Within the Made in Danube consortium, we truly believe in the economic strength and potential of the Danube Region and at the same time share the vision to overcome cultural, economic and ecological impediments with joint forces. One of the main territorial challenges concerns the low competitiveness of SMEs - often caused by the lack of innovation capacities of involved actors. The Made in Danube project responds to this challenge using a three-fold approach: it will develop a common strategy to transform ideas into marketable products and services which shall facilitate the conversion of knowledge into innovative solutions. It will create tools and services to facilitate the process of developing collaborative projects. It supports good practices exchange in the area of innovation and technology transfer linked to bioeconomy.
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/made-in-danube |
Project Progress
After 18 months of implementation, Made in Danube succeeded to attain apparent outcomes leading to the achievement of the main project results in order to support & facilitate Innovation & Technology Transfer (I&TT) in the Danube Region by building sustainable Innovation partnerships, comprising SMEs to collaborate with RTOs and developing a Common strategy to transform marketable products & services into the market in the field of Bio-economy.

In recent months, our work has continued on the analysis and associated improvement of the framework conditions. One result is the roadmap aiming to improve the framework conditions for I&TT in the field of Bio-economy. The roadmap follows a bottom-up approach and includes recommendations deriving directly from our stakeholders as the document is based on the assessment of 208 preformed interviews and on 3 developed Local Action Plans (LAPs), supporting 3 existing Local initiatives in Slovakia, Croatia & Serbia. Furthermore, 3 Best Practice Workshops have been organized during the last period aiming to exchange in the different domains, such as social, service and eco-innovation, attaining in this way on-the-spot information from the relevant actors. Significant attention has also been given to the implementation start of Innovation capacity tools (Technology Offers/ Technology Request/ Innovation Audit) in order to systematically analyse innovation capacities of the targeted stakeholders in the Danube region and simultaneously prepare the ground for the upcoming activities - organisation of Brokerage events & matching the suitable actors for collaborations in the field of Bio-economy.
For this reason, our Danube Transfer Innovation Cooperation e-tool platform, has further been upgraded with two new e-Modules and capacity building activities for the relevant actors in the form of trainings on the topics relevant for the I&TT have also been performed.
Beside all activities leading to the implementation of 3 LAPs, Made in Danube partners also continued in preparing a foundation for the establishment of Bio-economy network & for providing Policy recommendations.
Technology Offers (TO) and Technology Request (TR) in the field of bioeconomy achieved within the project are available here: TO & TR
First policy dialogue and EUsdr's pa's cross fertilization workshop, zagreb, croatia, 26. september 2018
The focus of the Workshop was: Competitiveness and Innovation for Long-lasting Transnational Collaboration in the Danube Region’s Bio-economy field. The planned objective: to allow representatives of EUSDR Priority Areas as well as public authorities to meet and exchange information on updates and implementation of own planned actions so as to find out possible synergies as well as further cooperation approaches within the broader EUSDR framework. The workshop opened policy dialogue for future opportunities of collaboration among the priority areas with particular focus on bio-economy.

The Workshop was organized by Made in Danube project with the support of Croatian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts (PA8 Co-ordinator) and Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds, as cross-fertilization and fruitful dialogue between the following Danube Strategy Priority Areas: PA2 (Sustainable Energy), PA4 (Water Quality), PA6 (Bio Diversity and Landscapes, PA7 (Knowledge Society), PA8 (Competitiveness of Enterprises) and PA9 (People and Skills).
capitalization event, thematic pole 1,2 & 3, budapest, hungary, 28. september 2018
In frame of the INTERREG DTP SENSES project Summer School on Social Innovation in Budapest and in association with the SIC Social Innovation Community project (supported by the European Commission’s H2020 programme) an extra day of the Summer School, took place aiming to introduce, valorise and further build upon the knowledge resulting from projects working in thematic fields for the overall implementation of the DTP Capitalisation Strategy. Deeper insight into the work of Thematic Pole 1 – Innovative ecosystem for SMEs, Thematic Pole 2 – RDI Framework support and Thematic Pole 3 – Entrepreneurial Learning Systems was provided. Made in Danube as coordinator of Pole 1 took place in all sessions informing participants about the project itself and the work as coordinator. Further presentations included the lessons learned so far and how to successfully create synergies in the field of circular and bio-economy.
