D-CARE Developing, piloting and validating smart care models in Danube region for supporting social innovation, improving competences and entrepreneurship

Name Type Email Country
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hateganu" Cluj Napoca Lead partner ioana.neagoe@umfcluj.ro Romania
Dr. Vasile Micu" Association ERDF partner bogdan.iliescu@gmail.com Romania
Mayor's Office of the City of Kaba ERDF partner tmanager@kaba.hu Hungary
DBH InnoHub Ltd. ERDF partner zsolt.kereszturi@dbh-group.com Hungary
Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem ERDF partner Tomas.Sivicek@ujep.cz Czech Republic
Volunteer Center ERDF partner lenka@dcul.cz Czech Republic
BioLAGO e.V. ERDF partner andreas.baur@biolago.org Germany
Gruenderschiff UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) & Co. KG ERDF partner meidert@gruenderschiff.de Germany
University of Ljubljana ERDF partner lea.lebar@fdv.uni-lj.si Slovenia
RDA Green Karst, ltd. ERDF partner jana@rra-zk.si Slovenia
Municipality Ilirska Bistrica ERDF partner bostjan.primc@ilirska-bistrica.si Slovenia
Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations – Varna ERDF partner office@rapiv.org Bulgaria
National Alliance for Social Responsibility ERDF partner office@naso.bg Bulgaria
Johanniter Austria Research and Education ERDF partner georg.aumayr@johanniter.at Austria
UIV-Urban Innovation Vienna ERDF partner sauskojus@urbaninnovation.at Austria
IFKA Public Benefit Non-profit Benefit Limited Company for the Development of the Industry ERDF partner janek.bence@ifka.hu Hungary
CedarNet-Erasmus Institute Ltd. ERDF partner lako-toth.edit@cedrusnet.hu Hungary
City of Prijedor IPA partner rade.rosic@prijedorgrad.org Bosnia & Herzegovina
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Banja Luka Region IPA partner milenal@bl.komorars.ba Bosnia & Herzegovina
Public Medical Sanitary Institution Institute of Oncology ENI-MD partner lozovanuana14@gmail.com Moldova
Cluj Napoca City Hall Associated partner dezvoltare@primariaclujnapoca.ro Romania
Local Action Group Brdy-Vltava Associated partner brdy-vltava@seznam.cz Czech Republic
Lovosice Municipal Authority Associated partner milan.dian@meulovo.cz Czech Republic
Tisa Local Authority Associated partner starosta@tisa.cz Czech Republic
Municipality of Aksakovo Associated partner n_sim@abv.bg Bulgaria
INNOVA Észak-Alföld Regional Development and Innovation Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company Associated partner salya.nora@innoregio.eu Hungary
Public Institution Retirement Home Banja Luka Associated partner gordana.lihovic@blic.net Bosnia & Herzegovina

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)