Made in Danube: Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region
The Danube macro-region provides ideal framework conditions for bio-economy due to high-quality natural resources, well-known universities and a strong industrial tissue of SMEs. However, the region is still lagging behind its possibilities and missing links between research and innovation hamper the access to required knowledge and resources.
The rising population and associated demand for renewable biological resources make
bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region. Successful development of innovative services and new products in this highly depend on an efficient collaboration between research organizations and regional companies. For this reason the Made in Danube project tries to improve the conditions for this cooperation by developing open innovation tools which will match the needs of companies with the expertise of research organizations; We welcome your contributions and inputs. If you are interested to promote events, new technologies, research results, expertise in the field of bio-economy, find partners (research, innovation, business), please contact us.
Project "Made in Danube" contributes to the Bioeconomy policy in Slovakia
The Bioeconomy Cluster in Slovakia (member of the Union of Slovak Clusters and active beneficiary of the Made in Danube project) has significantly contributed to the revision of the Action plan of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization in Slovakia (RIS3). Bioeconomy are one of priorities in a (related) strategic document in Slovakia. The RIS3 Action plan consists of 5 main domains. The Bioeconomy Cluster as a member of the WG for the domain ‘Healthy Food and Environment’ has actively participated in the preparation of the domain and/as well as supported the inclusion of bioeconomy among the priorities.
DTIC - Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation e-tool
Organizations interested to cooperate in the field of bio-economy in the Danube Region can now use the DTIC - Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation e-tool, a web instrument dedicated to build partnerships across the region for the purpose of fostering innovation, technology transfer (and) knowledge sharing and development.
The partners have registered so far, a number of 25 users in the platform which allows for testing (25 partners have registered on the platform so far, which allows for testing/initial tests).The mapping was done by gathering all relevant information about the parties (actors) involved in the technology transfer process (Research Entity (research entities) and Business Organization(s)).
Based on previously identified information and data, the actual matching can be done using the platform’s Matching functions. (“Matching” Section): the innovation matching is done by either selecting technology keywords or (by selecting) a market area, while/whereas the research matching is made
possible/enabled/facilitated by selecting the UNESCO 4 Digit code or the NACE code. The DTIC e-tool can be accessed on computers or/as well as mobile devices.
Innovation Capacity tools
One major territorial challenge of the Danube area is the improvement of the innovation capabilities of the region’s SMEs, especially regarding eco-innovation, which has the power to affect not only a wide range of industries and services, but also our entire environment. In the frame of the Made in Danube project, a methodology and three tools are being created to support entities that work in the field of technology transfer and innovation. We created a methodology and a set of three tools that will support the entities that work in the field of technology transfer and innovation. The aim is to analyze the company’s capacity to be innovative, to create competitiveness and to transfer research results intothe market:Innovation Audit, a component of the analysis of innovation capability potential of SMEs and R&D Institutions together with TO – Technology Offer, TR – Technology Request in the field of Bio-economy – Agriculture, Forestry and Bio-energy. You can find these tools as components of the DTIC - Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation e-tool.
Best Practice Workshop on capacities and opportunities, Nitra, Slovakia, 30th January 2018
The Made in Danube Consortium is inviting you to join its Social-, Service-, and Eco-innovations in Bio-economy: Best Practice Workshop on capacities and opportunities.
The ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, in cooperation with the Union of Slovak Clusters is organizing(AE) a workshop to bring together representatives of higher education institutions, clusters, SMEs and NGOs, to foster local innovation capacity through good practices (AE) examples and knowledge exchange on cross-cutting issues related to bio-economy such as social-, services- and eco-innovation.
More... ; click here for Agenda; please register here.
Synergies with other Projects
SMART Factory HUB - Improving RD and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry
The main objective of the project is to improve framework conditions for innovation in the area of “smart factory”. The project’s goal is to develop R&D and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry. Result is improved cooperation between R&D and business where based on RIS3 (Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy) centered model, quadruple helix partners will be oriented to find novel solutions in the following three domains: applying novel technologies, applying effective production process and applying effective human resource management system.
CrowdStream - CROWDfunding to mainSTREAM innovation
CrowdStream`s main objective is to improve the effectiveness of public/private business-support for innovative spin-offs & social enterprises to access qualitative alternative financing (crowdfunding). The project will initiate a change in the financing market. The main project result will be:Improved cooperation between business-support-organizations(AE) and enterprises to guarantee a qualitative access to crowdfunding.
SuperBIO project– the innovation project of Horizon2020
The project aims to develop and support at least 10 new, innovative, cross-border and cross-sectorial industrial value chains in the bio-based economy. The project is oriented towards SMEs that want to build innovative value chains and that are interested in innovation services to bring the value chains closer to the market.
