CAMARO-D - TM01 - Transnational Meeting Belgrade - Sep 13-15, 17


The second transnational partner-meeting will take place in Belgrade, hosted by the IPA-PP Jaroslav Cerni Institute. Between Sep 13th and 15th, the project consortium will meet for 2 1/2 days in order to discuss the project progress in the Steering Meeting and to define the status and todos in work-package 04, "Explorative Danube". The first thematic pilot cluster coordination meeting will take place in the afternoon of Sep 13th, 2017.

On day 02 of the meeting, the hosting partner organises an excursion to the Serbian pilot areas.

A review and status about the work-package 03 "Investigative Danube" and first outlook on WP 05 "Visionary Danube" will conclude the workshop on September 15th.

A first version of the agenda is available here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)