eDigiStars Building of digital entrepreneurial capacities of the elderly through the innovative training system

Project partners

Encompassing 19 partners in 8 Danube countries, eDigiStars introduces, maintains and provides support for sustainable transition to new formats of working — transforming elderly workers to digital self-employed entrepreneurs.

We believe that the partnership of 19 professionals will lead to the future success of the project!

Meet the partners:

Innoskart Business Development Nonprofit Ltd.

Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd.

Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA, an Institution

Municipality of Maribor

Business Agency Association

Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business

Business Upper Austria – Plastics Cluster

The municipality of Prague 9

Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska

DEX Innovation Centre

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

European Center for Socio Professional Integration


National employment Agency

Громадська організація «Бюро розвитку, інновацій та технологій» - ГО БРІТ

Vocational Training Center, Székesfehérvár


Plus 50

Employment Servce of Slovenia, Maribor Regional Office



Innoskart Business Development Nonprofit Ltd.


In Hungary, Innoskart is a nationwide cluster of IT service providers (hardware and software) as well as food manufacturing and research members, but in many other fields it has outstanding achievements. Organizations of Innoskart range from one-person companies to large companies in wide palette. In addition to businesses, research centers, universities and municipalities are also members in the cluster.

Innoskart has been accredited innovation cluster since 2011. 

Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. 

Hungary is presented by two project partners in the eDigiStars project, the lead partner – Innoskart Non-profit Ltd. – and the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Non-profit Ltd. The organizations are both located in Székesfehérvár, in the capitol of the region. CTRIA was originally established by the State of Hungary, on the purpose of boosting innovation of the region and conducting dominantly domestic research and innovation projects. From 2008, the Agency actively participates in international, mostly EU funded projects. Since then, we have participated and lead many different projects in many different topics, from innovation development, through start up acceleration to green development. The main profile of the Agency is the management of international and domestic projects, innovation management, counselling in national development projects, intellectual property and industry rights. 

Project expert

Csaba Bende is our colleague from the Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency, in which he is a project manager. He received his MSc in Urban Planning Studies at the University of Szeged in 2015. During his studies, he participated in short learning modules in Poland and in Estonia. Later, he enrolled to the Earth Sciences Doctoral Programme of his University which he will soon complete. During his doctoral studies, he joined CTRIA and worked actively in various international projects funded by the Interreg Central Europe or Danube Transnational Programmes. He dedicates his free time to activities like hiking, swimming, and travelling. He also grabs some books to read in his free time.


Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA

Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA, an institution is the legal successor (since 2011) of Regional Labour Foundation of Podravje (RLFP), funded in 2000 as a non-profit organisation for active labour market policy measures implementation. 

Foundation PRIZMA is involved in the sustainable development of new active labour market policies and tools suitable for meeting social needs in the Podravje region and wider. Its activities are directed towards the field of social inclusion, provision of appropriate competencies through lifelong learning processes and employment. It provides information, advising, training, education and contribute wider access to information and supporting services for boosting employment of different target groups, especially elderly.

Project manager

Natalija Žunko  - as a Head of the Project Office she is involved in development activities and projects focusing on the improvement of employment, revival of the local labour market, enchancing of the competitive position of employees, boosting of regional economy and social innovations.

She is constantly upgrading her competences. Thus obtained the certificate of Counsellor in the career development of employees, design and implementation of training programmes for companies and employees, with an emphasis on the principle of gender equality (AKZENTE & NOWA, Austria), e-mentor for the development and implementation of on-line training programmes. She is also a co-author of several handbooks from the field of career development and activation of older population.

Communication Manager

Vasja Bajde  – works on national and international projects and programs (HRD for enterprises and organizations, career guidance and employment, social entrepreneurship). He is delivering programs for career development and skills for unemployed and for enterprises and their employees (basic and advanced computer literacy), participating in the development and implementation of other workshops and programs related to HRD, the labor market, LLL, cooperating in professional research and analysis in areas of the Fundation activities, preparation of reports for projects and programs, developing and implementing trainings and workshops, counseling, etc

Municipality of Maribor


Business Agency Association

Business Agency Association is an innovation agency established in 2000, committed to digital innovation, leading digital business practices and the promotion of digital transformation in Bulgaria and Varna region.

