DARLINGe - DARLINGe Launch Event Program April 10 is available


DARLINGe – Danube Region Leading Geothermal Energy

Launch Event, April 10, 2017

Venue: Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary, 1143 Budapest, Stefánia 14.




11.00-11.30: Arrival, registration

11.30-12.30: Reception buffet

12.30-12.40: Welcome of the participants

12.40-13.00: The Danube Region Strategy and the Energy Priority Area (PA2), as a framework for DARLINGe (István Joó, Ministerial Commissioner responsible for the Danube Strategy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary)

13.00-13.25: DARLINGe project at a glance: Introduction to strategic relevance, objectives, and main activities (Annamária Nádor, project manager, Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary)

13.25-13.50: Overview of the project area: geothermal conditions, current uses, development plans, regulatory frameworks, key players (Andrej Lapanje, Geological Survey of Slovenia)

13.50-14.15: Managing geological risks in exploration phase of geothermal developments (László Ádám, Mannvit Ltd.)

14.15-14.45. Coffee break

14.45-15.10: What can stakeholders benefit from DARLINGe results? (Ágnes Rotár-Szalkai, Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary)

15.10-16.00: Panel discussion on stakeholder expectations


Please send you intent of participation to balazs.regina@mfgi.hu latest by March 31

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)