Made in Danube: Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region
The rising population and associated demand for renewable biological resources make Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region. Successful development of innovative services and new products in this field highly depend on an efficient collaboration between research organizations and regional companies.For this reason Made in Danube will try to improve the conditions for this Cooperation by developing open innovation tools which will match the needs of companies with the expertise of research organizations; We
welcome your contributions and inputs. If you are interested to promote events, new technologies, researchresults, expertise in the field of bio-economy, find partners (research, innovation, business), please contact us.
Next Technologie Transfer Trainings
- Budapest, Hungary, 16 Nov. 2017, More...
- Nitra, Slovakia, 23 Nov. 2017, More...
- Craiova, Romania, 28 Nov. 2017, More…
Transnational Partnership Training, Budapest, Hungary, 20 October 2017
The overall goal of the training is to initiate the rise of transnational partnerships through the knowledge of multi-stakeholder partnership, in bridging the gap between R&D, innovation and business creation. The trainings will improve the awareness of transnational partnership in order to stimulate technology transfer and innovation. At the end of the training the participants will be more equipped with the knowledge to elaborate better cooperation and a successful and effective partnership on a transnational level.
DTIC - Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation e-tool
Organizations interested to cooperate in the field of bio-economy in the Danube Region can now use the DTIC - Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation e-tool, a web instrument dedicated to building partnerships across the region for the purpose of fostering innovation, technology transfer and knowledge sharing and development.
With a large array of functions such as dedicated databases and matching algorithms for solution providers and innovation champions, visualization tools and data stream integration, product promotion hosting, live communication for project consortia and the DTIC can be accessed on computers or mobile devices.
Innovation Capacity tools
In the frame of the Made in Danube project, a methodology and three tools are being created to support entities that work in the field of technology transfer and innovation.The tools analyze the company’s capacity to be innovative, create competitiveness: Innovation Audit, a component of the analysis of innovation capability potential of SMEs and R&D Institutions together with TO – Technology Offer, TR – Technology Request in the field of Bio-economy – Agriculture, Forestry and Bio-energy. You can find these tools as components of the DTIC - Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation e-tool.
Synergies with others projects
1st Danube Competitiveness in Practice event of the PA 8 of the EUSDR, 4-5 October 2017, Pécs, Hungary
The organizers combined the DCP with the EEN Open 4 Business Matchmaking event (on 4-5 October 2017). On the second day, 5th October 2017, a capitalisation workshop for Poles of the DTP Capitalization Strategy which are dealing with topics relevant for PA 8 respectively Priority 1 of the EUSDR was organized.
The aim of the DCP event was to combine the official meetings of the PA8, political level meetings, and matchmaking events along and cross the value chains with on-the-spot visits of "hidden champions" and regional centers for competences (success stories) in the region. The above interlinkages will allow PA 8 to see the need on the specific fields which can lead, on one hand, to relevant policy initiatives and, on the other hand, can pave the way for various activities of cooperation among relevant stakeholders now and in the post H2020 period.
Special attention during the event was given to the first Seed Money Call of the Danube Transnational Programme, which will be published at the beginning of October 2017.Within the frame of specific, thematic workshops (in line with the topics of the Seed Money Call) we try to bring together different stakeholders and to foster the generation of strategic projects, which can eventually be submitted within the first Seed Money Call. You can find the topics of the above-mentioned Call here.
6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, 18-19 October 2017, Budapest, Hungary

The DTP is the co-organiser of the 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. During the 2nd day, the DTP will organise one plenary session about its contribution to the Danube Region, several Capitalisation working groups, and a workshop on the ‘Present and future’ of the Progamme.On 19 October – DTP Pole 1 Workshop moderated by Daniela Chiran with “Made in Danube” contribution. More...
