FORESDA Forest-based Cross-sectoral Value Chains Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness in the Danube Region

Work packages and activities

WP1 Project Management

The main objectives of the WP are to ensure an effective and efficient management of the consortium and progress of the project towards its main and specific objectives and that the deliverables are submitted on time, within the planned budget, with the right level of quality.

  • Activity 1.1 Set-up of project governance structures (1 Jan 2017 - 1 Mar 2017)
  • Activity 1.2 Project coordination and process management (1 Jan 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)
  • Activity 1.3 Financial management (1 Jan 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)
  • Activity 1.4 Quality Management (1 Jan 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)

Responsible partner: CyberForum (CF) / Contact:

WP2 Communication Activities

Communication will inform and involve the public and the specific target groups as well as raise awareness for the topics of the project. Different communication channels will be used such as the project website, project information at partners´ websites, newsletters, press releases, social media, flyers, etc.). Communication can also support the possible transferability of the project results to other cities or regions.

  • Activity 2.1 Communication Plan (1 Jan 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)
  • Activity 2.2 Visual identity, dissemination and promotion (1 Jan 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)
  • Activity 2.3 Public events and other dissemination activities (1 Jan 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)

Responsible partner: Croatian Wood Cluster (CWC) / Contact:

WP3 Transnational Strategy

The objective of WP3 is to develop a joint Transnational Strategy on improving the framework conditions for forest-based Cross-sectoral value chains, and mirror this strategy in Local Action Plans for improved cross-sectoral innovation processes for SMEs of the forest-based sector.

  • Activity 3.1 Mapping and analysis of regional ecosystems (1 Jan 2017 - 1 Jun 2017)
  • Activity 3.2 Specification of transnational needs for successful cross-sectoral innovation (1 Apr 2017 - 1 Jul 2017)
  • Activity 3.3 Definition of a joint Transnational Strategy with Local Action Plans (1 Jun 2017 - 1 Oct 2017)

Responsible partner: Croatian Wood Cluster (CWC) / Contact:

WP4 Pilot Environments

The objective of WP4 is to design, implement and evaluate Pilot Innovation Environments addressing one or several of the needs defined in the Transnational Strategy. For practical reasons, the actual implementation of the pilots will have a strong regional character. It is not planned to implement in parallel the same pilot in different regions, but to implement several different pilots which will hence cover a broader spectrum of needs increasing the replicability potential.

  • Activity 4.1 Development of Pilot Innovation Environment concepts with regional & transnational dimensions (1 Aug 2017 - 1 Dec 2017)
  • Activity 4.2 Pilot phase: Implementation of Pilot Innovation Environments. Monitoring and evaluation (1 Jan 2018 - 1 Jun 2019)

 Responsible partner: Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade (UB FF) / Contact:

WP5 New Value Chains

The objective of the WP is to generate and validate cross-sectoral, transnational innovation activities in the selected strategic innovation areas: Smart and sustainable construction and furniture, Innovative bio-based products and materials – non conventional uses of wood-based materials, Energy efficiency, and provide support to at least 90 SMEs in establishing cooperation with R&D.

  • Activity 5.1 Inception phase: idea generation and validation (1 Aug 2017 - 1 Dec 2018)
  • Activity 5.2 Support to Collaborative Networks (CNs) (1 Nov 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)
  • Activity 5.3 Support to Innovation Projects (IPs) (1 Nov 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)

Responsible partner: The Zala County Foundation for Enterprise Promotion (ZMVA) / Contact:

WP6 Capacity Building

Support organisations (clusters, technology poles, regional development agencies, etc. in the wood sector) are one of the major tools for increasing innovations and competitiveness in the sector. WP6 intends to improve the impact and efficiency of support organisations in the project regions – and beyond - by improving their internal skills and organisation and strengthening their intermediary role between the productive sector and the knowledge poles on regional, national but also transnational and cross-sectoral level.

  • Activity 6.1 Mutual learning & mentoring for policy makers and innovation stakeholders (1 Aug 2017 - 1 Jun 2019)
  • Activity 6.2 Transnational Sustainability Plan (1 Oct 2018 - 1 Jun 2019)

Responsible partner: Wood Industry Cluster (WIC) / Contact:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)