SuperBIO offers 10 different professional innovation services to SMEs funded by the project for 75%! After the validation of (the) value chain(s), SMEs can receive various innovation services with a maximal total value of 60 000€. The project runs from 1.6.2016 until 30.11.2018, whereby (the) applications can be submitted until 31.7.2018.
Entrepreneur in Romania! – under Structural Funds
The "Entrepreneur in Romania!" Project is intended for Romanian citizens with residence or residence in the last 12 months, until enrolling in the program, abroad. The project offers the opportunity to participate free of charge in a business school and offers access to a grant of up to EUR 39,000 (without own contribution) for setting up and starting a non-agricultural business in the urban area inone of the 7 least developed regions of Romania, including South-West.
More...please contact us.
ECOinnovation Forum - Sustainable technology for the future, Brno, Chech Republic, 30 Nov-1 Dec 2017
IP A, Romania as Associated Partner, participated at the "ECOinnovation Forum - Sustainable technology for the future“.
The Forum aims to accelerate modern technologies for use in everyday life. In the beautiful premises of Chateau Křtiny the delegation met representatives of international and national institutions, universities and research organizations (AE) as well as managers of technology companies.
The aim of the Forum was to call attention on important international projects that come with modern energetic solutions (utilization of renewable sources, energy accumulation), transport (e-mobility) or circular economy (applicability of material and energy waste and waste water). The Program also offered/included presentations of startups and students’ projects in the field. An IPA’s representative participated in the jury, presented the synergy with the project Made in Danube, as well as / and elaboratedon the topics supported (within the project).
Synergy with others Institutes - The Institute for Materials and Wood Technology
The Institute for Materials and Wood Technology works in close cooperation with producers of wood-based materials, adhesives manufacturers, and producers of coatings and paints, as well as with companies in the furniture and construction industries.The institute is divided into four areas of competence:
- Wood-based Materials and Product developement
- Wood and Surface Treatments
- Bonding technology and polymer chemistry
- Wood chemistry and Material emission
More... ; Contact.
Bioeconomy Forum
Commission Work Programme: towards EU's future in 2025 and beyond
The Commission Work Programme 2018 released on 24 October, 2017 lays the groundwork for concrete actions that will complete the work on President Juncker's 10 political guidelines.
The boost of jobs, growth and investment through the Circular Economy Action Plan is at the core of the Commission’s agenda for the year ahead.
Commission launches new Horizon 2020 Dashboard
The Horizon 2020 Dashboard is user-friendly but at the same time offers powerful new analytical functions that will inform aboutprogramme reporting, impact analysis, feedback to policy-making as well as decisions on future priorities.In addition, the new tool also offers detailed views on individual calls, topics, countries, organisation types etc. down to the level of individual projects and beneficiaries.
The Agricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative
The Agricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative is a $3 million project meant to engage with the wider public on misperceptions about GMOs. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the goal is to get across a positive message by reassuring people about the safety of these products.
Closing the gap between innovation and market in the bioeconomy
Recently launched under the umbrella of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, Pilots4U pinpoints open access bioeconomy pilot facilities in order to fast track innovation into the market. The project aims to help companies and research institutions' to lower the costs, risks and time associated with a successful market entry.
Focus on the booming European biotech market
Published during Bio-Europe, Berlin, on Monday November 6, 2017 the new capital market report of BIOCOM AG provides key figures and facts on the volume increase in IPOs and follow-on financings in the European biotech sector in 2017. The report also highlights the strength of the German biotech sector.
What role can forests play in the bioeconomy?
Following the “Forest-based bioeconomy – benefits for climate, jobs and growth” event, the University of Eastern Finland and the National Resources Institute Finland has released a position paper on the forest-based bioeconomy and areas where further research is needed.
Selection for your Agenda
Calls/Bioeconomy capital
The Horizon 2020 WorkProgramme for 2018 - 2020 has been published
The library of legal documents, guidance notes, and additional reference materialincludes all the H2020 & FP7 reference documents starting with legal documents and the Commission work programmes for research and innovation up to model grant agreements and guides for specific actions and horizontal issues. The documents are grouped by categories. It also includes reference documents of other EU programmes, as 3rd Health, Consumer, COSME and Research Fund for Coal and Steel programmes.
DT-BG-04-2018-2019: Sustainable European aquaculture 4.0: nutrition and breeding. Deadline: 13 February 2018
ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.
RUR-09-2018: Realising the potential of regional and local bio-based economies. Deadline: 13 Februray 2018
Proposals shall foster cooperation and networking between relevant actors at all levels, so that regional bio-based economies can take off, promote open innovation approaches and ensure adequate knowledge exchange.