The organization's main activity is the implementation of projects under some of Europe's most influential and groundbreaking programs of interregional cooperation and policy improvement like INTERREG EUROPE, BLACK SEA JOP and DANUBE INTERREG PROGRAMMES. BAA's mission is to make good ideas work by ICT related innovation and research.

Project manager

Silvia Stumof is senior expert in corporate and project management - 20 years of expertise in initiating, developing and implementing large projects in the field of SME's management, support and consultancy, research and innovation in education, social services, clustering, start-ups and digitalisation. Chairwoman of Business Agency Association - public-private entity (since 2000), one-stop shop (R) for start-ups, organisational excellence and digital transformation. 

Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business


The Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA) is a nationally recognized organization of employers, established on 25 April 1980. BIA participates in the operation of all national consultative councils, supervisory and managing bodies of state public institutions. BIA is a member of the National Tripartite Cooperation Council, the National agency for vocational education and training, and many others at ministerial level.

In its 40-year history, the Association protects and co-ordinates the interests of the employers on the national, industrial, regional, sector and sub-sector level through the branch (sector) and regional organisations of the employers – members of BIA.


Business Upper Austria – Plastics Cluster

Business Upper Austria, the business agency of the Upper Austrian government, is an innovation driver and a partner for location development & settlement of companies, cooperation, public funding advisory services and mentoring during the digital transformation process. As a one-stop shop, it assists domestic and foreign companies by supplying tailor-made services and supporting them from the initial business idea through to market success. Business Upper Austria’s goal is to sustainably strengthen the domestic economy by increasing its innovative strength and competitiveness and thus to secure jobs and prosperity throughout Upper Austria, in order to position the federal province among leading European regions.

Timna Reisenberger – Project Manager

Timna Reisenberger is part of the Plastics Cluster as project manager. She studied social economics and cultural studies and is currently enrolled in the Master’s programme “political education”. She is responsible for activities regarding the image of plastics, awareness-building and sustainability. In this context she currently works on a tool kit for educating kids and teenagers in order to raise awareness about the proper handling of plastics. Besides this she is also active in the promotion of career opportunities within the plastics industry among students and connects companies with schools and universities in order to attract new junior professionals. Additionally, she has experience in funded projects both on national and international level.

Michaela Lenhart – Communication Manager

Michaela Lenhart is part of the Plastics Cluster as project manager. She studied Public Management and Services of General Interest at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. She joined the cluster in 2010 as coordinator and communication officer. At the Plastics Cluster one of her main topics is the compilation of the vocational training programme for the employees of the Plastics Cluster members. Recently she started the certification process for the vocational programme within Business Upper Austria. She is also in charge of various marketing and sponsoring activities within the Plastics Cluster, e.g. the quarterly magazine KC-aktuell and the event management of conventions.

The municipality of Prague 9

Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska


Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska (RARS) is a government institution established in 2004 primarily to provide small and medium enterprises with support in the process of their establishment and development and to support and promote the entrepreneurship in Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina. RARS is also dedicated to improving the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises, facilitating and implementing direct investments, promoting and increasing exports and implementing of other activities that contribute to the economic development of the Republic of Srpska/Bosnia and Herzegovina. Find more information about RARS on its website www.rars-msp.org.

Marica Beric has been working as Head of Strategic Planning Department and as a project manager in the eDigiStars project in RARS. She holds a BA in economics from the Faculty of Economics, University Banja Luka and has 16-years of experience in preparation of development strategies and implementation of different projects related to SME development. She has 10-years’ experience in implementation of several EU transnational and interregional cooperation projects. She is Master of Business Training MBT®, certified JICA Mentor and a member of the Enterprise Europe Network. 

Aleksandar Vuković is a Senior Expert Associate in RARS. He has experience in the implementation of EU and non-EU projects and in providing technical and expert support to SMEs. He is part of Enterprise Europe Network Republic of Srpska and a certified JICA Mentor according to the Japanese methodology. His passion is related to digital marketing and learning new skills in that field. In eDigiStars project he is responsible for communication as a communication manager from RARS.

DEX Innovation Centre

DEX Innovation Centre, is a private non-profit, multidisciplinary innovation and research centre established in Liberec, the Czech Republic, with extensive experience with designing, developing, partnership building and managing transnational innovative projects. DEXIC is the author of several research and innovation projects that were successfully awarded a grant or had been carried out with private funds. We cooperate and work with different stakeholders and target groups including for example SMEs and startups, universities and research centres and public authorities.