2 business cluster launched in moldolVa with EU support, workshop, chisinau, 12. september 2018
Two clusters have been launched that will bring together key stakeholders – businesses, public authorities, universities - to develop regional industries and bring added-value for entrepreneurs. The generation of the two clusters was initiated by the Organisation for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development – ODIMM, Made in Danube associated partner, with the support of EU Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX). The progress was achieved with the support of TAIEX experts: that analysed national context, developed the cluster methodology and facilitated the creation of the two pilot initiatives.

The results were presented during a special workshop on cluster policy and support for cluster initiatives on September 12, 2018. The event was a valuable platform for an open dialogue on new collaborative models that would accelerate economic development by revitalising key sectors and providing the necessary environment for research, innovation and regional development.
https://www.odimm.md/ro/noutati/comunicate-presa/item/652-%C3%AEn-republica-moldova-au-fost-lansate-dou%C4%83-modele-noi-de-cluster.html |
9th international Congress of technologists, biotechnologists & nutritionists, zagreb, cROatia, 3. - 5. october 2018
Under the theme "Integrating new approaches to produce safe, nutritious and sustainable food" the 2018 Congress explored the latest achievements of national and international scientists and revealed innovative ideas in the field of food technology, biotechnology and nutrition through the topics related to quality and authenticity of food products, food safety and traceability, innovative and non-thermal technologies and waste utilization as well as sustainability in the food industry and the relationship of diet and health.

http://www.pbn2018congress.com/ |
7th annual forum of the eusdr, sofia, bulgaria, 18-19 october 2018
The Annual Forum covered topics of particular importance for the Danube region related to preservation of cultural and historical heritage, new technologies and digitalization in tourism and bioeconomysector, ensuring safety and security in tourism, bioeconomy, transport connectivity and mobility. Issues related to synergy and consistency between macro-regional strategies for achieving the common objectives of the EU and for the future of those strategies after 2020 were also be discussed. Two parallel thematic sessions on sustainable tourism mobility and security in public spaces and an open-air exhibition were bescheduled as well.During the Forum Made in Danube participated as an INTERREG DTP exhibitor aiming to disseminate DTP project achievements in the field of bioeconomy as well as some of the outcomes already achieved in Thematic pole 1.
http://www.danube-region.eu/communication/news/616629-save-the-date-7th-eusdr-annual-forum-18-19-october-2018-sofia-bulgaria |
2nd Policy Dialogue and EUSDR PA's Cross-fertilisation Workshop: Competitiveness and Innovation in the Danube Region's Bio-economy field", Bucharest, Romania, 2. November 2018
The event will be organized within the Made in Danube project and hosted by project partner Ministry of Research and Innovation, Mendeleev no. 21-25, Bucharest. Please note that the second session of the workshop will be a networking one. Please click on the link below for more information and registration possibilities.
Hungarian Brokerage event, Wood sector and Biofuels, Budapest, Hungary, 20 November 2018
In the framework of the Made in Danube project, a Brokerage Event will be organized by Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd for Applied Research. More information about the event, the registration possibilities will be available soon.
Contact person: Alexandra Németh, alexandra.nemeth@bayzoltan.hu/
Brokerage event, Smart and Innovative Precision Farming, Nitra, Slovakia, 26. November 2018
One member of Bioeconomy Cluster in Slovakia, member of Made in Danube consortium, is also a project partner in 2 projects within BBI-JU programme under H2020 – the BIOWAYS and the BIOVOICES. Within the project BIOWAYS, the consortium has developed two documents “Bio-based products and applications potential” and “Public perception of bio-based products”. Within the project BIOVOICES, the consortium has developed document “Stakeholders’ classification”.