Energy4u: Connect Ideas2Business Conference, 9th November 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany
You have an innovative product, service or business idea in the field of sustainable energy and you are looking for a customer, cooperation partner or an investor on the German market? Are you an enterprise searching for the latest in energy technologies? The Conference offers technology providers and technology users the exclusive chance to establish joint business opportunities. At this venue, enterprises, research institutions and start-ups will meet participants from research and industry as well as investors. The focus will be on:
energy efficiency
energy storage
energy distribution
energy conversion
Register today your pitch and/or exhibition stand at the online registration. Requests for speaker slots and exhibition stands can be submitted until latest 25th October 2017. Registration for participants is open until 6th November. More... or contact Melanie Ungemach.
INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and EU
The overall objective of INCOBRA is to focus, increase and enhance Research & Innovation (R&I) Cooperation Activities between Brazil (BR) and European Union (EU) R&I actors, so that both regions get the best value out of the mutual cooperation. INCOBRA´s overall objective is built on three dimensions as underlined below:
Focus – better targeted R&I cooperation activities: addressing BR-EU R&I cooperation areas (agro-food/marine research; energy; nanotechnology; ICT) and anticipating trends and opportunities.
Increase – more R&I cooperation activities: more partnerships, consortia and joint R&I projects.
Enhance – improved and sustainable framework conditions for developing R&I cooperation activities: funding programs aligned R&I agendas coordinated.
Last June Made in Danube Project Partner Bernhard Koch, from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria, was invited to Rio de Janeiro by INCOBRA to give a lecture on technology transfer activities especially because of BOKU’s strength in bioeconomy. Moreover it was a perfect possibility to present the “Made in Danube” approach to about 30 representatives of Brazilian Funding Agencies and international experts in Bioeconomy.

NUCLEI: Innovation and knowledge development - Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
NUCLEI stands for "Network of Technology Transfer Nodes for Enhanced Open Innovation in the Central European Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Industry. The project has following objectives:
Increase linkages with innovators beyond regional borders of the project regions
Accelerate the time-to-market of R&D concepts from EU-funded research and Central European labs to companies
Increase R&D expenditure and patent applications of mid-term turnover
Create thematic focus groups as regional managers
Collaborate on transnational technology transfer
MOVECO - Mobilising institutional learning for better exploitation of R&I for the Circular Economy
MOVECO's results include a strong transnational partnership competent to implement the Circular Economy in the Danube region and meet its targets.
Transnational Strategy for the Transition to a Circular Economy in the Danube region, including the identification of possible material streams for the Danube region and roadmaps for the strategy's implementation.
Circular Economy Toolbox: New services and tools for eco-design and eco innovation. This shall promote a better cooperation between R&D and businesses in the field of resource recovery and resource efficiency.
Platform: An online platform supporting cooperation between business and research.
Marketplace: A concrete measure to promote reuse and stimulate industrial symbiosis as it helps enterprises to offer their waste and by-products as a valuable material. This tool enhances industrial symbiosis by turning one industry’s by-product into another industry's raw material.
RI2Integrate - Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region
The main objective of RI2integrate project is to exploit the economic development potential and to better the integration of the operation of the EU’s excellent R&D Infrastructure (RI) investment projects through devising and implementing innovative tools for policy learning on macro-regional embeddedness in the Danube Region. The main result is the improved transfer of scientific results into the economy in the Danube Region, in line with the different needs of the participating countries by the improvement of cross-linkages among the R&D, SMEs, community and government.
As the main outputs, 3 tools will be developed and tested for boosting macro-regional embeddedness of RIs (1 public procurement on innovation utilization guide; 1 guideline for aiding the RI related business ecosystem; 1 roadmap for community dissemination). To ensure policy durability, 7 National and 1 Joint Action Plans will be developed and a transnational RI2integrate Committee will be funded covering all Danube countries.
The main novelty of RI2integrate is two-fold. Its methodology foresees the combination of the Smart Specialization approach (from the expert side) and the Quadruple Helix model (from the stakeholder perspective). Additionally, as a policy driven novelty, the project creates synergies between different EU and territorial funding instruments.
First Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan developed in Hungary
The Municipality of Sárvár accepted the first Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) in Hungary. The aim of the action plan is to support decision-makers by providing an evidence base for the energy investments of the municipality. In order to realize the targets set up to 2030, the plan makes recommendations in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and climate change adaptation.
