WACOM Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin

Basic information on the project partners

Lead Partner


University of Ljubljana, (Univerza v Ljubljani), Slovenia              


University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia. University with its rich tradition was founded in 1919. The University of Ljubljana ranks among the top 3% of universities in the world. It has close ties with Slovenian companies and foreign enterprises.

Link: UL 

Project partners

Slovenian Water Agency, (Direkcija Republike Slovenije za vode), Slovenia

DRSV is responsible for administrative, expert and development tasks in field of water management, construction of water facilities and infrastructure as well as in field of maintenance of water infrastructure, water and riparian land. Slovenian Water Agency has been established in 2015 from employees of Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian Environment Agency and Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

Link: DRSV 

Hydro power plants of Lower Sava River, (Hidroelektrarne na Spodnji Savi, d.o.o.), Slovenia 

Established in 2008, Hidroelektrarne na Spodnji Savi, d.o.o., (HESS for short) is a Slovenian hydroelectric power company, a limited-liability company with 47 employees. Its core mission is to facilitate and promote the construction of new hydroelectric power plants and to engage in electricity generation that is sustainable, reliable, competitive and environmentally friendly.

Link: HESS 

Croatian Waters, (Hrvatske vode), Croatia

Hrvatske vode is a government agency founded by the Republic of Croatia and a legal entity for water management.

Main activities of Hrvatske vode are:

  • preparation draft of planning documents for water management, water regulation and protection from adverse effects of water, management of flood risks, management of water quality and water use, take measures for the prevention of accidental pollution and its consequences.
  • Hrvatske vode possesses broad experience and expertise in the management of numerous water infrastructure projects financed from national sources, World Bank loans, EIB/CEB loans and EU funds.

Link: HV

Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure

Link: MMPI

International Sava River Basin Commission (Međunarodna komisija za sliv rijeke Save), International

ISRBC has been established as implementing body of Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin as a basic document for transboundary cooperation for sustainable development of the basin. One of the most important tasks of ISRBC is to provide recommendations in the field of water management and it is a central point in identification and implementation of projects of regional importance which strengthen mutual cooperation in integrated water management and flood protection.


Association for Risk management AZUR (Asocijacija za upravljanje rizicima AZUR), Bosnia and Herzegovina

AZUR is active in the field of cooperation in development of the early warning system, information and alarming in case of natural and other disasters. On the state level, AZUR achieved extraordinary cooperation with Ministry of Security of the Bosnia and Herzegovina with whom it is cooperating on multiple assignments and has signed cooperation agreement. Besides mentioned ministry, AZUR has developed good cooperation with civil protection administrations on the entity level – Federal Administration of Civil Protection and Civil Protection Administration of the Republic of Srpska as well as Department for Public Safety Brcko District. In addition to the above, AZUR also actively participates in international projects.

Link: AZUR

Federal administration of civil protection (Federalna uprava civilne zaštite), Bosnia and Herzegovina

FUCZ is an expert body for protection and rescue of people and property from natural and other disasters in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. FACP conducts administrative, expert and other tasks in the field of protection and rescue within the competence of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. FACP cooperates and exchanges data in the field of protection and rescue with the Ministry of Security through the Operational Communication Center 112 and cantonal civil protection administrations and municipal civil protection services through operational civil protection centers as well as with other subjects in the protection and rescue system in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosnia and Herzegovina .

Link: FUCZ

Civil protection administration of the Republic of Srpska (Republička uprava civilne zaštite Republike Srpske), Bosnia and Herzegovina

Civil Protection Administration of the Republic of Srpska performs administrative and other professional tasks related to monitoring, harmonization and implementation of established policies and guidelines and ensuring the implementation of laws and other regulations in the field of civil protection, drafting program and planning documents of the Republic of Srpska. The mission is protection and rescue of people, material goods and the environment in emergency situations monitoring, notification and alarm, organizing, preparation and training of civil protection services in accordance with training programs and plans, organizing and equipping of civil protection units and teams at the Republic level, providing professional assistance, making instructions  for the work of civil protection units, removal of explosive means (ESZR), demining, taking preventive, operational and post-operative measures in case of natural and other accidents. The mission is protection and rescue of people, material goods and the environment in emergency situations in the Republic of Srpska.