H2020. Coordinated approaches to funding of R&D&I for Circular Economy, Deadline 27 February 2018
Call budget: EUR 2 million, Type of action:CSA Coordination and Support Action. The action should establish a joint platform which will formulate, based on a thorough understanding of the state-of-the-art, the research and innovation needs and priorities for circular economy development in the EU. The action should produce a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, summarizing recommendations for research priorities and coordinated programming and funding mechanisms as well as disseminate best practices and promote multinational research and innovation actions within national and regional programmes.
H2020. Skills needed for new manufacturing jobs (CSA). Deadline:22 February 2018
Call budget: EUR 2 million, Type of action: CSA Coordination & Support Action. This topic will support the implementation the Blueprint beyond Additive Manufacturing within several areas from the Factories of the Future priorities.
Forest Value call 2017 – networking webinar summary and presentations available. Deadline 23 January 2018
The ForestValue networking webinar on 15 November, 2017 connected over 100 researchers interested in the ForestValue call for proposals 2017. Multifarious project presentations and a summary table including contact details and offers for cooperation are now available online. The ForestValue consortium invites partners with further project ideas or those who are looking for partners to include their details into the ForestValue partnering survey.
More…please go to the ForestValue website
Selection for your Agenda
News title - picture and text
Agromash Business Matching Event 2018, 24-26 January 2018, Budapest, Hungary
Agromash (http://agromashexpo.hu/en) is the largest fair in Hungary for the agricultural technology sector. In January 2017 there were 350 exhibitors on 40000 square meters and 45000 visitors.
This is the first time Enterprise Europe Network is organising a brokerage event connected to the fair. We are expecting 50 Hungarian participants, mostly manufacturers but also traders. Main sub-sectors are: agricultural machinery, agricultural inputs and agroinformatics.
EU-Serbia B2B: AgroFood, Digital, Industry 4.0 and Business Services, 31 January 2018
The aim of the event is to help EU companies and companies fromthe SEE region, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to operate internationally by exploiting business opportunities in Serbia. Topics of the conference are: investment, growth and job creation.
During the Conference the B2B meeting will be held in the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network.
Biogaz Europe 2018: International Business Meetings, 07-08 February 2018, Nantes, France
More than 200 international exhibitors and represented companies and 8000 professional visitors are expected: energy professionals, farmers, agricultural parties, project developers, policy makers, local authorities etc.
For this occasion, International Business Meetings are organized on the 7th (afternoon) and 8th (morning).
26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 14-18 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
As a world leader / fore-runner within the bioenergy and renewable energy sectors, Denmark represents the ideal setting to host the EUBCE 2018 Conference and Exhibition. Renewable energy constitutes 23% of the Danish energy production and 28.6% of the Danish energy consumption, according to the Energy Agency’s Energy Statistics 2015.
Bioenergy is by far the largest contributor of renewable energy, with 60% of the production and 69% of the consumption. The large share of bioenergy is mainly caused of conversion of CHP plants from formerly coal to now biomass, particularly imported wood pellets. Biomass is one of Denmark’s main renewable energy sources for generating power and heat by combustion and gasification.
Selection for your Agenda
- 24-26 January, European Creative Hubs Campus, Brussels, Belgium
- 24- 26 January, Workshop/Macro-regional-innovation-week, Ispra, Italy
- 25-26 January,IBioIC’s Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland
- 6-7 February, Pitch+and+Innovation+Tour-on-Bioeconomy; CommBeBiz meeting, Budapest, Hungary
- 13 February, White Biotech "HEY, START ME UP!" Workshop, Toulouse, France
- 15-16 February, Energy for smart mobility, Brokerage Event, Marseille, France
- 22 February, Study-visit-to-the EPO-Munich , More information; Registration, Munich, Germany
- 28 February–1 March, Inward Trade Mission in the Agrofood sector to La Rioja, Company Mission,Logroño, Spain
- 15-16 March, Successful R&I in Europe - 9th European Networking Event, Düsseldorf, Germany
- 15-16 March, Life-sciences-B2B-mission-in-Paca-France. Marseille-Nice, France
- 4 April, Business opportunities in construction, energetics, & green tech, Brokerage,GornjaRadgona, Slovenia
- 12 April, 6th Biopesticide matchmaking event, Brokerage Event, London, UK
Technology Offers; Technology Request
Technology Offers – Wood sector, Biofuels, Precision farming
- Austrian biomass power plant manufacturer seeks partners for H2020 projects, Austria
- Innovative panels for furniture with transparent epoxy resin and food scraps, Italy
- Wooden prefabricated construction system with a infill insulation based on natural materials, Czech Rep
- Solar biomass gasification, Armenia
- Sustainable production of biofuel (bioethanol) from shellfish waste, Spain