More infos: Bio-based-products-&-applications; Public-perception-of-bio-based-products ; Stakeholders-classification
Workshop Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy in Slovakia, Nitra, Slovakia, 22 October 2018
The workshop in Slovakia will be the official “side event” of the main Bioeconomy Conference, which will be held in parallel in Brussels, focusing on the need to have a sustainable and circular bioeconomy to enhance the transition in a changed EU policy context and towards a new environmental, social and economic reality.
Slovak Bioeconomy Cluster is one of the co-organizers of the event. The Made in Danube project partners will participate at the event and the objectives and results of the project will be disseminated there.
More infos: https://www.biovoices-platform.eu/registeredarea/events/viewEvent/1074.
BIOWAYS - an H2020 project
The BIOWAYS mission is to promote the huge potential of bio-based research results and raise public awareness of bio-based products, using a variety of communication techniques and through public engagement activities and the development of educational tools and materials.
More infos: http://www.bioways.eu/about-bioways/objectives-approach/
BIOVOICES - a BBI-JU project under H2020
BIOVOICES bring together all relevant stakeholder groups to tackle bio-based related challenges by establishing a mobilisation and mutual learning platform, involving a plurality of voices with different perspectives, knowledge and experiences, and animating open dialogue and co-creation of knowledge between all participants.
More infos: http://www.biovoices.eu/
Transnational cooperation offers local solutions! Successfully using project results in cities and municipalities, Munich, Germany, 26 September 2018
On 26 September 2018, the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance, Regional Development and Regional Identity, in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing, invited to the following event in Munich: Transnational cooperation offers local solutions! Successfully using project results in cities and municipalities. The workshop was aimed at those interested in the Interreg V B Danube Region and Central Europe programmes. During the event, the objectives and building blocks of a successful regional exploitation of transnational project results were linked with our practical experience.

The programme included: exhibition stands to present ongoing projects from the Interreg V B programmes Danube Region and Central Europe. The study "Using European Model Solutions - Building Blocks for a Successful Implementation of Projects on Site" was presented. There was an interactively moderated discussion round with live surveys, real-time results on the topic Regional utilization of project results in theory and practice. The event ended with an outlook on the new 2021+ funding period.
https://www.aiforia.eu/de/interreg-network-meeting-in-munich/ |
Transnational Cluster Cooperation active on Agro–food, based on Smart Specialization Approach in Danube region – Danube S3 Cluster, Kick-Off event, Sinaia, Romania, 25-26 September 2018
The project addresses the unbalanced distribution of innovation performances between Western part of the region with a high level of development and the Eastern part which is lagging behind- most of the countries belonging to the Modest Innovators group with more than 17% of enterprises produce only 3% of added value. Cluster cooperation policies based on the smart specialization approach are at the core of delivering the EUSDR strategy, as they help take the geographical/thematic context into account in order to boost growth. At the Kick-off event more than 100 representatives of national/local public administration, business environment, agricultural research and development institutes, cluster representatives, chambers of commerce participated in South-Muntenia region, as well as the Danube S3 Cluster project partners. Made in Danube was presented as a partner project.
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/danube-s3-cluster |
Leveraging Finance 4 positive Social Change, kick-off event, budapest, hungary, 26. - 27. september 2018
The Finance4SocialChange project was approved under the 2nd call of INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme and brings together a multi-disciplinary quadruple-helix partnership of 14 partners from 12 countries, 6 ASPs from across Europe to deliver improved policy learning. Together the consortium will develop practical solutions on impact investing to better shape the regulatory framework for a full functioning social financing sector in the Danube region.

