D-CARE Developing, piloting and validating smart care models in Danube region for supporting social innovation, improving competences and entrepreneurship


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The recent unfavourable demographic processes left their significant stamp on the whole Danube region. Mobility opportunities left whole regions without young, qualified persons seeking better opportunities in urban areas or abroad. At the same time a growing number of older adults are living by themselves, oftentimes in rural areas. The demand for care services is therefore on the rise while qualified personnel is largely lacking. In order to revive the regions and to encourage young people to stay part of the regional labor market and at the same time guarantee the access to general services for the older population we need new, innovative and cross-sectoral solutions for health and care.

Therefore D-CARE action is focused on establishing a transnational cooperation network that design Innovative Learning Environments for older adults 55+, in 9 Danube regions, in order to facilitate the creation, validation and deployment of smart care services in the context of smart care labs. In the labs we involve stakeholders from businesses, academia, politics and administration as well as end users to catalyze an innovation process that is efficient and otimally targeted at user needs. Our project will strenghten and integrate regional social and healthcare systems by improving competences and generating innovative smart care models. Thereby, we can capitalize on the potential of Danube region‘s increasingly changing and diverse population and become a role model of innovative societal change engineering.

The project vision is applied from the consortium building stage. This means that it envisages a strategic integration at horizontal, vertical and geographical levels: i.e competences, activities and sectors.

Our main activities:

The project addresses the upper mentioned societal challenges through its three main action pillars:

  1. Innovative Learning Networked Environments
  2. Smart Care Pilots deployed in 5 project regions for developing, testing, validating and implementing of smart care models
  3. Transnational Policy Learning Center for smart care policies design

Through D-CARE results, 8 Danube regions will have improved capacities and skills to meet the health and care needs of their older population and offer attractive employment opportunities for the younger. 


Find news about our project always on Facebook and LinkedIn

Developing, piloting and validating smart care models in Danube region for supporting social innovation, improving competences and entrepreneurship
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 2648285
ERDF Contribution: 2054556.25
IPA Contribution: 107440
ENI Contribution: 89046
Call number
Call 3
Innovative and socially responsible Danube region
Specific objective
Increase competences for business and social innovation

Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hateganu" Cluj Napoca Lead partner ioana.neagoe@umfcluj.ro Romania
Dr. Vasile Micu" Association ERDF partner bogdan.iliescu@gmail.com Romania
Mayor's Office of the City of Kaba ERDF partner tmanager@kaba.hu Hungary
DBH InnoHub Ltd. ERDF partner zsolt.kereszturi@dbh-group.com Hungary
Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem ERDF partner Tomas.Sivicek@ujep.cz Czech Republic
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Project News

  • D-CARE - Meet our project partners - webinar and video series
    - 18-05-2023
    Meet our project partners - webinar and video series

    We have collected firsthand insights about our progress on smartcare and smarthealth topics in our project countries in our webinar series. Visit our Youtube channel to see how the pilot projects went, what discourse has evolved and how...

  • D-CARE - Publications are published
    - 18-05-2023
    Publications are published

    Giving insights based on scientific research our three project publications can be a useful access point to different aspects of smart care. The publications have been compiled drawing on our experiences in the D-CARE project as well as past...

  • D-CARE - Do good and talk about it - Dissemination campaign
    - 18-05-2023
    Do good and talk about it - Dissemination campaign

    Spreading the word among a wide public and getting news and innovations out to the target groups is an essential element in advancing smart care. One of the last activities in our project is our currently running dissemination campaign - a series...

  • D-CARE - Winterly final project meeting in Ljubljana
    - 18-05-2023
    Winterly final project meeting in Ljubljana

    Our last steering committee meeting on project level marks the beginning of the final month of our project. While there always remains some work to be done at the end of such a long-term project we also proudly looked back on what we have...

  • D-CARE - D-CARE meets EU
    - 18-05-2023
    D-CARE meets EU

    During the meeting of the winners of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize and the subsequent discussion on the possible establishment of the European Civil Service in the Czech Republic, our Czech partners also had a chance to make Innovation and...

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)