INDEED - September 20, 2018 │ Bulgaria │ Raise awareness about dementia│


The Bulgarian Society of Dementia (BSD), the Medical University Sofia and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria, Sofia Cinema Hall)

The Bulgarian Society of Dementia (BSD), the Medical University Sofia and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences invited the general public as well as professionals from the health care sector to a cinema hall in Sofia where movies related to Alzheimer’s disease were screened. Spread over three days (September 12, 18 and 20), a Bulgarian documentary on dementia, the French movie "Et si on vivait tous ensemble", the German movie "Honig im Kopf", and the American movie "Alive inside" were presented to the audience. INDEED was mentioned in the opening speech by the INDEED team at BSD during the opening speeches to the movies.

INDEED Project public event in Bulgaria to raise awareness about dementia- Sofia Cinema Hall

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)