Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructures in the Danube Region
Dear readers!
One year ago we started our project journey dedicated to research infrastructure in the Danube-macro region and the constant reach out for excellence. Important steps were taken successfully and a number of activities were started by the ResInfra@DR partners.
In winter/spring 2018, this effort will be continued and we are happy to announce our 4th Dialogue Meeting in Zagreb in the beginning of March and the reopened Call for Participation in the 2nd ResInfra@DR Expert Training in Banja Luka in April. We invite you to learn more in this issue about current topic/s and opportunities!
The Newsletter Vol. 3 looks back at recent activities by the project and its partners and, moreover, it offers access to selected news from the international research infrastructure community!
At this point, we like to thank our growing expert community with more than 1000 readers of the ResInfra@DR newsletter for their interest!

Get in touch with us and share your issues – this is possible via several channels including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (private expert group) or write an email to office@resinfradr.eu
Martin Felix Gajdusek (Leadpartner, ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation in Vienna), Ines Marinkovic (Thematic Pole 2 coordinator, ZSI) and Pamela Bartar (Communication manager, ZSI) on behalf of the ResInfra@DR project partners
ResInfra@DR 4th Dialogue Workshop in Zagreb, 8 March 2018
The fourth ResInfra@DR Dialogue Workshop will take place on 8th of March 2018 at the Ministry of Science and Education (MSE), Zagreb. The meeting will gather national and international experts to discuss important issues concerning following topics:
- RI issues in the regional innovation (and smart specialisation) strategies;
- Financial sustainability of RIs;
- Regional projects interlinking with S3 and regional co-operation of RIs;
- Implementing Instruments in S3: Building new and Improving existing Research Infrastructure.
The ResInfra@DR partnership also would like to welcome the relevant experts from the Danube Region. Experts in the topics mentioned above are also invited to participate in Zagreb Dialogue Workshop.
In case you are interested in the topic or if you have any question regarding our Zagreb workshop, please feel free to contact Ms Doris Jozic, email: doris.jozic@mzo.hr or Ms Mirela Čokešić, email: mirela.cokesic@mzo.hr
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ResInfra@DR 2nd Expert Training in Banja Luka, 24 – 27 April 2018 – Call for Participation
After the successful completion of the first training for building capacity for planning, evaluation, management and operation of research infrastructures (RIs), the ResInfra@DR team is preparing for the next training which will take place in Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina, between April 24 and 27.
Although the list of participants for the Banja Luka training is almost full, there are still a few places available for participants from the countries, which were not sufficiently represented on the Sofia training. We are therefore again opening the call for participation for applicants from the following countries: Austria, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia. The training is primarily aimed at RI programme owners (ministries responsible for defining, financing or managing research programmes), RI funding agencies, RI managers and operators (hosts), as well as potential reviewers of RIs.
Deadline for the submission of application is Friday, 16 March 2018, 17:00 CET.
If you need further information, please contact resinfra@online.bg
Please see the Open Call for Participation in Training for more information…
For application please fill in the form...
Review on activities of ResInfra@DR project and partner news
Editor’s choice & partner news
Slovakia has become a full member of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
The accession of the Slovak Republic to EMBL emphasises the organisation’s commitment to promoting European science and collaboration among researchers. EMBL is one of the world’s leading research institutions, and Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences. EMBL was set up in order to promote molecular biology across Europe, and to create a centre of excellence for Europe's leading young molecular biologists.
Read more…
Joint Research Centre announced a series of calls for open access to JRC scientific laboratories and facilities
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) recently announced a new series of calls for open access to JRC scientific laboratories and facilities in the non-nuclear and nuclear areas:
Non-nuclear: Nanobiotechnology Laboratory (Call closing 13 April 2018)
Nuclear: European research infrastructure for nuclear reaction, radioactivity, radiation and technology studies in science and applications (EUFRAT) – 4 Laboratories: GELINA, HADES, MONNET, RADMET (Call closing 7 March 2018)
The calls are addressed to external users from academia and research organisations, industry, SMEs, and more in general from the private and public sectors.
Research Infrastructures beyond 2020 – sustainable and effective ecosystem for science and society conference in March
The event is part of the Presidency calendar of the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria (also partner in ResInfra@DR). The Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, in partnership with the European Commission will host the 2018 Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU Flagship conference ‘Research Infrastructures beyond 2020 – sustainable and effective ecosystem for science and society’. On the 22-23 March 2018, the event will gather around 300 participants and more than 30 high-level speakers to Sofia Tech Park, the innovation and digital hub of Bulgaria’s capital.
Aveiro Regional Workshop by the InRoad project in April
The fourth InRoad Regional Workshop will be held on 13 April 2018 at the University Campus of Santiago in Aveiro. The goal of this upcoming Regional Workshop is to bring together stakeholders to discuss the role and contribution of European Structural and Investment Funds in the mix of funding sources of Research Infrastructures, to share experience by giving insights, experiences and suggestions and to provide recommendations for the next generation of structural funds and EU Framework Programme.
Two ESFRI Scripta Volumes out now
Two new ESFRI Scripta Volumes have been recently published. They are dedicated to the outcomes of the ad hoc Working Groups on Long term sustainability of Research infrastructures (Vol. II) and on Innovation (Vol III).
Read more on Vol II…
Read more on Vol III…
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