Dear Partners,
we wish to all those who have contributed in one way or another to the DANUrB project in 2017,
a Merry Christmas, wonderful holidays and a Happy New Year with lots of success and cooperation opportunities.
Your DANUrB Team
danurb was labelled as a relevant dtp project for eu year of cultural heritage (eych 2018)
2018 will be the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH 2018). The overall objective of the European Year of Cultural Heritage is to encourage the sharing and appreciation of Europe's cultural heritage, to raise awareness of our common history and values, and to reinforce a sense of belonging in a common European space.The DTP DANUrB project has been selected to be labelled as a relevant project on culture and/or creative industries for EU Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH 2018). DANUrB project has been labelled because it contributes to achieve one or more of the objectives of the Year, as laid down in Decision (EU) 2017/864 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on a European Year of Cultural Heritage (2018).
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danurb went china
Following the invitation of Prof. Lv Hongyi (University of Zhengzhou) OIKODROM researcher Dr. Heidi Dumreicher and Michael Anranter, MA presented DANUrB to distinguished Chinese representatives and research experts attending the 2017 Canal and Towns Forum in Hua County (Henan Province, China). Like cities along the Danube, Hua is rich of both, material and intangible cultural heritage related to the Grand Canal, and builds on the opportunities provided by the 13th national plan: valorisation, maintenance and development of material and intangible cultural heritage have become a key issue in China.
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Danurb workshop in giurgiu, romania
The city of Giurgiu hosted in November the workshop "The Different Danube" dedicated to Giurgiu and the Giurgiu-Ruse micro-region, organized by the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism, through the Faculty of Urbanism, in partnership with the Giurgiu City Hall.
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Danurb and the steel city
On the 7th of December, the DANUrB Team from Vienna made a field trip to the city of Linz in Upper Austria. The aim of this excursion was exploring the city’s cultural identity. Linz has a history of steel-industry and has in the last few years become home to many creative, cultural initiatives. One of these initiatives is the Mural Harbor – an open air Graffiti and Contemporary Muralism ‘gallery’ located directly in the whole are of the port of Linz. The project combines the Danube, industry and art and is a great experience of young cultural activities along the Danube. Situated next to the river, the Ars Electronica Center Linz is a museum of applied technical science, a museum of the future, a think-tank, where science meets culture meets art and understanding.
danurb meeting in smederevo
The team from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade (Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Djukić, Branislav Antonić and Tamara Radić) had a DANUrB meeting in the City of Smederevo in December 13, 2017. The main hosts were Ivan Nišlić from City Tourist Board and Vladislava Živanović-Ristović, the city Urbanist. The topic of this meeting is the upgrading of DANurB cooperation through faculty courses in the next semester. The team from Belgrade also visited the main heritage sites in Smederevo, including Smederevo Fortress.
partners meeting and student presentations at bme
On 23 November 2018, there was a partners meeting of BME and STU held at the BME Urbanisztika Tanszék in Budapest. The manin topic was the preparation of the "Book on the unexplored cultural heritage in communities by the Danube" and the GIS database visualizing cultural heritage on the Danube. An accompaning event of student semestral studio works full of great interventions along the Danube river was really interesting, inspiring and motivating.
For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb
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This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).
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