DanubeSediment Danube Sediment Management - Restoration of the Sediment Balance in the Danube River


DWA, Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft (12/2020): "Wie steht es um den Wasserhaushalt der Donau?", pages 701-707. Link to article

Danube Watch 3/2020: "The DanubeSediment Project: Upping Stakeholder Know-how", pages 10-11.
Link to PDF, Link to online article

Auenmagazin (17/2020): "Nachhaltiges Sedimentmanagement – Eine gemeinsame Herausforderung im Donaueinzugsgebiet", pages 11-15. Link to journal.

EU Strategy for the Danube Region (PA 4&5) (2019): Success Stories 2017-2019. Link to brochure.

Danube Watch 3/2018: Link to publication.
- Pg. 3: "Editorial" by BME
- Pg. 6-7: "Transnational Cooperation for Sediment Management in the Danube River" by LfU
- Pg. 10-11: "The (dis)balance of sediments in the Danube River Basin" by IWA / BOKU

Danube News (May 2018): "DanubeSediment – Transnational Cooperation for Sediment Management in the Danube River", No. 37 – Volume 20, pg. 8-13 Link to article

aqua press International 2/2017, "Sediment Management for the Entire Danube", pg. 38-40 Link to Aquapress

Baranya et al. (2017): "Danube Sediment Management - Restoration of the Sediment Balance in the Danube River", Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, VOL 97, NO 3 2017. Download PDF

BMVI (2017): Europäische Zusammenarbeit stärkt Städte und Regionen - Bilanz und Ausblick 2017, "Management von Flussablagerungen in der Donau", pg. 20 Download PDF







Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)