MOVECO - Brochure » Your trash is my treasure «


Do you know good examples for Circular Economy business models in your country? If not, MOVECO has the solution: A new brochure » Your trash is my treasure « displaying best practice solutions of Circular Economy in the Danube region.

Update (December 2017): The brochure is available here. 

The wide diversity of best practice examples consist of products as well as business models. Besides information on best practices, the brochure will also present general information on Circular Economy. The brochure’s release is scheduled for the end of 2017.

Currently, MOVECO partners are identifying one best practice example in each consortium country. Thus, the brochure will be displaying circular solutions from in total nine different countries in the Danube region: namely Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Slovakia.

Staying with the slogan » Your trash is my treasure «, the best practice examples show how wastes could be regarded as valuable resources. The examples presented in the brochure range from ambitious technical solutions like PU foam can recycling to creative design solution like jeans upcycling. All the best practices show the benefits of circular thinking.

Moreover, it will be a helpful tool relevant for both, public as well as enterprises. Business support organisations will be able to use this information brochure in their daily business with customers.

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(Photo credit: MOVECO project)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)