Link: RUCZ

Jaroslav Černi Water Institute (Institut za vodoprivredu ”Jaroslav Černi”), Serbia- resigned

JCI is the notable, leading-edge research organization in Serbian water sector with 70 years of experience in design and implementation of water projects in the immediate region and across the globe, having successfully implemented large and complex projects in different countries. JCI employees are qualified and experienced scientific and engineering talents, with access to superior equipment.

Link: JCI

Associated partners

Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Državni hidrometeorološki zavod), Croatia

DHMZ, as a government body in Croatia, supports the economic and sustainable development of Croatia and assists in the protection of lives, goods and the environment by providing information on the following: weather, climate, hydrological and ecological phenomena and climate extremes with the aim of mitigating their effects in line with the World Meteorological Organisation recommendations and EU directives. DHMZ manages the meteorological and hydrological infrastructure, air quality monitoring infrastructure, as well as the national archives of meteorological, hydrological, air quality and other relevant data.

Link: DHMZ

International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, International

The ICPDR is an international organisation consisting of 14 cooperating states and the European Union as contracting parties. The ICPDR is coordinating transboundary cooperation on fundamental water management issues and supporting Danube countries to take all appropriate legal, administrative and technical measures to maintain and improve the quality of the Danube River and its environment.


Sava River Watershed Agency (Agencija za vodno područje rijeke Save), Bosnia and Herzegovina

In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Waters and by-laws, Agency is involved and carry out activities related to: - organize, collect, manage and distribute data on water resources, - organize hydrological and water quality monitoring, - prepare a water management plan for the respective river basin district,  prepare plans on prevention and reduction of harmful effects of floods, droughts, and the erosion of the banks of water bodies, and organize the implementation of these plans, manage the public water property, take emergency measures to prevent or reduce harmful effects of accidental pollution and prepare the plans for such measures, issue water deeds, participate in the preparation of water sector policy and water-related legislation, promote water-related research and sustainable water management.

Link: AVPS

Republic hydrometeorological service of Republic of Srpska (Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Republike Srpske) Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Republic of Srpska will provide the information on hydrology and meteorology: measured and observed data, data analysis, weather and water forecasts, occurrence of extreme meteorological and hydrological events. This information is essential for efficient and effective, coordinated transnational response in the case of accidental pollution or flood emergencies and will support development of contingency scenarios.


Public Institution Vode Srpske (Javna ustanova “Vode Srpske” Bijeljina) Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Public Institution “Vode Srpske” is the authority of the Republica Srpska, as one of the entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in charge of integrate water management protecting the quality and quantity of water on its territory.


Public Water Management Company Srbijavode (Javno vodoprivredno preduzeće „Srbijavode“, Serbia

According to the Serbian Water law, Public Water management Company „Srbijavode“ is engaged in activities of public interests related to flood protection, water straightening, regulation and protection of harmful effects of water, multifunctional water use and water protection. Following the principles of integrated water resource management, with full respect of the integrity of water regime (in quantitative and qualitative terms) we try to ensure the right amount of water of the appropriate quality for all required needs.


Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (Republički hidrometeorološki zavod Srbije), Serbia

RHMS of Serbia, as a special organisation within the framework of the state administration, performs professional tasks and state administration activities related to systematic meteorological, climate and hydrological measurements and observations; monitoring, research, analysis and forecasting of weather, climate and water; early warning and alerts on the occurrence of extreme meteorological, climate and hydrological events and disasters.

Link: RHMS

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Republic Water Directorate (Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republička direkcija za vode), Serbia

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, and its operational body Republic Water Directorate is responsible: for integrated water resources management in Serbia, which involves water resources management policy, multipurpose water usage, water regime, protection from water, water protection measures, and maintenance with specific emphasis on strategy definition, legislation framework, international relationships and cross-sectorial cooperation.

Link: RDV

Port of Brčko (Javno Preduzeće “Luka Brčko” d.o.o.), Bosnia and Herzegovina

Port of Brčko was built in 1913 and was completed in the period 1952-1962 and has been operating as an independent organizational unit since 1973. Since 2004, the port has been operating under the name of the Public Company "Port of Brcko" Brcko District BiH d.o.o. In September 2006, the port was granted the international status.

Link: LB 

Port Authority Slavonski Brod, (Javna ustanova Lučka uprava Slavonski Brod), Croatia

With the Inland Waterway Ports Act, the Government of the Republic of Croatia founded the Port Authority in Slavonski Brod as a public institution in charge of management and development of ports and piers on the river of Sava from 207-467 rkm. The Port Slavonski Brod was declared a very important port for the Republic of Croatia.

Link: LUSB


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)