Finance4SocialChange is working on creating the first "Social Impact Investment Strategy for the Danube region" by paving the way for promoting more social innovations and social impact investment ready social enterprises. Made in Danube was presented during Kick-Off for Finance4SocialChange, Budapest, Hungary, 26-27 September 2018 and informed about our activities within the capitalization strategy of the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/finance4socialchange |
Green Summer School, vienna, austria 25. - 28. September 2018
In the framework of the INTERREG Danube project EcoInn Danube the Green Summer School was organized by the EC Network of BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna - who is also partner of Made in Danube project and Economica Insitute of Economic research. EcoInn´s overall aim is to boost eco-innovation development by supporting cooperation between innovators, scientists and enterprises in the Danube Region.

In this context, Made in Danube Project was introduced to the participants as an example for transnational cooperation to promote Bioeconomy in the Danube Region, followed by a brief discussion. The Green Summer School was meant for everybody interested in eco-innovation – students, green startup and entrepreneurs. It provided the necessary energy for individual ambitions, accompanied by an interactive programme for introducing into the concept of eco-innovation and visits to a start-up and UNIDO. Workshops took place for idea development and rhetorics to get mature for presentations to experts.
http://www.boku.ac.at/en/fos/technologietransfer/ecn-entrepreneurship-center-network/green-summer-school/ |
POWER4BIO project started with the participation of 2 Made in Danube partners, 1. October 2018
POWER4BIO project - Empower inregional stakeholders for realizing the full potential of European BIOeconomy, funded by Horizon2020,aims at empowering regional stakeholders to boost the transition towards bioeconomy regions in Europe by providing them with the necessary tools, instruments and guidancetodevelop and implement sound sustainable bioeconomy strategies. In particular, POWER4BIO will define a methodology to guide European regions when preparing and reviewing their regional bioeconomy strategy and its associated implementation plan, and which will be ultimately integrated in a Bioregional Strategy Accelerator Toolkit.
Made in Danube partners involved: Slovak University of Agriculture and Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd for Applied Research
BIOEAST conference: Bioeconomy in the forefront of national policies, Budapest, Hungary, 8 November 2018
In the context of the Global Challenges & Paris COP21 agreement, the role of R&I and evidence based policy-making is needed more than ever. The Central-Eastern European Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture & Forestry in the Bioeconomy (BIOEAST) offers a shared strategic research and innovation framework for working towards sustainable bioeconomies in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. The conference will take place during the Science Festival Science Festival: Science without borders.
The crucial role of the bioeconomy in achieving the SDGs
The bioeconomy has a key role to play in the transition to a more circular, renewable and resource-efficient society. In order to achieve food security, meet climate and renewable energy targets, a holistic and cross‐sectoral approach to foster bio‐based solutions is vital. At the occasion of an EUBA event on the ‘Benefits of the Bioeconomy’, the Alliance published a new paper on the crucial role of the bioeconomy in achieving the UNSustainable Development Goals.
More infos: available here
The circular economy and the bioeconomy
The European Environment Agency (EEA) published their third report on the circular economy in support of the framing, implementation and evaluation of European circular economy policy from an environmental perspective. The two previous EEA reports applied a systemic approach to framing a circular economy and to the products within it. The novel report sheds light on the role of thebioeconomy and the circularity aspects of bio-based products.
More… Read the full report here
Selection for your Agenda
ProESOF call for proposals. Deadline February 2020
The call for proposals are launched by theTESI Local Programme Committee and is aimed to collect ideas, to support the development of initiatives which will enhance dissemination, education, networking, training from now on to 2020. The Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) is the largest interdisciplinary science meeting in Europe that offers a unique framework for interaction and discussion for scientists, innovators, policy makers, entrepreneurs and the general public. Within the proESOF call, it is possible to submit proposals that fit in a big international programme of events on natural, social sciences and humanities and on science & society relationships, such as conferences, seminars, round tables, cultural events, etc. The projects will be evaluated every 3/4 months.