Bioeconomy Forum
New Knowledge Centre will provide scientific evidence on bioeconomy
A new Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre has been created by the JRC and DG RTD to better support policy makers with science-based evidence in this field. This online platform will collect, structure and provide access to knowledge from a wide range of scientific sources on bioeconomy, the sustainable production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into valuable products. Bioeconomy represents a significant part of the EU economy, with potential for growth through innovation in agriculture, forestry, bioenergy, biomass, chemicals, materials, waste management and others.The Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre will support the EC in the review of the 2012 Bioeconomy Strategy, taking into account new political and policy developments, such as the COP21 Paris agreement, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and the Circular Economy Package.
Policy brief on the future of the European Bioeconomy Strategy
The Policy Brief, represents the views of the members of the Strategic Working Group „Sustainable Bio-Resources for a Growing Bioeconomy“. The document includes the conclusions of the SWG and also its recommendations.
Bioeconomy development in EU regions
The study “Mapping of EU Member States’/regions’ Research and Innovation Plans & Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) on Bioeconomy” maps the intended priorities and activities of EU Member States (MS) and regions with regard to research and innovation (R&I) on bioeconomy.
DTP Capitalisation Strategy
During the second Lead Partners seminar, held on 28th of June in Budapest, a panel discussion focused on DTP Capitalisation strategy was organised. The purpose was to provide the projects a better understanding of the DTP Capitalisation strategy, to highlight good practices as inspirations to Thematic Poles and to improve networking amongst projects. We are also very much looking forward to our capitalisation sessions in the Forum!
The Europe’s Bioeconomy Strategy
Europe's Bioeconomy Strategy addresses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into vital products and bio-energy. Under the lead of DG R&I, the Strategy was co-signed by several other Commission departments namely DG Agriculture & Rural Development, DG Environment, DG Maritime Affairs, and DG Industry & Entrepreneurship. It aims to focus Europe's common efforts in the right direction in this diverse and fast-changing part of the economy. Its main purpose is to streamline existing policy approaches in this area.
Brussels Biotech Week events bring needed attention to GMOs
Over 500 people participated in this year’s Brussels edition of the European Biotech Week linked specifically to GMOs. The events included clip showings and screenings of the movie “Food Evolution”, along with linked debates, a book signing with the author Borut Bohanec and a plant breeding exhibition in the European Parliament.
National Policy Strategy on Bioeconomy in Germany
A Declaration signed by 14 EU countries aims to promote GM free soya, but fails to mention that soya imports, the vast majority of which come from countries where GM adoption is over 90% for soya beans, are essential for the European livestock sector and provide economic and environmental benefits. Read more here and here.
EuropaBio has published its ‘Principles on GM free labelling’ to caution against the use of confusing labels that may neglect the benefits of GM crops.
Circular Economy: need for a rethink of the plastics system
The Commission aims for all plastic packaging on the EU market to be recyclable by 2030. But is recycling the conventional way enough? According to Anders Wijkman, Chairman of Climate-KIC, and Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont, we need to radically rethink the plastics system and redesign a sustainable plastics value chain.
Selection for your Agenda
Calls / Bioeconomy capital
Bioeconomy Capital; Building the Bioeconomy
Bioeconomy Capital is on Angel List, where the world meets startups. To connect with Bioeconomy Capital, sign up for Angel List. Bioeconomy Management has been established to assist selected startup companies in the space grow from their core of a couple of founders in a lab to a $50M company.
Call: Dedicated support to biotechnology SMEs closing the gap from lab to market. Deadline 7 November 2017
The large numbers of SMEs characterising the EU industrial biotechnology sector are playing a crucial role in the move to competitive and sustainable biotechnology-based processes. SMEs working in the field of industrial biotechnology and ideas/concepts involving the use of systems and/or synthetic biology are particularly invited to apply for funding.
Open calls related to bio-economy are open in the SME instrument of EC. Deadline 8 November 2017
SME Instrument The SME instrument has been designed specifically for single or groups of highly innovative SMEs with international ambitions, determined to turn strong, innovative business ideas into winners on the market. The instrument provides full-cycle business innovation support from the stage of business idea conception and planning (phase I) over business plan execution and demonstration (phase II) to commercialisation (phase III). Participants will be able to call on business innovation coaching for the duration of their project.
