


dear Readers!


This volume illustrates once again joint efforts to strengthen the framework conditions for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Region –  it provides you with news including a selection of publications recently released by international RI stakeholders, project reviews and information on the ResInfra@DR WP3 Concluding Consultation Meeting in Budapest in November 2018!

Please check also our press corner with a regular update of media echos from all arround the Danube Region on ResInfra@DR - click here to access…

The ResInfra@DR project team

ResInfra@DR WP3 Concluding Consultation Meeting on 27-28 November in Budapest


During the last 14 months the ResInfra@DR partners have developed three guidelines and two sets of recommendations. These guidelines are focusing on (1) ex-ante assessment; (2) the monitoring and the (3) the socio-economic impact of RI.
The recommendations address (4) policy makers and agencies and (5) research infrastructure managers.

The documents will be discussed at a dedicated expert workshop organised by the ResInfra@DR partner Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest from 27-28 November 2018.


For further information you can contact the ResInfra@DR project coordinator via


Strong feedback to two calls inviting Expressions of Interest to participate in a ResInfra@DR support activity


In the frame work of Resinfra@DR the project released an open call for the participation in our pilot activities. Applications arrived from 7 different countries and currently the feasibility of support for the research infrastructures is assessed by the partners and in contact with the hosts and public administration requestion support. The proposals received were assessed internally and clarification processes with entities were started. In the next weeks the expected expert contributions will be defined in a joint effort of partners and applicants and we will announce a series of ToRs for experts in a broad range of scientific fields: Await our announcement for your qualified input!

Learn more about the previous call…



  • First Pilot Peer Learning Visit in Banja Luka in October
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  • Media echo on ResInfra@DR by the Austrian newspaper DiePresse: "Der Eisvogel profitiert von grenzenloser Forschung"
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  • Contribution by ResInfra@DR partner to the European Evaluation Biennial Conference in October
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  • ResInfra@DR presented at the 2nd Policy Dialogue and EUSDR PAs’ Cross-fertilisation Workshop in November
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  • Project presented at flagship conference on generating, understanding and assessing societal impact through R&I policy in November in Vienna
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  • ResInfra@DR attended matchmaking event on Public Procurment Innovation (PPI) organized by the RI2integrate project in November in Szeged, Hungary
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  • ResInfra@DR registry process of research infrastructure reviewers completed successfully!
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Final conference invited by InRoad project - registration is open!

InRoad is a Horizon 2020 funded project that looks at research infrastructure decision-making, evaluation and funding practices in Europe in order to contribute to a better alignment of processes and methodologies, where relevant. After InRoad's second year of operation, the project invites you to the InRoad Final Conference. The event will take place on Wednesday, 12/12/2018 at the BIP, Rue Royale 2-4, 1000 Brussels.

During the Final Conference, InRoad will present and discuss the project findings with high level experts. The insights build mainly upon the InRoad consultation report, the InRoad compendium, the latest briefing note, and also on our final report, based on in-depth case studies and interviews, which is currently being finalised and will be released in the coming months.
They will touch upon four areas, namely (1) the coordination of national and European RI roadmapping processes, (2) embedding RI roadmapping processes in national research and innovation systems, (3) higher degree of coordination between regional, national and European funding frameworks, and (4) best practices and common standards for RI business planning.

You can find the draft programme here...
Registration is openand accessible via this form...
For further information please check the project website...



Results from important projects: RI-PATHS

Given the current challenge of better steering impact pathways of research infrastructures an interesting deliverable was made available by RI-PATHS. The document puts emphasis on the range of methods that are applied or can be employed to trace impacts of research infrastructures. This gives valuable information for those who start to think about tracing own impact as RI or for those who define how assessments on the impact shall be conducted in future and for a specific case in focus.

Download the deliverable…



Key performance indicators of Research Infrastructures - publication by CERIC-ERIC available!


Following the recent Competitiveness Council Conclusions, which mandate ESFRI to develop a common approach for monitoring the performance of research infrastructures (RIs), a questionnaire was sent by ERF-AISBL to the community of European RIs in order to gain a better insight into how they address (or would address as the case may be) the issue of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 36 replies were received.


Read more online...


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)