WACOM Water Contingency Management in the Sava River Basin

Name Type Email Country
University of Ljubljana Lead partner primoz.banovec@fgg.uni-lj.si Slovenia
Slovenian Water Agency ERDF partner stanka.koren@gov.si Slovenia
Hydro power plants of Lower Sava River ERDF partner ambroz.bozicek@he-ss.si Slovenia
Croatian Waters – Legal entity for water management ERDF partner mgubic@voda.hr Croatia
Port Authority Slavonski Brod ERDF partner Vjekoslav.jankovic@lucka-uprava-brod.hr Croatia
International Sava River Basin Commission ERDF partner sgroselj@savacommission.org Croatia
Association for Risk management AZUR IPA partner projectassistant@azur.ba Bosnia & Herzegovina
Federal administration of civil protection IPA partner maida.skrobanovic@fucz.gov.ba Bosnia & Herzegovina
Civil protection administration of the Republic of Srpska IPA partner gorana.vukicevic@rucz.vladars.net Bosnia & Herzegovina
Jaroslav Černi Water Institute IPA partner dusan.kostic@jcerni.rs Serbia
Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service Associated partner gordana.buselic@cirus.dhz.hr Croatia
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River Associated partner adam.kovacs@icpdr.org Austria
SAVA RIVER WATERSHED AGENCY Associated partner ajla@voda.ba Bosnia & Herzegovina
Republic hydrometeorological service of Republic of Srpska Associated partner d.borojevic@rhmzrs.com Bosnia & Herzegovina
Public Institution Vode Srpske Associated partner akovacevic@voders.org Bosnia & Herzegovina
Public Water Management Company Srbijavode Associated partner jovana.raseta@srbijavode.rs Serbia
Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia Associated partner Samir.catovic@hidmet.gov.rs Serbia
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Republic Water Directorate Associated partner gordana.spegar@minpolj.gov.rs Serbia
Port of Brčko Associated partner Snjezana.novakovic@lukabrcko.ba Bosnia & Herzegovina

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)