Interreg Danube Transnational Programme – Seed Money Facility
Seed Money Facility (SMF) is a funding opportunity provided by the Danube Transnational Programme to support the development of projects in line with the 12 Priority Areas of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. With Seed Money support, projects can be prepared for further funding source, regardless the financial instrument to be addressed by the project developed, be it national, mainstream EU, transnational or cross border or by any other public or private investor (such as IFIs) or public-private partnership.
Bioeconomy Capital; Venture Capital
Bioeconomy Fund 1 is primarily investing in industrial biotechnology, which includes materials, chemicals, and enzymes. It also encompasses the tools and technologies that enable the Bioeconomy. We are placing capital with companies that are building critical infrastructure for the 21st century global economy.
ERC announces grants budget of nearly € 2 billion for 2018
The European Research Council has announced its 2018 budget for grant competitions. Most of this € 2 billion funding is earmarked for early- to mid-career researchers. In addition, the ERC is reintroducing Synergy Grants, the funding scheme for groups of 2 to 4 scientists who jointly address ambitious research problems.
Additional funding for top European researchers in 2018
The European Research Council (ERC) announced on 2 August its plan to invest nearly €2 billion in two grant competitions in 2018. “These grants can trigger unconventional collaborations, allow for the emergence of new fields of study and help put scientists working in EU at the global forefront”, commented the President of the ERC.
2017 Innovation Express Call. Deadline 31 October
In the framework of the BSR Stars programme – a flagship of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) to promote macro-regional smart specialization - the 2017 Innovation Express call for proposals has been launched to foster the internationalization of SMEs through cluster initiatives.
COSME Programme
COSME is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) running from 2014 to 2020 with a planned budget of €2.3bn. COSME will support SMEs in four areas:
Other Funding Opportunities
Events in the field of bioeconomy, technology transfer, innovation and business finding partners
BioLinX Finance Academy & Brokerage Event, 17-18 October 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden
After the first successful edition in the Netherlands, the BioLinX Finance Academy, on Industrial Biotech, goes to Sweden. October 17th, selected companies will gain access to a free coaching session on ‘VC-pitching’ where experienced coaches from the relevant industry areas will work very pragmatically with the presenters to prepare them for their participation in the Finance Academy. October 18th, the event will bring together highly promising entrepreneurs and active international and regional investors seeking investment and partnerships. Benefits from the coaching session:
- Guidance on how to meet strategic partners and potential investors’ expectations;
- Participants receive guidance on their presentations and propositions compared with those of other participants;
- Highlighting the strengths and weaknesses which needed to be addressed and improved.
40th HostMilano helps SMEs and clusters to find international business partners, 20-24 October 2017, Milan, Italy
The next Business Beyond Borders (BBB) international matchmaking event will take place on 20-24 October in Milan (Italy) at HostMilano, the must-attend fair to meet the professional hospitality industry. HostMilano is the go-to fair for Equipment, Coffee, Agriculture and Food, Ho.Re.Ca., foodservice, retail, mass retail and the hotel industry. The exhibition layout combines supply chains and common services, leveraging the specificities of each and every sector and individual enterprise to guarantee the maximization of investments. The aim of the event is to create a quick and easy way for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Clusters, actively engaged within the field of food and hospitality, to meet potential business partners and to operate internationally.
Horizon 2020 Energy - Brokerage Event - Calls for Work Programme 2018-2020, 24 October 2017, Bruxelles
The brokerage sessions are open to SMEs, big companies, universities and research centres, and public administrations active in R&I in the energy sector, willing to build an H2020 consortium under the upcoming 2018-2020 calls.
In conjunction with the H2020 Energy and Euratom Infodays 2017 of the EC, the C-Energy 2020 network (the H2020 Energy NCPs network), in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network and the NuclEU (the EURATOM NCPs network), organises a Brokerage Event on the Energy calls of the upcoming Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020. The WPs will be published this autumn and will be presented during the info sessions of the EC (Energy 23-24-25.10.2017 and EURATOM 26.10.2017).
