CAMARO-D Cooperating towards Advanced MAnagement ROutines for land use impacts on the water regime in the Danube river basin

CAMARO-D project partners

The partnership consists of representatives of governmental bodies, water suppliers, research and education institutions, agro-meteorological institutions, environmental agencies and spatial planning institutes acting on local, regional and national level.

  • LP - Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP1 - Agricultural Research and Education Center Raumberg-Gumpenstein (AREC) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP2 - Municipality of the City of Vienna (MA31) -
  • PP3 - University of Ljubljana (UL) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP4 - Public Water Utility VODOVOD-KANALIZACIJA Ljubljana (JP VO-KA) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP5 - Herman Otto Institute Ltd. (HOI-LTD)
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP6 - National Forest Administration – ROMSILVA (ROMSILVA) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP7 - National Meteorological Administration – (NMA-RO) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP8 - Environmental Protection Agency Covasna (EPAC)
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP9 – Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP10 – Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP11 - Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • PP12- Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg (FVA-BW) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here
  • IPA-PP1 - Institute for Development of Water Resources “Jaroslav Cerni” (JCI) -
    • Partner description and role in the project can be found here

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)