The summary of 'Idea lab' session


The Danube Transnational Programme, during the annual European Week of the Regions and Cities 2018 (EWRC), was actively participating in the "Idea lab on the future of transnational Interreg cooperation". The participatory session used the World Café style discussions to generate ideas for transnational cooperation. The DTP was in charge of one of the group discussions on the Macro-Regional Strategies.

What is more, DTP has contributed, during the EWRC, to the joint exhibition "Made with Interreg". Representatives from ongoing transnational projects were presenting how they are making a difference in the regions and cities they operate. 

The detailed summary about the the Idea lab session and the exhibition has been published here

To find more information and pictures, click here.There is also a video of the Idea lab available. 



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)