DANUrB - DANUrB Travelling Exhibition


After just over two years of research and activities along the Danube, more than 100 researchers have compiled and made accessible selected results for the inhabitants of the Danube region. The DANUrB Travelling Exhibition is an essence of the research and experience of the involvement of locals: the main message is to show through everyday topics that Danube is one region. The main topics are education of children, sounds of the Danube, people and community, future plans, gastronomy and literature. The exhibition itself consists of a total of six parts that are brought together from the perspective of a Kingfisher. In addition to photo series and selected, partly profane, partly astonishing quotations from residents, the exhibition also shows soundscapes and urban planning visions of students for revitalizing beach and coastal sections.

So far, the exhibition has travelled through 6 countries and reached several smaller or bigger communities and twin-cities such as Tulcea (RO), Giurgiu (RO) - Ruse (BG), Vidin (BG) - Calafat (RO), Belgrade (SRB), Ráckeve (HU), Esztergom (HU) - Sturovo (SK), Krems (AT), and finally it will arrive to Bucharest (RO), Bratislava (SK), and Budapest (HU).

The Travelling Exhibition fulfills a very important approach: designed to overcome language barriers, it pushes forward multilingual and non-lingual interaction to facilitate cross-border events in the Danube region.

The contributions of the researchers from seven countries were curated by specialists from the Technical University of Bratislava, OIKODROM - The Vienna Institute for Urban Sustainability and KÉK - Hungarian Contemporary Center for Architecture.




For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb
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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)