DARLINGe Danube Region Leading Geothermal Energy

  • DARLINGe - Serbian project partner representative was elected as honorary member of the Hungarian Geological Society
    - 16-04-2018
    Serbian project partner representative was elected as honorary member of the Hungarian Geological Society

    Member of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Professor Zoran Stevanovič, Head of the Centre for Karst Hydrogeology at the Department of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining & Geology, University of Belgrade (DARLINGe project partner...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGe will be present at the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018
    - 28-03-2018
    DARLINGe will be present at the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018

    DARLINGe successfully applied for organizing a session "DECARBONIZATION OF THE HEATING AND COOLING SECTOR: COUPLING EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLES WITH SECURITY OF HEAT SUPPLY at the Policy Conference at the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018, to be held...

  • DARLINGe - Focus on geothermal energy in Hungary
    - 20-03-2018
    Focus on geothermal energy in Hungary

    An extension of the Szentlőrinc geothermal system - one of the case studies of best practices in the DARLINGe project area -  is planned in the near future. The town is to build a new swimming pool and the residual heat of the Geothermal Heat...

  • DARLINGe - First summary reports on "state-of-art" analysis of geothermal energy use are available
    - 08-02-2018
    First summary reports on "state-of-art" analysis of geothermal energy use are available

    DARLINGe project's first year activity was largely focussed on the systematic analysis of various technical and non-technical aspects of geothermal energy use in the project area.  Summary reports are exected to be published soon, but do not miss...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGe held its 3rd project meeting in Belgrade with joint filed visit to Bogatic
    - 04-02-2018
    DARLINGe held its 3rd project meeting in Belgrade with joint filed visit to Bogatic

    The project held its 3rd meeting in Belgrade, January 29-31, 2018 where partners overviewed activities of the 1st year. The meeting was followed by a field trip to Bogatic, located on one of the transboundary pilot areas near Bosnia and...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGe held its 1st Transnational Stakeholder Forum Meeting on October 18, 2017 in Budapest
    - 08-11-2017
    DARLINGe held its 1st Transnational Stakeholder Forum Meeting on October 18, 2017 in Budapest

    One of DARLINGe's key objective is to establish a contact with all actors of the entire geothermal value chain (ministries, public authorities, governmental and sectorial agencies, industrial partners, SME-s and service providers, project...

  • DARLINGe - Thematic Pole 8 Capitalisation Session at the 6th Annual Forum of EUSDR, October 18-19, 2017, Budapest
    - 08-11-2017
    Thematic Pole 8 Capitalisation Session at the 6th Annual Forum of EUSDR, October 18-19, 2017, Budapest

    The Danube Transnational Programme Capitalisation Strategy aims to strengthen the links between projects working on similar topics (Thematic Poles), to enable projects to exploit and consolidate one another's achievements, and create a higher...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGe at the 6th Annual Forum of the EUSDR, 18-19 October, 2017, Budapest
    - 08-11-2017
    DARLINGe at the 6th Annual Forum of the EUSDR, 18-19 October, 2017, Budapest

    DARLINGe was an exhibitor at the 6th Annual Forum of the EUSDR. Its stand was visited by many people interested in clean and renewable energy, which should be a priority for the post2020 period in terms of mid- to long-term energy security of the...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGe results were presented at the IAH 44th Congress in Dubrovnik
    - 03-10-2017
    DARLINGe results were presented at the IAH 44th Congress in Dubrovnik

    The 44th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) was held in Dubrovnik from September 25 to 29 and was attended by more than 500 participants all over the world. At the congress A. Nádor had a thematic lecture on the...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGe and TP 8 presentation at the 14th Steering Group Meeting of the Priority Area 2
    - 13-07-2017
    DARLINGe and TP 8 presentation at the 14th Steering Group Meeting of the Priority Area 2

    DARLINGe overview and progress, as well as introduction on Thematic Pole 8 activities and projects (3Smart and Energy Barge) were presented at the 14th Steering Group Meeting of the Priority Area 2, held in Budapest. The presentation is available...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGE held its Launch Event on April 10, 2017
    - 12-04-2017
    DARLINGE held its Launch Event on April 10, 2017

    More than 80 participants from Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Romania attended the project's Launch Event, which was held at the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary, Budapest. The speakers gave a brief...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGe Launch Event Program April 10 is available
    - 16-03-2017
    DARLINGe Launch Event Program April 10 is available

    DARLINGe – Danube Region Leading Geothermal Energy Launch Event, April 10, 2017 Venue: Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary, 1143 Budapest, Stefánia 14.   AGENDA   11.00-11.30: Arrival,...

  • DARLINGe - DARLINGe public Launch Event on April 10, 2017, Budapest
    - 10-03-2017
    DARLINGe public Launch Event on April 10, 2017, Budapest

    DARLINGe will hold its public Launch Event on April 10, 2017 in Budapest, at the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary (1143 Budapest, Stefánia 14). A preliminary invitation was sent to more than 900 stakeholders from the six partner...

  • DARLINGe - 1st project meeting and election of SCOM
    - 24-01-2017
    1st project meeting and election of SCOM

    DARLINGe held its first project meeting on January 23, 2017 in Budapest, where more than 50 people repesenting the 14 partners and 7 Associated Strategic Partners from Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Romania got...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)