Project Manager

Katerina Komrskova is a project manager at DEX Innovation Centre. She is responsible for smooth implementation of the project in the Czech Republic. She has more than 10 years of experience in the private sector mainly in call centre management and several years in project management, securing the implementation of new systems, tools and processes. 

Communication Manager

Karel is a marketing manager at DEX Innovation Centre. He is responsible for proper communication of all implemented project. Karel's experience ranges from coordinating the whole project communication, through being involved in several international innovation projects as communication manager, to online and offline communication in the Czech Republic.

Ivano-Frankivsk region Employment Centre


European Center for Socio Professional Integration


European Center for Socio- Profesional Integration ACTA

ACTA Center promotes educational activities, professional and social skills development of people in order to be able to adapt and integrate effectively in a dynamic society. Numerous and various European projects implemented by ACTA are focused on innovation, creativity, social initiatives, entrepreneurship and exchange of best practices. ACTA brings expertise and know-how for social innovation and digital skills development. ACTA collaborates effectively with educational institutions, research centres, companies, local authorities, NGOs and has a staff with relevant experience in coordinating and integrating successful European projects, in design, research and international scientific collaboration.


Mihaela Popovici

Mihaela Popovici, managing director of ACTA Center, has extensive experience in managing, coordinating and implementing European projects and, in addition, in design, research, international collaboration for innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity development and participation in international scientific meetings. Thanks to many years as a teacher and school director, she has the ability to share her expertise, motivate and support colleagues for the successful implementation of projects.


Simona Trip

Simona Trip, research manager in eDigiStars, is a professor at the University of Oradea, in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Humanistic Sciences. She teaches counselling and psychotherapy skills and techniques in undergraduate and master programs. Her research interest is focused on the socio-emotional skills development of people. She participated in several national and international innovation projects. 



RoMarketing – Company overview 

Romarketing has over 25 years of experience in consulting and training activities in the field of Human Resources, Management and Entrepreneurship. 

Our mission is to value the human resource by providing a comprehensive set of services: recruitment, evaluation, teambuilding, customized training programs, coaching and consultancy. ​

During its 25 years of activity, Romarketing has implemented numerous European founded projects (Leonardo, PHARE, POSDRU, POCU, ROSE) and independent projects in partnership with economic agents and public authorities, developing various collaboration networks both nationally and internationally. 

In all our work we value diversity, and we aim to promote competencies to the highest level of performance. We always encourage our clients include in their teams people with diverse skills, intelligence and abilities in order to respect the principle of inclusion and diversity.

Project Manager

Sorina Bradea – Managing Partner RoMarketing 

I can compress my 27 years of experience in human resources and project implementation into a simple yet full of wisdom lesson: the long-term value of a man lies in what he leaves behind.

In 1995, when I founded Romarketing, together with my lifelong friend, Carmen, I was more determined than ever to leave behind people who have integrity, who are self-aware and who strive for success. I found in this process the joy of always learning something new, of developing and supporting training programs, of building teams and of supporting every member of the team to refine. I enjoy initiating and leading projects and opening new paths – I believe this is the key to our evolution.

Communication Manager

Camelia Ruje – Marketing Manager RoMarketing 

I have joined RoMarketing team 14 years ago and I am currently a Marketing Manager. After majoring in English and French at Oradea University I started working here as a translator and as the years passed, I have gained knowledge and experience in fields like office administration, training concept and design, project implementation, quality management systems and marketing. During my experience in RoMarketing I have had the opportunity to meet a diversity of people and learn how to deal in a very professional manner with each type of personality, profession, and age.

I enjoy using my creativity and tech savviness to contribute to all people development activities unfolded by our company and must of all I enjoy working within my team – people who support, motivate and inspire me to persevere and constantly improve. I am passionate to create new things by improving my competencies and of course by making sure that the support I provide matches to the needs of those around me.

National employment Agency

Громадська організація «Бюро розвитку, інновацій та технологій» - ГО БРІТ


Vocational Training Center, Székesfehérvár



Plus 50

Employment Service of Slovenia, Maribor Regional Office

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)