More infos: available here
Selection for your Agenda
Events in the field of bioeconomy, technology transfer, innovation and business finding partners
OpenBio Conference, B2B event and Fair, Koltsovo, Science town, Novosibirsk region, Russia, 25 October 2018
The events includes: Forum for business, science, authorities, and infrastructure, B2B event between local and foreign companies, specialized in healthy food, cosmetics, agriculture, veterinary, ecology and green technologies, Exposition, International conference for young scientists on molecular biology and biotechnology
More infos: https://openbio.ru/, contact: 1e@ick.ru or +7 383 306 19 17, Mrs. Olga Ikaeva
Brokerage Event Pollutec "Green Days" Lyon, France, 27-30 November 2018
Pollutec Lyon is the most important International Exhibition in environmental, energy equipments, technologies, services. In 2016, Pollutec Fair received 2,206 exhibitors and 60,834 visitors coming from 33 countries.The Brokerage event brought together 261 participants from 28 countries. 279 profiles were published, 634 bilateral meetings were organised.
More infos: https://www.b2match.eu/greendays2016-pollutec
Selection for your agenda
- 23-25 October, OpenBio-biotechnological-event, Koltsovo, Russia
- 24-25 October, Smart-Energy-World-Summit, Milan, Italy
- 24-26 October, International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Budapest, Hungary
- 7-8 November, European-biomass-to-power-Conference, Stockholm, Sweden
- 8 November, BIOEAST-bioeconomy-in-the-forefront-of-national-policies-Conference, Budapest, Hungary
- 10 November, International SME Conference on Untapped Resources, https://www.mbw.md/ro/schedule/, Chisinau
- 4-6 December,International Phytobiomes Conference, Montpellier, France
- December, 4th Edition of the National Forum of Women from Moldova, www.odimm.md, Chisinau
Technology Offer; Technology Request |
Kazakhstan companies require technology
Kazakhstan companies require technology for obtaining a 99% glycerol by cleavage fat (palm sterol, hydrogenated fat, vegetable oils, etc.). The technology should be processed up to 20 tons per day of raw fat, at a daily productivity glycerol 1.2-1.6 tons / day. Read more ...
More infos: other requests from Kazakh companies can be found here
Kazakhstan company needs technology of cleaning/post-combustion of reaction gases of carbide production
Kazakh company is seeking a partner (the owner of the technology and equipment) for a joint project to develop a new treatment technology and post-combustion reaction gases carbide production in view of the melting furnace operation at reduced power.Scope - production of manganese ore/limestone, lime production/sale, ferroalloys, calcium carbide.
More infos: available here
Technology Offers – Wood sector, Biofuels, Precision farming
Technology Requests
Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Biotechnology, Research and Innovation in Europe
As you know, the stimulation of networks is at the heart of the Commission’s action plan for biotechnology as well as of the next Research Framework Programme. Danish and Belgian researchers and companies are well placed in the European biotechnology league.
More infos: available here
Selection for your Agenda
Clusters and SMEs
European Cluster Collaboration Platform
It is an open community. It is a service facility aiming to provide cluster organisations with modern tools that allow to:
- make efficient use of networking instruments (search/find potential partners and opportunities)
- develop collaboration trans-nationally (within Europe) and internationally (beyond Europe)
- support the emergence of new value chains through cross-sectorial cooperation
- access the latest quality information on cluster development
- improve their performance and increase their – as well as their members’ - competitiveness.
More infos: available here
Selection for your Agenda
Made in Danube - Social Media & Project Team
News and information about Made in Danube will constantly be shared via Social Media Channels. Follow us now on:
Do you have questions regarding the project, newsletter or promotion material? Do you want to get involved in Capitalisation? Do not hesitate to contact us:
Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum of the Steinbeis Innovation GmbH
Steinhäuserstraße 12
76135 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 935 190
Or approach the project management team directly:
Daniela Chiran: phone: +49 721 935 1932, chiran@steinbeis-europa.de
Miljana Ćosić: phone +49 721 935 19 138, cosic@steinbeis-europa.de
Isabel Trömel: phone: +49 721 935 1933, troemel@steinbeis-europa.de

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