Programme and project news and events

    - 27-01-2021

    The first period of the implementation of the ArcheoDanube project started in July 2020 with the Framework planning (WP-T1). The leader of WP T1 is the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS). The preparation of...

  • ISTER - City of Ptuj, Slovenia - in Roman times The city of Poetovio
    - 27-01-2021
    City of Ptuj, Slovenia - in Roman times The city of Poetovio

    ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK POETOVIO The area of Poetovio was included into the Roman Empire during Augustu's conquest of Pannonia around 15 BC. It was the biggest Roman town on Slovenian territory it was developing in the area where two main artery...

  • ISTER - ISTER public kick-off meeting, 17th November, 2020 – “Building transnational bridges for connecting Roman Routes"
    - 27-01-2021
    ISTER public kick-off meeting, 17th November, 2020 – “Building transnational bridges for connecting Roman Routes"

    The aim of the meeting, as suggested in the title, was to reach out a wider group of potential stakeholders and raise awareness about the ISTER project among potential synergic initiatives. The online meeting took place on 17th November, when...

  • ISTER - German ISTER Partners Meet for 1st Planning Session
    - 27-01-2021
    German ISTER Partners Meet for 1st Planning Session

    The German partners of the ISTER project – PP10 Regional Planning Authority of East Wuerttemberg and PP11 –had an online meeting on the 4th of November to discuss activities during the 1st project period. The first topic the...

  • ISTER - The ISTER Project, part of Interreg Danube, had its official kick-off
    - 27-01-2021
    The ISTER Project, part of Interreg Danube, had its official kick-off

    The first meeting of the ISTER project took place on July 16, online, bringing together 30 participants from 9 partner countries: Romania (having as partners the National Museum of History Transylvania, the Alba Iulia Municipality and URBASOFIA),...

  • DAREFFORT - EnviroNet: up and running!
    - 26-01-2021
    EnviroNet: up and running!

    One of the most important outputs of the Dareffort project is the common data exchange platform, called EnviroNet. During 2020 it has been developed to serve as the technical basis for DanubeHIS operated by ICPDR. For exchanging hydrological and...

  • SaveGREEN - Paving the Network: IENE International Conference
    - 26-01-2021
    Paving the Network: IENE International Conference

    The SaveGREEN project team had a forward-looking 2021 launch by participating in the IENE International Conference “LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions.” After 25 years of existence, it was the first virtual...

    - 26-01-2021

    RADAR project has now entered the final stage of implementation. It is important, maybe more than ever, to strengthen our work on road safety and highlight achievements of the project – with the focus on the future. A busy and exciting year...

  • MEASURES - Draft Strategy for the Danube Corridor Discussed at 3rd National Workshop held in Romania
    - 25-01-2021
    Draft Strategy for the Danube Corridor Discussed at 3rd National Workshop held in Romania

    The event was held  online, on the 19th of january 2021, and brought together relevant stakeholders working in fields such as aquaculture, freshwater and other areas connected to ecological corridors for migratory fish in the Danube...

  • Finance4SocialChange - Meet our winners of F4SC Business Plan Competition
    - 25-01-2021
    Meet our winners of F4SC Business Plan Competition

    One Night Gallery & RADAR - (Romanian Artists Developing Alternative Realities) are new media art platforms that offer strong visibility for Romania’s Contemporary artists who often struggle to be recognized in the current economic landscape....

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)