
Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism Student Workshop within the DANUrB project
"The Different DANUBE"
Urban - Regional and Landscape Planning at Giurgiu-Ruse cross-border territory
Thematic research on Danube's cultural brand

The city of Giurgiu hosted in November the workshop "The Different Danube" dedicated to Giurgiu and the Giurgiu-Ruse micro-region, organized by the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism, through the Faculty of Urbanism, in partnership with the Giurgiu City Hall, in the DANUrB project - "Danube Urban Brand: a regional network building through tourism and education to strengthen the Danube cultural identity and solidarity". The project is funded through the INTERREG Danube Transnational Program, coordinated by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).

The event, coordinated by teachers of the UAUIM Faculty of Urbanism, ERDF partner of the DANUrB, includes thematic presentations, project discussions, meetings with representatives of the municipality and other urban actors relevant to the development of the city. At the event, together with the Faculty of Urbanism UAUIM, INCD Turism, partner ERDF DANUrB represented by Cristina Lixandroiu, Giurgiu City Hall, a strategic partner (ASP) for INCD Tourism, represented by Ianca Meca, AdoniaIlie from the European Programs Directorateof Giurgiu City Hall and the Chief Architect CătălinaVărzaru.



Thus, on Friday, 17th of November, the working experts team and the students involved arrived at the Giurgiu City Hall and together with the chief architect Cătălina Vărzaru and specialists from the City Hall subsequently went on site prospection to see the objectives and institutions in the Giurgiu administrative territory and to discussions with experts at the Teohari Antonescu County Museum, with Mr. Emil Păunescu, at the County Council, the ethnography section of the museum with Mr. Virgil Peţanca and in the village of Gostinu, at the Tourist Information Center with the mayor Dumitru Văcăru.

The objective of the workshop was to make a customized thematic investigation on the Giurgiu territory in order to make visible various elements of spatial and cultural urban potential which could be used by subsequent projects.



UAUIM was represented by the assoc. prof. dr. arch. Angelic Stan (UAUIM Project Manager), lect.dr.arch. Mihaela Hărmănescu (UAUIM Communication Manager), 8 professors that are coordinating the thematic clusters  and 30 students.

Workshop Thematic Clusters 1) Local development in the Danube region (coordinator: assoc.prof. dr.arch. Pascariu Gabriel, assistant professor  dr.urb. Laura Tucan) 2) Urbanurban modeling of the urban front at the Danube (coordinator: assoc. Prof. dr.arh. Mihaela Hermina Negulescu, assistant professor dr.arh. Andreea Acasandre); 3) Valuation of the heritage elements of art and post-industrial architecture (coordinator: assoc.prof.dr.arh. Cristina Enache, assistant professor PhDc.urb. Andreea Simion), 4) Valuation of the Danube cultural landscape (assoc.prof. Cerasella Crăciun, assistant professor dr.urb. Ana Opriş).

On November 28, 2017 the results of the workshop were publicly presented in the Frescos Hall of the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest. Watch the video of a local tv or visit the Youtube to experience the sound of Giurgiu.

Contact persons: 
assoc.dr.arh. Angelica Stan (UAUIM Project Manager)
lect.dr.arh. Mihaela Hărmănescu (UAUIM Communication Manager)

For more information about the DANUrB project, please visit dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb
Follow the DANUrB project on social media:


This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)