation (Bulgaria) have held a creative workshop ‘Heritage Tour’. The agenda was dedicated to on-site testing, evaluation and discussion of the Pocket Guide city tour, which had been developed in the frames of the project.

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DANurb Travelling exhibition


After just over two years of research and activities along the Danube, more than 100 researchers have compiled and made accessible selected results for the inhabitants of the Danube region. The DANUrB Travelling Exhibition is an essence of the research and experience of the involvement of locals: the main message is to show through everyday topics that Danube is one region. The main topics are education of children, sounds of the Danube, people and community, future plans, gastronomy and literature. 

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Hereby we would also like to thank all Project Partners for their fruitfull collaboration during the implementation of the DANUrB project. Throughout the project we achieved huge steps in exploring heritage along the Danube, delivering events with rich programs focusing on the river´s gems, and managed to draw together into the topic of Danube regions a vast amount of great people - locals, stakeholders from various institutions, researchers, and visitors.

Thank you all for this great cooperation and we look forward to undertaking future common activities!


For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb
Follow the DANUrB project on social media:



Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA)


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)