DANUrB+ - A Meaningful Valorization Event in Ráckeve, Hungary


A great time, great interest, and a meaningful programme at the Partraszállás (Disembarkation) – DANUrB+ valorization event by Pest County DANUrB+ Team in Ráckeve.

As part of Szigetzug Danube Days, the participants of "Partraszállás" got to know the activities and achievements of the DANUrB+ building camp and the candidates for the DANUrB Quality Label from this region.

Starting the day at the Ráckeve Boat Market, the invited guests of the event crossed the river by the Balaban boat in the company of „János Vitéz" (John the Valiant a hero of the great Hungarian poet Sándor Petöfi). The boat was docked at a pier renovated by the participants of the building camp. After the crossing, sightseeing cruises with the Balaban boat started and the Boat Mill – one of the city's main attractions – was open for public free of charge.

Later, at Vadkacsa (Wild Duck) beach, guests enjoyed various games, a stone skipping tournament, local history quizzes, the DANUrBanity interactive board game or could visit the mini exhibition of the DANUrB Quality Label candidates and took part in a discussion about the Danube's potential for development. A common barbecue and concerts concluded the wonderful day, leaving everyone convinced that this region should be explored again and again.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)