DTP - EWRC 2018 Participation
This year, during the annual European Week of the Regions and Cities (EWRC). the Danube Transnational Programme had a very active participation. Alongside the other Interreg transnational programmes, the DTP has contributed to the joint exhibition "Made with Interreg" and the joint participatory session 'Idea lab on the future of transnational Interreg cooperation' .
The joint stand was located in the AGORA hall and featured outstanding Interreg project examples and showcased how transnational cooperation strengthens EU cohesion by providing tangible, on the ground benefits. Representatives from ongoing transnational Interreg projects were there to present how they are making a difference in the regions and cities they operate.
The participatory session 'Idea lab on the future of transnational Interreg cooperation' used the World Café style discussions to generate ideas for how transnational cooperation can be further developed to benefit European cohesion, improving the lives of European citizens. The DTP was in charge of one of the group discussions on the Macro-Regional Strategies.
This year's RegioStars Awards finalists highlighted the sucessess of two Interreg transnational projects: ClimACT - and our very own - Iron-Age-Danube - , respectively, in fostering low-carbon economy and bringing value and preservation to the cultural heritages of Iron-Age history. Although, neither of them won, we still hope that we did not let down our voters.
Moreover, DRiM project put the emphasis on how the immigrants struggle to integrate in the society, especially when they try to find employment to live on their own, with its performance at the Interreg Talks: 6 projects, 1 Slam! final. Despite not being the final winner in the competition, DRIM did a great job in portraying what they are specifically doing to help the situation get better.