- Technology for bioethanol production from wood using simultaneous saccharification& fermentation…, Romania
- Polish producer of innovative pellet air heater is looking for development and investment partners, Poland
- A University has developed an additive for improving the cetane number in diesel or biodiesel fuels, Slovakia
- Technology to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion of mixtures of cattle manure, straw & waste. Bulgaria
- Novel biotechnological production process of itaconic acid, Germany
Technology Request
- Vegetable paper for food packaging, Italy
- Seeking partner to provide sensor components for small scale anaerobic digestion technology, UK
- Looking for a technology investment support in agriculture with joint venture, Macedonia
- Novel, innovative fertilizers and plant stimulants, Israel
- Reversed osmosis technology driven by renewable energy, Netherlands
- A company is interested in identifying modern technologies in organic farming & post-harvest techn, Moldova
- Romanian company from agriculture sector is looking for a new technology to extract fibers from hemp, Romania
- Seeking solution for complete replacement of antibiotic in animal semen for artificial insemination, France
- Looking for a complete technological solution for managing Olive Mill Waste (OMW) water, Greece
- Energy efficiency auditing company seeking for energy-efficient technologies for industry & energy sector, Poland
Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
International Centres of European Research and Innovation
The EC is promoting the establishment of three International Centres (and Network of Centres) of European Research and Innovation through the H2020 in Brazil (CEBRABIC), in China (ERICENA) and in the USA (NearUS).
These Centres will provide a comprehensive and diverse range of services to support and facilitate collaboration in the areas of research, innovation and businessfor their customers – including European research and technology organisations, universities, national and regional funding organisations, national and regional authorities, research infrastructures and networks, SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs.
Selection for your Agenda
- Financial Management of Horizon 2020 Projects. 17-19 January, Milan, Italy, Enrol, 7-9 February, Amsterdam, Netherlands,Enrol , 7-9 March,Barcelona, Spain, Enrol , 18-20 April, Frankfurt, Germany, Enrol
- Practical Seminar: Research Evaluation & Assessing Quality, 19-20 March, Berlin, brochure; online booking form.
- BBI-Europe-OpenDays-bio-economy
- REG- Developing next-generation biofuels - investing in technology
- Make-european-innovation-council-one-stop-shop-innovation-funding-says-advisory-group
- Learning-event-EPO-Guidelines2day, 13 March 2018, The Hague, Netherlands
- Training event for patent searchers: Search Matters 2018, 23-25 April 2018, The Hague, Netherlands
- EIC-High-Level-Group-of-Innovators-Recommendations
- The-Social-Innovation-Community-Repository
- Social Innovation Community
- World Journal of Biology and Biotechnology
Clusters & SMEs
The European Path to Bioeconomy Runs through Clusters
Who are the major protagonists of the European bioeconomy? Clusters. From France to the Netherlands, from Germany to Italy, in the Old Continent many countries aggregate small and medium enterprises, research centres, universities and – occasionally – investors, driven by the motto “working together to compete”.
TETRAMAX – the innovation action of H2020
TETRAMAX is a new Horizon 2020 innovation action and will provide an implementation of the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for cyber physical systems, seeking to accelerate innovation within European Industries. The project aims to boost the innovation by stimulating, organizing and evaluating different kinds of Technology Transfer Experiments (TTX).
Eurostars-2 programme: Call for Applications. Deadline 01 March 2018
For Clusters with R&D-performing SME members! Eurostars is a joint programme between EUREKA and the European Commission, co-funded from the national budgets of 36 Eurostars Participating States and Partner Countries and by the European Union through Horizon 2020. In the 2014-2020 period it has a total public budget of €1.14 billion.
Eurostars supports international innovative projects led by R&D-performing SMEs.
INNOSUP : Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains. Deadline: 12 April 2018
The challenge is to develop new cross-sectoral industrial value chains across the EU, by building upon the innovation potential of SMEs. The EU needs to support the development of emerging industries, which will provide more employment and growth in the future. SMEs need help to generate knowledge, creativity, craftsmanship, and innovation.
Selection for your Agenda
Social Media - Made in Danube
News and information about Made in Danube will constantly be shared via Social Media Channels. Follow us now on:
Contact: Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum of the Steinbeis Innovation GmbH
Address: Erbprinzenstr. 4-12, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany, fax: +49 721 935 1920
Daniela Chiran: phone:+49 721 935 1932, chiran@steinbeis-europa.de
MiljanaCosic: phone +49 721 935 19 138, cosic@steinbeis-europa.de
Isabel Trömel:phone:+49 721 935 1933, troemel@steinbeis-europa.de
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