Made in Danube at a glance
The Made in Danube consortium truly believes in the economic strength and potential of the Danube Region and shares the vision to overcome cultural, economic and ecological impedimentswith joint forces.
One of the main territorial challenges concerns the low competitiveness of SMEs, often caused by the lack of innovation capacities of involved actors.
The Made in Danube project responds to this challenge using a three-fold approach: it developed a common strategy to transform ideas into marketable products and services which shall facilitate the conversion of knowledge into innovative solutions for the market.
It created tools, a platform and services tofacilitate the process ofdeveloping collaborative projects and partnerships and it supports good practices exchange in the area of innovation and technology transfer linked to bio-economy.
More... http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/made-in-danube
Project Progress
Made in Danube is currently in the final implementation phase before the official end of the project end of June this year. All project partners are currently working together to achieve the final goals, the implementation of the developed audit tools and the initiation of cooperation between different knowledge carriers in the Danube region.
With the help of Cooperation Agreements and International Partnership Agreements, the consortium supports new services and products in the field of bioeconomy that are identified or being launched. In the last phase, however, the civilian population should also have the opportunity to participate in discussions on current environmental policy and economic challenges which is why partners organized 3 innovative workshops aiming to stimulate the dialog between civil society, entrepreneurs, policy maker and research institutions.
We hope you enjoy reading our ninth edition of the newsletter.
More... http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/made-in-danube
THree world cafés organised by the Made in danube project for the civil society
The Open Innovation World Cafés have the goal to help build new links and strengthen existing ones between regional initiatives and the Danube Regional innovation systems to create synergies and improve the impact.
The format consists in a whole group interaction method focused on conversations that stimulate a creative process for leading collaborative dialogue.
The events targeted the civil society in the broader sense:
1) the "third sector" of society, distinct from government and business, and including family and private sphere;
2) the aggregate of NGOs and institutions that manifest interests and will of citizens;
3) organizations in a society which are independent of the government.
During the Open Innovation World Café in Nitra the Made in Danube activities were opened up towards local and civil society and regional initiatives.
By bringing together farmers, researchers and NGO’s new joint project ideas in the field of bioeconomy were discussed.
Participants of the „Open Innovation World Café - Climate Innovation and Bioeconomy” in Budapest were mostly citizens with various background and motivation.
During the vivid discussion it was agreed that the biggest problems of Budapest are waste management, traffic and air quality.
Bioeconomy has strong potential answering for these challenges. Civil society needs to be enhanced and the cooperation of the different actors has to be strenghtened.
There are excellent local level innovations whose impact should be measured. If they prove to be successful, they could be promoted.
Bio-based materials are not known enough and the industry does not have the intention to transform from iol-based techniques to the bio-based ones.
More… http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/3714
Made in Danube Project presented to policymakers
Prof. Milan Martinov presentedMade in Danube project and Danube S3 Cluster, including the elaborated LocalActionPlans to Prof. Dr. Bogdan Lalic, Adviser of Minister for Innovation and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
The signing of innovation partnership agreements is one of the main objectives of the Made in Danube project.
cooperation Agreement within local action plan
Partner from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dusan Galic, firm Galart doo, Ribnik, signs Cooperation Agreement within Local Action Plan Biofuels.
The term biomass, concerning its use as a fuel, comprises three state of aggregation, state of matter:
1. Solid, like wood and crop residues in different forms.
2. Liquid, like biodiesel (FAME, fatty acids methyl esters) and bioethanol.
3. Gaseous, like biogas. Biomass can be used for all three sectors: Electricity generation, Heating & cooling, Transport.
Biomass utilization as renewable energy source plays an important role within bioeconomy, it contributes to the reduction of CO2
Online course on innovation
A new development has been launched in Made in Danube, which transforms the project's training handbooks into an online version.These e-learnings will include all previous training topics (Innovation Management, Technology Transfer, International Partnerships, Social Innovation). The courses will be available free of charge on the project's central website, from the middle of May. All topics will be open for everybody, who is interested in innovation development.
Completing the courses, users can learn about the latest results about innovation management, technology transfer,international partnerships and social innovation.
The 8th annual Forum of the eu strategy for the danube region
The A (current Presidency of the EUSDR) and the European Commission, under the motto: ''Building cohesion for a shared prosperity in the Danube Region''.
The Annual Forum this year will focus on competitiveness, connectivity regional mobility and cohesion interface for creating synergies that can result in a better embedment of EUSDR into future EU programmes and policies.
It aims at promoting:
Strategic projects in transport, digitalisation, green technologies and tourism,
Transnational clusters' development,
Post-2020 EU policy design, the new Cohesion Policy, the Danube Transnational Programme, EU mainstream operational programmes, links between the EU Macro-Regional Strategies, and the Danube Region.
