about indeed
In many countries of the Danube region basic requirements for an optimal care of people with dementia are still lacking. Knowledge about dementia among general physicians, nurses, social workers, and occupational therapists as well as the collaboration among these professional groups need to be enhanced. Moreover, facilities that are important for people with dementia and their families such as day centres or special units in nursing homes need to be developed.
The objective of INDEED is to improve dementia care in the Danube region and to support the implementation of national dementia strategies. The project will develop the coherent modules addressing competences, collaboration and innovation. INDEED primarily targets institutions involved in dementia care including bodies of professional education, ministries, professional boards, municipal administrations, charities, nursing home providers and social enterprises.
INDEED will develop three coherent intervention modules targeting competences, cooperation and innovation potential. The three modules will be delivered in traditional formats such as presentations, seminars or printed materials, but also on an online-based multimedia platform. Later in the project, the three modules will be tested in four countries in urban and rural areas.
Please find more information about the INDEED project on our website:
1st INdeed stakeholder session at the kick-off meeting
The kick-off meeting of INDEED Project took place on 25-26 September 2018 in Munich, Germany. The seven work packages were presented, their interplay was discussed and the project roadmap was outlined. In conjunction with the kick-off meeting, a stakeholder session was held to involve future users from the beginning and to ensure sustainability of the project’s outputs. Please find more information about the event here.
indeed in bulgaria
The Bulgarian Society of Dementia (BSD), the Medical University Sofia and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences invited the general public as well as professionals from the health care sector to a cinema hall in Sofia where movies related to Alzheimer’s disease were screened. INDEED was referred to in the opening speech by the project team at BSD during the opening speeches prior to the movies. Please find more information about the event here.
indeed in slovenia
The first public event of the INDEED project was organised in collaboration with Spominčica (Alzheimer Slovenija) at the University of Ljubljana on September 28, 2018 as a satellite event of the 10th International Conference on Dementia (ASK 2018). Presentations about the project were given by representatives of the INDEED consortium. Highlight of this event was the “roundtable on the INDEED pilot actions” where local professionals discussed the outline of the upcoming INDEED workshops which will start in Slovenia in 2020. During these pilot workshops, the three educational modules will be tested. Please find more information about the first INDEED public event here.
indeed in romania
On the occasion of the International Alzheimer Day 2018, the Romanian Alzheimer Society (SRA) organized the medical conference entitled "Remember Me!" for the third time on Friday, September 28, 2018, in Bucharest. It brought together Romanian specialists for care of older people with dementia. A representative of SRA presented first results of the INDEED project. Please find more information about the event here. Please read more about the first INDEED results here.
indeed in hungary
At a festive conference celebrating the International Day of Older Persons on 1-2 October 2018, professionals of the health sector, social workers and economists joined in Budapest to discuss practice and perspectives of elderly care. The event provided a platform to discuss the role of health and social policies and care for the elderly. The INDEED project was presented by Professor Alexander Kurz as an example of strategic planning in dementia care. Please find more information about the event here.
indeed in bosnia-herzegovina
The International Conference on Dementia in Sarajevo on 21-23 November 2018 brought together experts from Europe to outline the current state of dementia research and care. The INDEED project was presented Osman Kučuk - the chairman of the conference. With its comprehensive scope and focus on practice the conference contributed to improving dementia care in Bosnia-Herzegovina and neighbouring countries, and moved forward the development of national dementia plans. Please find more information about the event here.
interreg danube in romania
The "European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) University" was an event organised by the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration in order to initiate a common framework for dialogue and learning for beneficiaries, decision-makers and all interested in European territorial cooperation. Mihaela Zamfir (Romanian Alzheimer Society) shared her experience as Communication Manager within the INDEED project. Please find more information about the event here.
upcoming events
National dementia plans
On April 18th - 20th, 2018, a meeting titled "Dementia in the Region of Western Balkans and adoption of National Strategies/Plans to combat against dementia" was held in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. At this occasion, a communiqué was signed which highlighted "Policy", "Service delivery", and "Information and Research" as three major approaches to the improvement of dementia care.
research News
Drug treatment: Deposition of amyloid in the brain is a key feature of the pathology of the Alzheimer's disease - the most frequent cause of dementia. Recent controlled clinical trials have yielded positive signals that synthetic antibodies against amyloid can slow the progression of the disease. Please find more information here.
Virtual reality: It is well-established that sensory stimulation and triggering of memories has many positive effects on people with dementia. A novel way to provide such benefits are the "SENSE GARDENs" which are being tested in an ongoing international project. The SENSE GARDENS are an example of virtual reality for people with dementia. Please find more information here.
Communication aids: Impaired communication is a key source of disability and problem behaviours in people with dementia. The "SUccessful Caregiver Communication and Everyday Situation Support in Dementia Care" (SUCCESS) project develops and explores an app for mobile devices that supports caregivers' verbal and nonverbal communication skills. SUCCESS is another example of assistive technology for people with dementia. Please find more information here.
INDEED - Making dementia a health care priority!
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