Reenergy Brokerage event at International Trade Fair & Conferences on Renewables, Energy Efficiency, Environmental protection, Water Management "RENEXPO® BiH 2017", Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
International Brokerage Event will take place during the 4th International Trade Fair and Conferences on Renewables, Energy Efficiency, Environmental protection and Water Management in Sarajevo. The main topics are: Renewable, decentralized energy, heating production ● Hydropower ● Wind Power ● Bioenergy/ Biomass ● Cogeneration ● Heating System ● Geothermal Energy ● Photovoltaic & Energy storage ● Energy efficiency in buildings ● Environmental technologies ● Water protection ● Solid Waste Management ● Recycling ● Waste of energy
The matchmaking event during the European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology, 15 Nov. 2017, Graz, Austria
ESIB has already established itself as on of the biggest biotech conference in Europe and an international platform for industrial biotechnology in multiple contexts. The event not only covers science but also deals with industrial needs, hopes, economic demands, funding resources or political aspirations and still leaves space for networking and recreation.
It encourages all protagonists of industrial biotechnology to think outside the box and in new comprehensive dimensions.
ESIB focuses on „PRODUCTS & PRODUCTION“ – What are the new promising trends in science and industry? A guided matchmaking event will be part of the summit. This is a unique opportunity to generate new business contacts. It will take place on day 2 of the summit and allows participants to carry out 20-minunte meetings with selected partners.
Business Internationalization Forum; B2B matchmaking event for Companies & Clusters, Sarajevo, 3 Nov. 2017
Enterprise Europe Network RS/Bosnia and Herzegovina - Republic Agency for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises RS/BiH and Development Agency of Serbia, are inviting you to the B2B matchmaking event for companies and clusters, that will be organized within the Business Internationalization Forum, which will be held in East Sarajevo. Participation at the B2B matchmaking event is free of charge.
Selection for your Agenda
- 12 October, Eurus-Forum-2017; Eureka Forum, Zürich, Switzerland
- 17 October, Agri-Food Waste Day, Brussels
- 17-18 October, BioLinX Finance Academy & Brokerage Event, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 19 October, EU’s-leading-Conference-on-IB-and-bioeconomy, Glasgow, Scotland
- 19-20 October, Meet-and-Match-Crowdfunding-event-for FET-Projects, Vilnius, Lituania
- 22 October, Belgian Biotech Day - All about food..., Ghent, Belgium
- 23-24 October, 6th-UNI-SET-Energy-Clustering-event, Brussels
- 24 October, Brokerage Event in the field of Energy Technologies, Brussels, Belgium
- 23-25 October, SC 3 Energy Info Days, Brussels
- 23-26 October, https://www.incobra.eu/en/object/event/343, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- 24-25 October, Social Innovation – Research & Policy of the Future, Brussels, Belgium
- 8-9 November, SC 5 Information Day, Brussels
- 9-10 November, ICT-Proposer’s-Day-2017, Register to ICT Proposers' Day 2017, Budapest, Hungary
- 13 November, Stakeholder Consultation on Food from the Oceans, Brussels, Belgium
- 14-17 November, SC 2 Information Week, Brussels
- 15-16th November, Future-of-Biogas-Europe, London,UK
- 16-17 November, European Bioenergy Future, Brussels, Belgium
- 23-24 November, International-Conference-Rural-Development-Bioeconomy-Challenges, Kaunas, Lithuania
- 28-29 November, 12th European Bioplastics Conference, Berlin, Germany
- 30 November, POLITICO’s Agriculture & Food Summit, Paris, France
- 5-7 December, Power-GEN, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- 14-15 December, Bioeconomy-Investment-Summit, Helsinki, Finland
- 6-8th March 2018, Bioeconomy’s-Key-Enabling-Technologies-Conference, Strasbourg, France
Technology Offers; Technology Request
Technology Offers – Wood sector, Biofuels, Precision farming
- Austrian biomass power plant manufacturer seeks partners for H2020 projects, Austria
- Innovative panels for furniture with transparent epoxy resin and food scraps, Italy
- Wooden prefabricated construction system with a infill insulation based on natural materials, Czech Rep.