JRC is engaged in supporting concerned EU macro regional strategies processes and activities. Through the Enlargement & Integration Initiative the JRC will support a pre-paid travel and accommodation of selected researchers / experts from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo,
Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to participate to the 8th Annual Forum.
More / registration ... Accreditation-Conference, The-EUSDR-Annual-Forum
Workshop dedicated to start-ups, Craiova, Romania, 28 March 2019
IPA Craiova has implemented the ACCES project, which has created 60 start-ups, some innovative in the field of bio-economy.
For these, IPA organized an workshop in which experts presented the insured services (including business internationalization, innovative ideas financing), the DTP Promotion Platform and the Made in Danube project, the opportunity to submit TO / TR, the benefits of the Innovation Audit, the opportunities offer by DTC Network.
Those who set up the Start-ups have missed interest, asked questions and asked to join the Clusters of the profile. The goal was to help build new links and strengthen existing ones between regional initiatives and the Danube Regional innovation systems to create synergies and improve the impact.
The Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation e-tool
The consortium members of the Interreg DTP “Made in Danube” project would like to get to know you better by asking you some questions:
Do you want to boost the competitiveness of your products or services?
Are you interested in technology transfer and innovation support?
Is the bio-economy entity you represent located in the Danube Region?
Do you want to become a project partner or leader in this region?
Are you seeking out organizations with visions compatible to yours?
If your answer is Yes then we should definitely be in contact as soon as possible.
More… http://www.muri.utcluj.ro/tin-etool/index.php?page=login
technology offers and Technology request in bio-economy field
The aim of Made in Danube is to boost three already existing regional innovation pilot initiatives in the field of bio-economy. Operating in agro-biotechnologies, wood-processing and bio-energy, they all have significant potential for eco-innovation but still fail to fully exploit it because of the “missing links” to required resources.
Using a platform and simple TO/TR tools, the companies and the R&D entities can practically master the varying demands associated with product innovation, participate at brokerage events and match-making the TO and TR.
synergies with other projects - Danubiovalnet
- Cross-clustering partnership for boosting eco-innovation by developing a joint bio-based value-added network for the Danube Region
The aim of this project is to develop new methods and tools to connect enterprises transnationally. Clusters as the representatives of many enterprises are chosen to organise the industry cooperation and creation of new value chains, because they are sustainable partners and guarantee the upgradeability in the dimension industry, sciences and politics.
More… http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/danubiovalnet
synergies with other projects - Ecoinn danube
Eco-innovatively connected Danube Region.
The project focuses mainly on field of renewable energy and energy saving (efficiency).Project main pillars:
- Increase transnational cooperation in ecoinnovations - The only effective way how to face enviromental problems is a joint transnational effort. Aim is to interconnect and survey needs/requirements of all elements withintheecoinnovation cycle.
- Increase the match of demand and supply in ecoinnovation - Producers are forced to look for ecosolutions enabling them to perform a greener production. Researchers perform environmental research which is often not problem solving oriented. Smart tools for easing the matching was introduced and adopted.
- Bring eco innovation actors together – to improve business, eco knowledge transfer and IPR skills of ecoinnovators, to offer a space to present their ideas.
synergies with other projects - foresda
Forest-based Cross-sectoral Value Chains Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness in the Danube Region
FORESDA wants to show that it is possible to transform the forest-based industries (FBI) into attractive and sustainable industry sectors. By developing innovative products and services that come as a result of the cooperation with another economy sectors, such as agriculture, construction, pharmaceutics, etc. This is the so-called cross-sectoral approach. FBIs need support for improving the innovation culture of their SMEs and this also means to strengthen collaboration among companies, faculties, and universities, research institutions, clusters etc.
All those organizations and individuals who are dealing with innovations in one concrete region are part of the so-called regional innovation system.
More… http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/foresda
Joint event of the project upgrade sme and the priority area 8 of the eu strategy of the danube region, 19 March 2019, stuttgart, germany
The 4th industrial revolution and digitalisation opens new perspectives and provides various challenges for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in internationalisation. How can we overcome these challenges, be ready for the new opportunities and efficiently capitalize results across Europe?
The joint event of the UpGradeSME project and the Priority Area 8 of the EU Strategy of the Danube Region (EUSDR) invited SMEs and policy maker to jointly discuss classical and recent challenges and possibilities of internationalization processes.
The event gave SMEs from 12 Europe's core regions as well as from the Danube region the opportunity to exchange experiences on internationalisation
strategies and address their challenges directly to the representatives from politics and administration present.
More: https://www.danube-competitiveness.eu/news/great-success-at-the-joint-event-of-the-upgradesme-project-and-the-priority-area-8-of-the-eu-strategy-of-the-danube-region
Final Conference "Danube: Innovation in flow" - EcoInn danube project, sofia, bulgaria, 9 april 2019
Made in Danube Project is represented by IPA Craiova that presented “Ecoinnovation technologies, impact on the market”. On fourpanelswaspresented:
EcoInn Virtual Lab– web based platform for eco-innovators, outcomes of the Virtual Lab: Stakeholders map, Expert Database, Eco-Innovation events chart.
