Project mid-term conference held on June 13th, 2018 | First work-package finalised


Camaro-D met PROLINE-CE


Dear readers,


First outputs and the status quo of the CAMARO-D project were presented during the project MIDTERM-CONFERENCE which was held on June 13th 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


More than 100 participants learnt about the project progress and also got a feeling for the synergies and differences between CAMARO-D project and the CENTRAL EUROPE project PROLINE-CE, since this was a jointly organized event. Feel free to download the proceedings.



2nd Thematic Pilot Cluster Coordination Meeting


On June 14th, the 2nd pilot workshop took place where the partnership discussed the selection of transnationally applicable best practice manuals. In group sessions, the progress in the three clusters was discussed. Eventually, an excursion was organized to the Slovenian pilot areas near Iška River and well field Brest.




Investigative danube


The first work-package, Investigative Danube, which had started with the review of existing policy instruments and best management practices and which resulted in the elaboration of a knowledge base, including amongst others a transnational best management practice catalogue, was finalized in early 2018.


Moreover, this work-package also presented the findings of a SWOT analysis carried out via different forms of questionnaires. The study aimed at discovering the knowledge of different stakeholder groups regarding interdependencies between land-use practices, vegetation cover and water management.


Main output documents can be found on the Library-section of the project website.





2 Outputs and 11 Deliverables are available



+++   CAMARO-D 2018   +++


Outlook: in 2018, the work in the pilot areas will be carried out and consequently, the main project work will focus on the finalisation of the work-package “Explorative Danube”.


However, also the development of the GUIDR – main outcome of “Visionary Danube” has already started. This document will be a transnational guidance paper, providing for stakeholders and practitioners a set of best practices for a sound water management.


Copyright pictures: University of Ljubljana

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)