CAMARO-D Cooperating towards Advanced MAnagement ROutines for land use impacts on the water regime in the Danube river basin

Promotion material

Shortly after the project start, a general project folder was created. A supplementary sheet explains the strategy (Land use development plan) that is going to be developed

Project-posters developed by PPs in national languages:
PP2-Vienna Water (AT)
PP3/4-University of Ljubljana/Public Water Utility Ljubljana (SI)

Here you can find the final project brochure, giving comprehensive information about the major project outcomes. This final project brochure is avalable in English and in all national languages.

Media releases:


Interview - Eco Logical Films and Manon - Interreg Reporter in the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP), had the opportunity to meet Hubert Siegel, Lead Partner of the Camaro-D project. They discussed the importance of transnational cooperation towards managing the land use impacts on the water regime in the Danube. Benefiting from a harmonized land use management, will enable water resources protection and flood prevention to be better taken into account.

PP1, Vienna water, had a film produced about the work in the Austrian pilot areas.

IPA-PP1: TV-broadcast in Serbian national TV in Oct 2017 after visit to Serbian pilot areas.


PP6, ROMSILVA, edited 4 bilingual brochures tackling various topics relevant for Romania: “Pollution of surface water sources”, “Uses of land and their role in the water cycle”, “Hydrological and anti-erosion treatment of degraded land and river basins for the protection of water resources” and “Best practices guide for forest fire mitigation”.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)