Danube Hazard m3c Tackling hazardous substances pollution in the Danube River Basin by Measuring, Modelling-based Management and Capacity building

  • Danube Hazard m3c - National training - Romania
    - 17-03-2022
    National training - Romania

    Luptând împotriva poluării cu substanțe periculoase în bazinul Dunării prin măsurare, gestionare bazată pe modelare și consolidarea capacității Date: 7-8 July 2022 Location: Colibița, Bistrita Nasaud county To register...

  • Danube Hazard m3c - National training - Bulgaria
    - 17-03-2022
    National training - Bulgaria

    Семинар "Съвременни подходи при управлението на опасни вещества във водосбора на река Дунав Date: 23-24th June 2022 Place: Рибарица (Ribaritsa) To...

  • Danube Hazard m3c - National training - Austria
    - 17-03-2022
    National training - Austria

    Fachgespräch: Monitoring und Inventarisierung von Spurenstoffen in Gewässern und Eintragspfaden  Date: 31st May – 1st June 2022  Location: TU-Wien, Boecklsaal, Vienna  Link to register:...

  • Danube Hazard m3c - National trainings on monitoring and inventorying of hazardous substances pollution
    - 17-03-2022
    National trainings on monitoring and inventorying of hazardous substances pollution

    A serie of national workshops on monitoring and inventorying of hazardous substances pollution will be organised in the coming months in different Danube River Basin countries particiating in the project. These workshops target national experts...

  • Danube Hazard m3c - 3rd NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE
    - 15-12-2021

    The 3rd Danube Hazard m3c newsletter presenting the project progress achieved in the period between July and December 2021 is available here.

  • Danube Hazard m3c - Helps to Transfer Knowledge
    - 14-12-2021
    Helps to Transfer Knowledge

    Within the frame of the Erasmus+ student exchange program, Katarina Marković, a PhD student at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, and co-worker of the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI),...

  • Danube Hazard m3c - 3rd Project Meeting
    - 04-10-2021
    3rd Project Meeting

    After more than one year into the project the partners of the Danube Hazard m3c project did finally meet in person! On 23rd and 24th of September the third Project Partner Meeting took place in Podersdorf, in the vicinity of the Lake Neusiedl....

  • Danube Hazard m3c - 2nd newsletter available
    - 25-06-2021
    2nd newsletter available

    The 2nd Danube Hazard m3c newsletter presenting the project progress achieved in the period between January and June 2021 is available here.

  • Danube Hazard m3c - Project promotional materials
    - 15-02-2021
    Project promotional materials

    Project promotional materials are now available. Project leaflets, in English and in Project Partners´ national languages can be downloaded...

  • Danube Hazard m3c - 1st Newsletter - December 2020
    - 18-12-2020
    1st Newsletter - December 2020

    The 1st Danube Hazard m3c newsletter presenting the project overview and the progress of activities conducted in the period between July and December 2020 is available here.

  • Danube Hazard m3c - Kick-off conference
    - 28-09-2020
    Kick-off conference

    The INTERREG project Danube Hazard m3c officially kicked off with an online meeting on 23rd of September 2020. It attracted attention of nearly one hundred water specialists from thirteen countries and different interest groups, mainly from...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)