eDigiStars Building of digital entrepreneurial capacities of the elderly through the innovative training system


Lead Partner: Innoskart Vállalkozásfejlesztési Nonprofit Kft

Innoskart Business Development Nonprofit Ltd. (INNOSKART) is a private nonprofit SME established to implement the cluster management tasks of Innoskart Digital Cluster. Innoskart has its premises in Székesfehérvár. Innoskart improves SMEs‘ competitiveness by helping the digitisation of industries. There are 60 companies within the cluster coming from on the one hand IT sector and on the other hand, very diverse industrial sectors. Our core strategic goal is to find digitalization cooperation for our network. Our core pillars of activities are: i) helping to understand and learn what digital transformation is and what are the requirements that social and economic actors need to meet not to lag behind, ii) setting up pilot and demonstration tools to help to implement digital solutions, iii) helping different social and innovation actors to meet each other, get to know innovation needs and find digital solutions together. Innoskart is a leading digitalization cluster and cluster management organization on the territorial and national level, as well. We have rich experience in digital innovation initiatives: Innoskart is a partner in two H2020 Innosup projects where innovative solutions are financed through innovation voucher schemes.


Legal Representative

Orsolya Szaplonczay


+36 20 9892298

Contact Person

Ms Éva Ábrahám

Ms. Nóra Szirmai


+36 20 431 4264


The Danube Transnational Programme is committed to respect and protect the privacy of personal data collected and displayed in this website. We will never communicate personal data to third parties if not for information and dissemination purposes strictly related to the programme and its projects. The DTP is not responsible for the misuse of this data which third parties may do. The DTP will eliminate immediately any personal data displayed in its website if requested by the interested party.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)