Thematic Pole 6 - Synergies building and networking

The six projects within the Thematic Pole 6 gather together the knowledge and experience in order to contribute to more sustainable regional and local mobility. The common challenges are related to wider use of enviromentally-friendly and safe transport systems and modes.

The projects welcome the opportunity to work together in the context of capitalisation and understand its benefits which may and shall contribute to the betterment and sustainability of projects' outputs. By identifying synergies and building upon each other’s work, the projects not only will avoid duplication of efforts but make things progress in the desired direction. 

Below you may read what steps the projects have undertaken in order to identify the synergies and carry out the networking.

Capitalisation activities in the framework of Linking Danube kick off meeting

Within the framework of the LinkingDanube Kick-Off Event on 27 March 2017  there was a first intensive exchange with other TP 6 projects. In particular CHESTNUT, eGUTS, CityWalk and Transdanube.PEARLS partcipated at the LinkingDanube Kick-Off Event as a first step towards regular cooperation within the TP, which has decided already on its common focus 'Sustainable Transport Systems and Mobility'. At the meeting the respective projects identified synergies and possible ways of cooperation.  

PPT, prepared by the project CHESTNUT - you may find identified synergies of the project CHESTNUT with other pole's projects. For more information about the projects, visit the projects' webpages.


PPT, prepared by the project CityWalk - you may read about the importance of sharing good practices and transforming experience into shareable knowledge, as well as importance of networking.


                                                                                                  photo credit: Linking Danube

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)