FORESDA Forest-based Cross-sectoral Value Chains Fostering Innovation and Competitiveness in the Danube Region

Pilot projects

To design, implement and evaluate PILOT INNOVATION ENVIRONMENTS (PIEs) - Those are the activities which address one or several of the needs defined in the Transnational Strategy (TS). Each project region will implement its own pilot project, designed upon the results gathered in each region within the activities related to the developing the TS and Local Action Plans (LAPs).

The PIEs are developed within three strategic innovation areas:

  1. Smart and sustainable construction and furniture, 
  2. Innovative bio-based products and materials – non-conventional uses of wood-based materials
  3. Energy efficiency.

An overview of the PIEs by project regions:


Join in if you want to learn more about the pilot projects or take part!

Contact person:
Mr. Goran Milic, D.Sc.
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry/Department of Technology, Management and Design of Furniture and Wood Products

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)