DAREFFORT Danube River Basin Enhanced Flood Forecasting Cooperation

Filename Date of upload
Output 5.1_Expert workshops on knowledge exchange 03-05-2021 10:37:47
D 5.1.2_Evaluation of questionnaire on hyd. information and forecast 03-05-2021 10:38:35
Annex to Output 5.1 Dissemination and knowledge exchange workshops 03-05-2021 10:39:18
Output_5.2_Pilot action on limited external model access_Final 03-05-2021 10:36:27
D 5.3.1_Evaluation report of the pilot action 03-05-2021 10:37:05
Output 5.3. Guidelines on data management_Final 03-05-2021 10:35:04
D 5.2.1_ Summary of good practices, recommendations in report format 03-05-2021 10:35:45
Output 5.4 E-learning course_Information 03-05-2021 10:30:38
D 5.4.3 E-learning Test Reports 03-05-2021 10:32:15
D 5.4.1_Structure and design of the e-learning tool 03-05-2021 10:34:05
Link of the e-learning course 25-08-2021 10:44:38
Output 5.5 Agenda_DAFF_(1st event) 05.02.2019 03-05-2021 10:27:58
D 5.5.1_DAFF event_minutes (1st event) 03-05-2021 10:28:51
Output 4.1 Policy Recommendations for Exchange of Data 03-05-2021 10:16:38
Output 4.1 Annex Data Model for Common Data Exchange FINAL 03-05-2021 10:17:52
Output 4.1 Annex Technical Facts of Each Country FINAL 03-05-2021 10:18:36
D_4.1.4_Evaluation report of questionnaire_final 03-05-2021 10:19:32
D_4.1.3_Hydrocode_Mapping FINAL 03-05-2021 10:21:52
D_4.1.2_Data_Policy_recommendations_final 03-05-2021 10:22:44
D_4.1.1_Flood forecasting and IT expert recommendations_final 03-05-2021 10:24:04
Output 4_2 Observed Data Exchange Software FINAL 03-05-2021 09:27:40
D 4.3.1. and D.4.3.2_ acceptance and delivery reports 03-05-2021 10:10:18
D_4.2.3 Outlook on common data exchange or joint forecasting system FINAL 03-05-2021 10:11:05
D 4.2.2 User manual for software 03-05-2021 10:12:14
D 4.2.1_Documentation_Observed_Software 03-05-2021 10:15:36
Output_3.1_Evaluation_report_on_flood_and_ice_forecasting_updated 03-05-2021 09:18:46
O3.1_Attachment_1_Lists of stations_for_DanubeHIS 03-05-2021 09:19:36
O3.1_Attachment_2_Questionnaire 03-05-2021 09:20:49
D3.1.3_Evaluation_report_questionnaire 03-05-2021 09:21:55
D3.1.2_Map_hydrological_stations 03-05-2021 09:22:44
D3.1.2_Map_meteorological_stations 03-05-2021 09:23:36
Output_3.2_Common_vision_of_cooperation_UL_STASA_FINAL_updated 03-05-2021 09:05:31
D3.2.5_Economic impact analysis 03-05-2021 09:06:22
D3.2.4_Geographically_referenced_dataset_of_gaps 03-05-2021 09:08:33
D3.2.3_Recommendations_for_improvement_UL_STASA_FINAL 03-05-2021 09:10:52
D3.2.2_Evaluation of the forecasting system's result exchange platform 03-05-2021 09:12:00
D3.2.1_Elaboration_of_forecasting_conditions_final 03-05-2021 09:12:50

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)