Programme and project news and events

    - 27-07-2022

        As part of the project ARTNOUVEAU2 - Strengthening the cultural identity of the Danube region by building on the common heritage of ART NOUVEAU, a meeting of partners was held from 11 to 13 July in Budapest (Hungary) to analyze the...

  • RESTART_4Danube - City-study tour in Karlsruhe, Germany
    - 26-07-2022
    City-study tour in Karlsruhe, Germany

    On 19-20 July 2022 Steinbeis 2i GmbH invited the RESTART_4Danube consortium to Karlsruhe for a two-day city-study tour. The balance of historical heritage, green spaces, leisure facilities and urban activities won Karlsruhe the title of the most...

  • Danube Cycle Plans - Cycling Ambassadors from Austria tell their stories
    - 25-07-2022
    Cycling Ambassadors from Austria tell their stories

      Mayor, graphic designer, architect or minister. Six representatives of Austria have one thing in common – a passion for cycling. Whether cycling is part of their job or they do it in their leisure time, there is always a sense of freedom...

  • DANUrB+ - DESIGN & BUILD Camp "THE SPIRIT OF THE ISLAND" in Calarasi, Romania
    - 25-07-2022
    DESIGN & BUILD Camp "THE SPIRIT OF THE ISLAND" in Calarasi, Romania

    In the framework of the DANUrB+ project, the "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism from Bucharest (UAUIM), in partnership with 3 Smoked Olives Festival and the Atelierul de pe Insula, organizes the DESIGN & BUILD camp called...

  • DANUrB+ - A Meaningful Valorization Event in Ráckeve, Hungary
    - 25-07-2022
    A Meaningful Valorization Event in Ráckeve, Hungary

    A great time, great interest, and a meaningful programme at the Partraszállás (Disembarkation) – DANUrB+ valorization event by Pest County DANUrB+ Team in Ráckeve. As part of Szigetzug Danube Days, the participants of "Partraszállás" got to...

  • CD SKILLS - „My doctor and my mum believed I’m anorexic, so I just ate a lot to gain weight. “ (Mathilda’s story from Germany)
    - 25-07-2022
    „My doctor and my mum believed I’m anorexic, so I just ate a lot to gain weight. “ (Mathilda’s story from Germany)

    Six years ago, I have been diagnosed with celiac disease at the age of 19 years.  My symptoms started when I was 14 years old. The most dominant symptom was the weight loss - from 55 to 48 kg within only half a year. My other symptoms...

  • Danube Cycle Plans - The newly formed Group of Experts on Cycling Infrastructure Module cooperates with the Danube Cycle Plans project
    - 22-07-2022
    The newly formed Group of Experts on Cycling Infrastructure Module cooperates with the Danube Cycle Plans project

    The inaugural meeting of the Group of Experts on Cycling Infrastructure at the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics at UNECE took place on 2-3 June. Thus, the group was created as one of the concrete outputs of the Pan-European Master...

  • RESTART_4Danube - Trip to Villach, Austria: Training “Creativity & Urban Governance” & City Tour “Creative Urban Development”
    - 22-07-2022
    Trip to Villach, Austria: Training “Creativity & Urban Governance” & City Tour “Creative Urban Development”

    On 22-23 of June 2022, the project partners were welcomed by CUAS in their beautiful Austrian town Villach. The various program of our Austrian team started off by the training in the frame of “Creativity & Urban Governance” for the project...

    - 22-07-2022

    International conference European Urban Planning at the Turn of the 20th Century Faculty of Architecture and Design Námestie slobody 19, 812 45 Bratislava, Slovakia 21st of June 2022   On June 21, 2022, the...

  • Transdanube Travel Stories - The mid- term conference in Ulm, 4-6th of July, 2022
    - 21-07-2022
    The mid- term conference in Ulm, 4-6th of July, 2022

    The mid-term conference of Transdanube Travel Stories took place in Ulm, Germany, on the 4-6th of July 2022. Danube Office Ulm organised the fifth partner meeting of the Transdanube Travel Stories project. The event took place during the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)