EcoInn Danube - New ways in wastewater treatment processes


A Hungarian engineering and manufacturing firm testing a new technology related to the wastewater treatment processes. They developed a pilot unit called Mini-Cycolator to better understand the wastewater treatment processes and to increase the efficiency of existing plants. All mechanical elements of the industrial scale Cyclator treatment systems were either mini-copied or mini-designed and installed in the pilot unit, such as aeration, mixing, decanter, control system and instrumentation in order to have a mini but complete treatment system.


After the establishing processes, came the commissioning of the system which started with inoculation of the Mini-CYCLATORTM tank with aerobic wastewater sludge. The first step of commissioning was the precise setting of aeration and mixing functions, then fine-tuning of the control processes.

They simultaneously conducted technological examinations like sludge sedimentation tests, microscopic examination and various components’ tests from raw wastewater and treated water were carried out.

After the successful commissioning and testing periods the mini-CYCLATORTM pilot unit reached stable operation. The firm is currently in the research phase with the main focus on increased wastewater treatment efficiency.

The Mini-CYCLATORTM system running in automatic mode after inoculation

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)