Transdanube.Pearls - Newsletter 09/2018


first milestones and progress in the eu project transdanube.pearls


Since the last newsletter in September 2017, the EU project Transdanube.Pearls reached the first milestones related to the project goal to foster sustainable mobility in tourism along the Danube. During the third partner meeting in October 2017 that took place in Ruse, Bulgaria, partners approved the final version of the common standards. The common standards define the basic criteria and minimum standards to be fulfilled by future Pearls and members of the network. The factsheet available here summarizes the criteria for becoming a Danube.Pearl.


In the fourth partner meeting in Vukovar, Croatia in March 2018, the partners presented the current status on the pilot actions and commonly discussed the benefits of a Danube.Pearls network and determined the responsibilities members should take over as part of such a network. The information is summarized here


Besides, the "Sustainable Regional Tourism and Mobility Plan" (SRTMP), a concept for planning and implementing measures to foster sustainable mobility in tourism in a region has been finalized by all partners in June. Thus, partners started to implement the actions in cooperation with regional stakeholders from the tourism and mobility sector. Furthermore, the project aims to implement new and improve existing mobility and tourism services by elaborating and testing pilot actions. These pilot actions refer to bike rental and bike carriage systems, flexible transport systems and mobility information center. For this purpose, guidelines on how to plan and test such pilot actions in the most effective manner have been elaborated. These guidelines on different mobility and tourism services are available here.


And lastly, more than 100 representatives of the tourism and mobility sector from the whole Danube region attended the mid-term conference of the EU project Transdanube.Pearls in Neu-Ulm (Germany) on 11 July 2018. The goal was to present future-oriented mobility and tourism services and the benefits resulting from cooperation and transnational networks. The event was hosted by the Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm and organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Read more about the conference ... 

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awarded: transdanube.pearls receives vcö mobility award


Altogether 321 projects and concepts have been submitted to the VCÖ Mobility Award, the largest mobility competition in Austria. 12 exemplary projects won; Transdanube.Pearls is one of the lucky winners and received the prize in the category "Leisure and Tourism". This year's motto of the VCÖ Mobility Award in Vienna was "Society. Change. Mobility" with the focus on projects contributing to the transition of the transport sector. Agnes Kurzweil, representative of the Lead Partner, the Environment Agency Austria received the prize at the award ceremony in Vienna on 18 September 2018. 

Read more ... 


cooperation: potential future danube.pearls met for the first time


Subsequent to the mid-term conference, representatives of interested management organizations from the tourism sector supported by our project partners attended a two-day seminar from 12-13 July 2018 in Neu-Ulm, Germany. This was the first step to implement the transnational network of Danube.Pearls.


Participants had the chance to discuss the organizational structure, benefits, responsibilites and working areas o the future Danube.Pearl network. A joint city walk through the city center of Ulm provided the chance to get to know each other and their pearls. 


entertainment: videos of the assessment tour 


In Summer 2017, an international team of mobility and tourism experts accompanied by a video team travelled the 2.860 km long route along the Danube by using only sustainable means of transport such as busses, trains, ships and bicycles. They encompassed 9 countries and visited more than 15 regions in 22 days.


Interested how they managed to that? Then watch our videos and start travelling the Danube sustainably right now! It will be an unforgettable experience!

Watch the videos here ... 


facts: Project activities and first results


Would you like to experience the Iron Gate on your own bicycle but you have a problem to transport it from Belgrade with the bus? Are you looking for a travel possibility on the last mile from the train station to the lake Neusiedl? We are happy to announce that the first pilot actions, such as bike rental services, bike carriage and flexible transport systems have been implemented.


Apart from that, mobility information centers were opened in Slovenia and Romania, and more than 60 participants attended mobility management trainings in the Danube reigon. For a detailed overview on implemented results and upcoming services, read more ... 


international: participation in international conferences


Transdanube.Pearls has been presented at two international conferences on mobility, namely the 5th SUMP conference in Nicosia, Cyprus (14-15 May 2018) and the ECOMM conference in Uppsala, Sweden (31 May - 1 June 2018).


Mrs. Lucia Illieva from our project partner "Club Sustainable Development of Civil Society" (Bulgaria) presented the project and the innovative concept of "Sustainable Regional Tourism Mobility Plans" (SRTMP) that was elaborated in the course of the project.


Read more ... 


upcoming events

  • 1st - 3rd October 2018: Study visit for ASPs and partners int he Danube Delta, Romania
  • 3rd - 5th October 2018: 6th partner meeting in the Danube Delta, Romania
  • 18 - 19 October 2018: Participation at the 7th EUSDR Annual Forum in Sofia, Bulgaria
    • Presentation of the project by the Lead Partner, the Environment Agency Austria, at the session "Sustainable Tourism Mobility"



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)