- Pine polyphenol extract called Oligo-ProanthoCyanidin, France
- Solar biomass gasification, Armenia
- Sustainable production of biofuel (bioethanol) from shellfish waste, Spain
- Technology for bioethanol production from wood using (SSF) method, Romania
- Scalable microalgae biomass production & harvesting system to get biofuel, food & feed feedstock, Israel
- Waste to biofuel technology offers zero waste and value extraction solution for municipal solid waste, UK
- Precision agriculture technology based on GIS for small and medium farms, Turkey
- A SME company is offering expertise for developing a precision agriculture solution, Greece
- Smart monitoring solution for hydroponic crops, Spain
- ICT platform for managing crop production processes, UK
Technology Request – Wood sector, Precision farming, Bio-products, Biofuels
- Seeking researchers/companies to join aquaponic systems with vertical living wall systems to grow, UK
- Strong sewing thread made of compostable material, Switzerland
- Novel chemistry and technology for construction and building materials, UK
- Swedish based producer for vacuum/thermo formed food packaging products seeks suppliers of, Sweden
- A company with main activity of selling coffee in vending system is looking for a technology to recycle, Romania
- Restore and heal wounds using amino acid from silk, South Korea
- Natural soil improvement product looking for further field validation, UK
- Looking for a biodisc technology in the field of waste water treatment, France
- Search for Novel Rodenticides, Italy
- A SME seeks cooperation on biomolecules conjugation in the healthcare sector for pharma, Italy
- Cold end gas condenser design & manufacturing for combustion fumes heat recovery in waste-to-energy, Spain
- A company is looking for technology of testing equipment of biomass fuels, China
- Seeking partner to provide sensor components for small scale anaerobic digestion technology, UK
Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
High-level policy events during the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 Info week, 14-17 November 2017, Brussels
During the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 Info week taking place in Brussels, the Commission is organizing a plenary session to present its review of the European Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan, documented as a Staff Working Document, and discusses its findings with stakeholders and policy makers.
The European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel will present and discuss its Bioeconomy Manifesto, setting out a societal agenda for bioeconomy development. These discussions will reflect both on the experiences gained over the past four years with Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan, and on the possible need for new actions.Separate parallel sessions will follow immediately after the plenary session chaired by relevant other DGs who are co-signatories of the Bioeconomy Strategy.
On the 17th there will be a session on the Digitisation which will discuss different EU policy initiatives on digitisation of farming and food sectors and of research and innovation activities contributing to these areas and a parallel session on H2020 Blue Growth which will highlight achievements and projects in marine and maritime research for Blue Growth.
JRC opens its scientific laboratories and facilities
The EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) opens its scientific laboratories and facilities to people working in academia and research organisations, industry, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and to the public and private sector.
The JRC offers access to its non-nuclear facilities to researchers and scientists from EU Member States, candidate countries and countries associated to the EU Research Programme Horizon 2020. For nuclear facilities, the JRC will open to EU Member States, candidate countries (on the conditions established in the relevant agreement or decision) and countries associated to the Euratom Research Programme.
Scientists will have the opportunity to work in different fields, including bioeconomy.
The European Innovation Scoreboard 2017
The European Innovation Scoreboard presents an analysis of EU innovation performance that is measured this year according to 10 different dimensions grouped in four main types of indicators: framework conditions, investments, innovation activities and impacts. According to the scoreboard there are 6 countries – Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom – that are performing above the EU average.
26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Online Proceedings
Reflect the state-of-the-art of science and technology of biomass and its future prospects. This tool enhances the availability and citability (DOI name) of the scientific papers presented at the EUBCE and constitutes a comprehensive source of state-of-the-art information and vital point of reference for researchers, technologists, decision-makers, entrepreneurs and all those involved in the biomass sector.
This year we have made an important improvement by including the proceedings in Scopus (2016 edition), the largest abstracts and citation database. The EUBCE proceedings are already included in WOS - Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science, formerly ISI Proceedings (2014 edition).
