CrowdStream - CrowdStream presentation at the Workshop on Investment Vehicles and Financial Instruments supporting Technology Transfer and Innovation in Belgrade - 1-2 March 2017


Workshop on Investment Vehicles and Financial Instruments supporting Technology Transfer and Innovation was held on 1-2 March in Belgrade. This workshop was organized by Joint Research Centre and supported by Center for Technology Transfer, University of Belgrade (CTT UB). At the workshop was discussed about the existing investment vehicles (innovation vouchers, innovation funds, proof of concept funds, venture capital funds, etc.) and financial instruments (grants, equities, debts, guarantees, etc.) that can support innovation in their respective countries and organisations. Also, other relevant financing mechanisms and financial instruments were explored in Europe, existing or potential, in support of innovation. Purpose of the workshop was to foster the sharing of experiences in using financial instruments, enabling dialogue and learning between stakeholders in the region. Dr Nedeljko Milosavljević, director of CTT UB, was invited to talk about "Crowdfunding as a financing tool of innovation" and this opportunity was used to present Project “CrowdStream- CROWDfunding to mainSTREAM innovation” as a part of Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. Dr Milosavljević presented main objectives of the project, its relevance for Serbia and Danube Region and explained main reasons why crowdfunding is a good way for collecting funds for inn ovation and its presentation.  

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)