NewGenerationSkills - Second official meeting and 1st TEW in Liberec, Czech Republic


The NewGenerationSkills project had its 1st Transnational Expert Workshop (TEW) within the 2nd partner meeting on 27-29 June 2017 in Liberec, Czech Republic. Besides the administrative - project management and financial - issues the project partners discussed the actual thematic tasks as well.

The main focuses of the Transnational Peer Learning Event were to introduce local Case Studies and share the selected, locally implemented Good (and Bad) Practices. Based on these presentations partners could select the visit sites most relevant for them. These Peer Review Workshops will be integrated into the process of action planning between October 2017 and May 2018.

On the second day – in the framework of Transnational Expert Workshop - 3 workshops were organized to specify the content and method of project outputs:

  • Conclusion Paper - summarizing the transferability potential of practices among partners
  • Innovation Lab - operational model building on a cross-sectoral cooperation of actors from the quadruple helix.
  • Dynamic Learning Package - a skill development programme

Now the responsible partners, Institute Michalo Pupin and PRIZMA, are working on the concept of the main project outputs: Innovation Lab and Dynamic Learning Package. In this challenging process, ideas, experiences, lessons and knowledge have to be shared and utilized for the benefit of the youths!



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)