JOINTISZA Strengthening cooperation between river basin management planning and flood risk prevention to enhance the status of waters of the Tisza River Basin


We are uploading here the latest versions of our leaflets and other communication material for download.

For the project reports, output documents and other publications please see our Library section

We wish you a joyful reading!

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Five Countries, One Basin, One Approach

This leaflet provides details of project activities, explains the context of the project and its long-term goal of generating momentum for improved implementation of the EU Floods Directive and Water Framework Directive, and outlines the results that are expected to be achieved by the project partners by June 2019. 


  [English]           [Slovakian]       [Serbian]         [Ukrainian]          [Romanian]

Final leaflets:

  [English]           [Slovakian]       [Serbian]         [Ukrainian]          [Romanian]        [Hungarian]

Factsheets (only available in English):


Rollups (only available in English):

  [Rollup 1]           [Rollup 2]


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)