Waste used as a source, discussion on Circular economy, Presentation of Bulgarian projects related to Circular economy, waste management, prevention of waste pollution, treatment of hazardous waste.
Summarization of National reports on Obstacles and Opportunities in Eco-innovation in the Danube region. Joint strategy, Strategy for eco-knowledge, National reports analysis.
Capitalization with Bulgarian projects in the same thematic pole – Innovative and socially responsible Danube region, Sharing success stories and best practices with project MOVECO, CrowdStream, ResInfra@DR, Made in Danube and DANUBE ENERGY +
danube s3 cluster - transnational cluster cooperation active on agro-food, based on smart specialization approach in the danube region, maribor, slovenia, 11-12 april 2019
At University of Maribor, Danube S3 Cluster organized an event under the logo: Smart Specialization Approach in the Danube region. IPA, Made in Danube and Danube S3 Cluster partner, presented “Innovation tools - Performing an innovation audit and preparing the report for Clients. Practical Exercise”.
The experience of Made in Danube project was presented.
The second project steering committee analyzed the status of the project implementation and synergies with other similar projects.
Transnational Cluster Cooperation active on Agro-food, based on SmartSpecialization Approach in the Danube Region, was presented and analyzed.
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Bioeconomy forum
New food production systems need sustainable energy worldwide
Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration explains the reasons as to why sustainable energy worldwide is a requirement if we are to continue producing food in the future for an ever-growing population.
To produce food in the future, we must use large quantities of energy, also at an ever-increasing scale.
More... https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/sustainable-energy-worldwide/52996/
Selection for your Agenda
Calls/ Bio-econocmy capital
eu funding opportunities for your research or innovation project in bio-economy field
Interested in learning more about EU funding opportunities for your research or innovation project? Visit the Horizon 2020 website for a general overview of the application process or the European Commission’s Funding and tender opportunities for more specific information.
Bioeconomy related calls for proposal will be published under the Societal Challenge 2 – "Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy".
Projects funded under the EU Research Framework Programmes are accessible here. Identify your National Contact Points (NCP) for Bioeconomy in Horizon 2020, All Horizon 2020 calls for proposals, Topic based search for calls
More... https://ec.europa.eu/research/bioeconomy/index.cfm?pg=participate
Selection for your Agenda
events in the field of bioeconomy, technology transfer,
innovation and business finding partners
eubce 2019 - european biomass conference & exhibition , 26-29 may 2019, lisbon, Portugal
BBI JU will hold a panel discussion on "Bio-based products making the circular economy era a reality", hosted on May 28, 2019.
The panel discussion and consecutive roundtable and Q&A session will exchange views on the immense potential the bio-based sector holds for Europe in terms of social, environmental and economic benefits, while allowing the development of scientific advancements that will eventually accelerate the transition to a full-fledge circular economy.
Furthermore, it will show how a competitive bio-based sector can set Europe and its innovation hubs at the forefront of green technology, innovation and markets.
Selection for your Agenda
- 28-29 May, Free-from-functional-food-.b2match, Barcelona, Spain
- 12 June, International-Matchmaking-Event-at-Green-Tech, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 18 June, University-Industry-interaction, Helsinki, Finland
- 25-29 June, Conferences/agriculture-and-food, Burgas, Bulgaria
Technology offers - wood sector, biofuels, precision farming
Technology request
the europe's bioeconomy strategy
Launched and adopted on 13 February 2012, Europe's Bioeconomy Strategy addresses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into vital products and bio-energy. Under the lead of DG Research and Innovation, the Strategy was co-signed by several other Commission departments namely DG Agriculture and Rural Development, DG Environment, DG Maritime Affairs, and DG Industry and Entrepreneurship. The review concluded that, even though, the objectives of the 2012 Bioeconomy Strategy remain still valid, the scope of actions have to be refocussed. The 2018 update of the Bioeconomy Strategy aims to accelerate the deployment of a sustainable European bioeconomy so as to maximise its contribution towards the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the Paris Agreement.
More... https://ec.europa.eu/research/bioeconomy/index.cfm?pg=policy&lib=strategy
Selection for your agenda
Promoting clusters and networks for smes to economic development in the globalization era
SMEs provide crucial industrial linkages to set off a chain reaction of broad-based industrial development. Without SMEs as subcontractors and suppliers of intermediate inputs to multinational enterprises and domestic large scale enterprises, industrial growth in developing countries may not be able to sustain increasing domestic value, employment, productivity, and industrial linkages. Hence, growing competitiveness of SMEs becomes a critical issue.
Competitiveness also increases the scope for success to reach global markets.
More... https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2158244017697152
Selection for your Agenda
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