INNOVEIT 2017 - EIT Innovation Forum, 16-17 October 2017, Budapest
The Forum combines the EIT Awards and the EIT Stakeholder Forum with a specific focus on shaping innovation in EU, consulting stakeholders on the EIT`s Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA) 2021-2027. Bringing together more than 600 stakeholders from across the EU innovation community, the forum is an interactive event which aims to:
- Showcases successful innovations and ventures emerging from the EIT community, including their development and effect on societal challenges;
- Presents the next generation of entrepreneurs and change agents;
- Provides stakeholders with an opportunity to talk about shaping the future of innovation in Europe.
Conference: WINE 2017 "Water in Environment", Kosice, Slovakia, 22-24 November 2017
The conference is organised on the occasion of 40th anniversary of the founding of the local Faculty of Civil Engineering. The purpose of is to bring together scientists, researchers and practitioners in the field of water management to share experiences and successes in addressing the water issues. The conference provides an international forum for presenting and discussing the latest developments in both the fundamental basis and the applicability of state-of-the-art knowledge that can be effectively used for solving a variety of large problems in water resources management.
EFIB takes centre stage in Brussels on 9-11 October
The EFIB - European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy is to return to Brussels on 9-11 October with a programme focused on “Bioeconomy 2.0: Commercial success and the path towards a brighter bio-based future”. Policy makers and stakeholders will address key issues on the future of the bioeconomy.
Selection for your Agenda
Clusters & Innovative start-ups; SMEs
Promoting cluster management excellence in the Danube Region to foster the BioBased industry
Cluster Development in BioBased industries in Baden-Württemberg, Upper Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Montenegro. The BioBased Cluster Excellence Initiative (BBCEI) is based on the previous work of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI).
This initiative, supported by the European Commission, DG GROWTH, aims to develop and introduce a framework of indicators and an assessment methodology in order to identify cluster management organizations with excellent working practices, which could potentially serve as key partners for policymakers in achieving their goals for regional economic and social development. The initiative has also developed a training concept and training measures to support cluster management organizations in their quest for excellence.
Europe's leading bioeconomy clusters now working together as 3BI
Europe’s leading bioeconomy clusters now working together as 3BI New collaboration will boost the biobased economy in Europe EFIB, Brussels, 28th October 2015 – the leading bioeconomy clusters in the Netherlands, France, the UK and Germany have today joined forces as the 3BI intercluster – Brokering Bio-Based Innovation.Their goal is to support European companies to access important new markets based on...
The Cluster Model of Technology Development
The interested academic community is divided on a definition of a cluster, probably because there is more than one type of cluster – for example, ‘competitive’ clusters; technology, industry, or science clusters; and others.
One cluster type emerging in the bioeconomy is termed the feedstock cluster.
Small- to medium-scale biorefining is consistent with the view of the World Economic Forum on distributed manufacturing (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/03/emerging-tech-2015-distributed-manufacturing/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/03/emerging-tech-2015-distributed-manufacturing/) because biorefining is often cast as a rural manufacturing activity that needs to be close to feed stocks such as agricultural products, residues, and forestry. However, for bio-based production, this distributed model finds itself in direct competition with some of the largest global (and fossil-based) manufacturing industries.
20th TCI Global Conference "The future of clusters through cross-country and cross-region collaboration", 7-9 November 2017, Bogota, Colombia
TCI is the leading network of main organizations and practitioners with deep expertise in clusters and competitivenessThe 20th TCI Global Conference will allow interactions between cluster and competitiveness professionals of multiple countries and regions, looking to exchange experiences and build synergies, to lead to better
- Productive development policies – Modern industrial policy
Experiences in the implementation of these agendas.
Business and joint activities between clusters from different regions and countries.
SME case studies on IP strategy and management
The EPO has published a set of 12 case studies focusing on how small and medium-sized enterprises use patents to their advantage.With them, the Office aims to raise awareness of the importance of patents among SMEs and to provide examples of good practice.
Selection for your Agenda
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