




The ResInfra@DR project launched two Calls for Expressions of Interest (EoL) to participate in a ResInfra@DR support activity.

The ResInfra@DR project is designed to strengthen Research Infrastructures (RI) in the Danube macro-region (DR) and runs from January 2017 to June 2019. The project facilitates enhanced transnational cooperation and a macro-regional scope of the sustainable development of research infrastructures. The main activities of the ResInfra@DR project include:

  • a dialogue focusing on relevant regional, national and macro regional but also EU level policy fields involving also  end-users of RIs;
  • special trainings for defined target groups, thus contributing to capacity building with an outreach to the entire macro-region and beyond the partnership involved;
  • a collection of a dataset of competent and qualified reviewers for RI assessments;
  • two pilot activities focusing on 

(a) peer actions including nine existing RIs (pilot activity 1, not subject of this EoI);

b) LOT 1: Ex-ante support of three planned or to be upgraded RIs or LOT 2: RI measures in countries of the Danube macro region (pilot activity 2 and subject of this EoI);

  • the dedicated dissemination and capitalisation actions contribute to the policy take up and utilisation of the results.

Call LOT1 for EoIs: The main purpose of this call is to identify interested research entities or parent organisations of RIs wishing to participate in the pilot activity focusing on Research Infrastructures in the Danube macro-region. Received EoIs will enable the local partners of ResInfra@DR to define useful support actions in a dialogue process together with the interested parties.
For further details of Call LOT1 please click here…

Call LOT2 for Eols: The main purpose of this call is to identify interested ministries or agencies wishing to participate in the pilot activity focusing on Research Infrastructures in the Danube macro-region. Received EoIs will enable the local partners of ResInfra@DR to define useful support action together with the interested parties in a dialogue process.
For further details of Call LOT2 please click here…


  • Announcement of the calls: 1 October 2018
  • EoI submission deadline: 10 October 2018 12:00 CET
  • The received EoIs will be screened by the ResInfra@DR partners. The local ResInfra@DR partners will approach the EoI applicants for further clarification (depending on availability). A final decision on the support will be made after further clarification within the partnership.
  • As a further step, a joint meeting of the interested organisations will be organised in November 2018 (potentially in Belgrade, Budapest, Prague or Vienna).

Learn more about the project:

The ResInfra@DR project team


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)