Dear Readers,
in the final newsletter of 2017 we would like to look back at recent activities and give a brief forecast of the upcoming ones.
GOLDEN AGE OF EDUCATION fOR the age of gold in business
"Golden age of education for the age of gold in business", Ms Gabrijela Grujić, the Assistant Minister for Strategic Planning, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in Serbia opened with these words the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of EDU-LAB, that took place on the 15th of November, 2017 in Belgrade.
At the meeting, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuster (Chairman of the European Foundation for Education), Ms Gabrijela Grujić (Assistant Minister for Strategic Planning, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development) and Msc. Mirjana Kovacevic (Director, Sector for Education, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) praised the close cooperation already established within the project EDU-LAB. Furthermore, they discussed possible responses to the challenges and opportunities coming with the laws on Higher Education in Serbia recently adopted.
Read more about the SCOM here.
Event gallery here.
Testimonial of our IVY VOLUNTEER

Our IVY Volunteer, Alina Felder was asked by Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) to shortly report on her experiences as an IVY volunteer hosted by EFE: "I have been a volunteer for about two months now and so far I could gain very interesting insights into European territorial cooperation and EU Cohesion Policy. Within EDU-LAB it is my responsibility to work on our capitalisation strategy and activities, that are aimed at creating synergies between thematically connected projects within the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP). " (EDU-LAB belongs to the DTP Thematic Pole 9 on 'Educational Governance', where we are currently leading the pole's activities.)
The above picture is part of her testimonial that has been published together with other experience reports on the website of the European Commission.
DTP Priority Area 7 (Knowledge Society) STEERING GROUP MEETING, Belgrade, November 28, 2017
On behlaf of EDU-LAB, currently leading DTP’s Thematic Pole on Educational Governance (TP9), Alina Felder, the IVY Volunteer at EFE attended the 14th Steering Group Meeting of Priority Area 7 (Knowledge Society) in Belgrade on November 28, 2017.
Next to futher interesting updates on the EUSDR-DTP Annual Forum, the Seed Money Facility Call and the relationship of the PA with Erasmus +, the main issues to be discussed were in the field of capitalisation. For this purpose, representatives from four related Thematic Poles (Poles 1, 2, 3 and 9) were invited to the meeting to present their activities and suggest future actions for within the DTP Capitalisation Strategy.
Within the discussions after the presentation of each pole, it became clear that the DTP Capitalisation Strategy is not fully developed yet and problems in its implementation relate to the lack of a clear definition of objectives and a lack of allocated financial and personell ressoruces. Nevertheless, many ideas were gathered, that will lead for example to a greater visibility of the capitalisation activities in the future and to closer cooperation. For the case of Thematic Pole 9, a representative of the PA7 working group on Higher Education will attend the next EDU-LAB Stakeholder workshop. At this very meeting the partners withn TP9 will discuss further activities and how to broaden the thematic pole to further DTP and non-DTP projects.
More information on DTP TP9 on Educational Governance.
More information on EUSDR Priority Area 7 (Knowledge Society).
Developing a new governance model

EDU-LAB relies strongly on the triple-helix cooperation model involving National Authorities, Higher Educational Institutions and Business Support Organizations.
The aim of the stakeholder seminar and workshop that will take place in Maribor on the 25th of January 2018 is to develop a new governance model to raise the labour market relevance of higher education.
Goal of the event: To finalize the description of the New Danubian governance model including the Policy guide “How to start – Implementing the new Danubian governance model”.
Should you need further information regarding the agenda of the meeting, do not hesitate to contact us.
Registration here.
More information regarding the previous stakeholder meeting and seminar in Maribor here.
Event gallery here.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
On behalf of the team of the European Foundation for Education, the Lead Partner of the EDU-LAB project, I wish all those who have contributed in one way or another to the EDU-LAB project in 2017, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with lots of further opportunities for cooperation.
Ágnes Sebestyén
project director
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